ST's BP Rantings

How exactly are two oil spills a sign of corporate greed? I don't see how spilling oil profits them.
How exactly are two oil spills a sign of corporate greed? I don't see how spilling oil profits them.

It's clearly a devious and cunning plan - so cunning, in fact, that you could stick a tail on it and call it a fox!

The plan is to bankrupt itself and thus throw thousands of evil employees out of work, ruin the pension plans of evil ordinary Americans, and last, but not least, so they don't have to pay those evil moneygrabbers whose livelihoods have been ruined by their dastardly plans! They are mighty evil!
How exactly are two oil spills a sign of corporate greed? I don't see how spilling oil profits them.

It's clearly a devious and cunning plan - so cunning, in fact, that you could stick a tail on it and call it a fox!

The plan is to bankrupt itself and thus throw thousands of evil employees out of work, ruin the pension plans of evil ordinary Americans, and last, but not least, so they don't have to pay those evil moneygrabbers whose livelihoods have been ruined by their dastardly plans! They are mighty evil!

Please tell us in particular which pension plans will be ruined.
How exactly are two oil spills a sign of corporate greed? I don't see how spilling oil profits them.

It's clearly a devious and cunning plan - so cunning, in fact, that you could stick a tail on it and call it a fox!

The plan is to bankrupt itself and thus throw thousands of evil employees out of work, ruin the pension plans of evil ordinary Americans, and last, but not least, so they don't have to pay those evil moneygrabbers whose livelihoods have been ruined by their dastardly plans! They are mighty evil!

Please tell us in particular which pension plans will be ruined.

The pension plans that hold investments in BP. Millions of Americans hold BP stock without even knowing it. I already put up a list of these major stockholders in BP - including US Pension Funds. Moron.
How exactly are two oil spills a sign of corporate greed? I don't see how spilling oil profits them.

I don't see how it profits us.

That's because it doesn't profit anyone. That's the point.

You're sitting here pretending that BP is delibrately just spraying this oil in the environment. But you can't articulate any profit motivate BP has for spilling oil in multiple locations.

So we are supposed to just hate one of the companies pioneering the way into clean energy alternatives because they spilt some oil. We are supposed to believe that they are doing this delibrately for some unarticulated reason simply because you are angry at them.

Stop being emotional and actually look at this without your hate blinders on. I don't know why you hate people who form corporations. But they aren't the end all be all of evil in this world.
didn't bp save $500,000 dollars by not using the newest safety measure out there for deep water holes and if they had, we would not be in this mess? that is a half a million in profit that they would pocket...?
How exactly are two oil spills a sign of corporate greed? I don't see how spilling oil profits them.

I don't see how it profits us.

That's because it doesn't profit anyone. That's the point.

You're sitting here pretending that BP is delibrately just spraying this oil in the environment. But you can't articulate any profit motivate BP has for spilling oil in multiple locations.

So we are supposed to just hate one of the companies pioneering the way into clean energy alternatives because they spilt some oil. We are supposed to believe that they are doing this delibrately for some unarticulated reason simply because you are angry at them.

Stop being emotional and actually look at this without your hate blinders on. I don't know why you hate people who form corporations. But they aren't the end all be all of evil in this world.

Are you trying to trivialize the oil spill because a company that spends less then 5 percent on renewable energies is somehow pioneering?? Just because it has a cute little environmental logo and slogan does not mean in any retrospect it is a pioneer. That is like saying a liberal that drives a prius is an environmentalist. Just because the politicians that carry your free market ideologies are the ones that receive more oil money does not give you the right to trivialize something of this magnitude. You cannot just act like a company that destroys an ocean because they just wanted to get an extremely dangerous job done a little bit quicker and cut some corners is not evil. This is a failure of both sides: the idea of unregulated free markets and the actual regulation of those free markets(which also comes along with corrupt govt control which is a greedy power grab also) we see today. BP is the obvious reason why these ideas by themselves have failed in the past and are failing today. The funny thing is if both sides worked together they would cancel each others flaws out and create more of a fair market to work,invest, and live in. It is going to take both sides of the aisle working together to ensure that this does not happen again. On a personal note your defense of the company (that we gave numerous chances to follow the rules) to make a point on a message board is sickening and you should really reevaluate your character and integrity because it is certainly lacking.
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BP happens to be number 19 on the list of "big" oil companies in the world, only 4% the size of number 1, Saudi Arabian Oil. The largest companies are National companies located in middle east, Africa and Venezuela who basically use slave labor (socialist) to produce oil and set the world oil prices. The largest percentage of population in Abu Dhabi is not Arab, but Phillipino, Sri Lankan, etc.
BP, like other "public" companies, have to compete against these giants while also under the watchful eye of regulators, governments, and special interests groups, unlike the really big oil companies like Saudi Arabian Oil, National Iranian Oil(2), Quatar General(3), Iraq National(4), Petroleos de Venezuela(5), Abu Dhabi National(6), Kuwait Petroleum(7), Nigerian National(8). To be profitable (which is what keeps them alive and provides returns to their investors, which is you and me) they have to not only be much smarter and capable of squeezing every penny till it screams. Under those conditions, people will cut corners...every time. And something like this will eventually happen.
You might say, well we never hear of this happening with these other big companies? And you'd be don't and won't. They control their media and don't allow NGO's to run around looking for something to complain about. Why do you think the Saudi family maintains the brand of Islam they have? Because their ignorant and primitive? Hardly. It's better for them to keep their people that way and keep everything under lock and key. Anyone who has ever been there and had the opportunity to see their operations can tell you that this spill, as bad as it is, is nothing to what has happened in the past throughout the world.
Right now, this is an engineering problem and a daunting one at that. Getting angry isn't going to solve it. You want to solve it?...quit driving your car.
BP happens to be number 19 on the list of "big" oil companies in the world, only 4% the size of number 1, Saudi Arabian Oil. The largest companies are National companies located in middle east, Africa and Venezuela who basically use slave labor (socialist) to produce oil and set the world oil prices. The largest percentage of population in Abu Dhabi is not Arab, but Phillipino, Sri Lankan, etc.
BP, like other "public" companies, have to compete against these giants while also under the watchful eye of regulators, governments, and special interests groups, unlike the really big oil companies like Saudi Arabian Oil, National Iranian Oil(2), Quatar General(3), Iraq National(4), Petroleos de Venezuela(5), Abu Dhabi National(6), Kuwait Petroleum(7), Nigerian National(8). To be profitable (which is what keeps them alive and provides returns to their investors, which is you and me) they have to not only be much smarter and capable of squeezing every penny till it screams. Under those conditions, people will cut corners...every time. And something like this will eventually happen.
You might say, well we never hear of this happening with these other big companies? And you'd be don't and won't. They control their media and don't allow NGO's to run around looking for something to complain about. Why do you think the Saudi family maintains the brand of Islam they have? Because their ignorant and primitive? Hardly. It's better for them to keep their people that way and keep everything under lock and key. Anyone who has ever been there and had the opportunity to see their operations can tell you that this spill, as bad as it is, is nothing to what has happened in the past throughout the world.
Right now, this is an engineering problem and a daunting one at that. Getting angry isn't going to solve it. You want to solve it?...quit driving your car.

Wow nationalized companies are more corrupt, penny pinching in a market where it is a complete money grab, and stop driving your car is your excuse for BP. I am going to work out now but seriously give us a more detailed explanation then that.
didn't bp save $500,000 dollars by not using the newest safety measure out there for deep water holes and if they had, we would not be in this mess? that is a half a million in profit that they would pocket...?

Yes BP fucked up. So did the Government Regulators. So did Government response. Plenty of blame to go around.
I don't see how it profits us.

That's because it doesn't profit anyone. That's the point.

You're sitting here pretending that BP is delibrately just spraying this oil in the environment. But you can't articulate any profit motivate BP has for spilling oil in multiple locations.

So we are supposed to just hate one of the companies pioneering the way into clean energy alternatives because they spilt some oil. We are supposed to believe that they are doing this delibrately for some unarticulated reason simply because you are angry at them.

Stop being emotional and actually look at this without your hate blinders on. I don't know why you hate people who form corporations. But they aren't the end all be all of evil in this world.

Are you trying to trivialize the oil spill because a company that spends less then 5 percent on renewable energies is somehow pioneering?? Just because it has a cute little environmental logo and slogan does not mean in any retrospect it is a pioneer. That is like saying a liberal that drives a prius is an environmentalist. Just because the politicians that carry your free market ideologies are the ones that receive more oil money does not give you the right to trivialize something of this magnitude. You cannot just act like a company that destroys an ocean because they just wanted to get an extremely dangerous job done a little bit quicker and cut some corners is not evil. This is a failure of both sides: the idea of unregulated free markets and the actual regulation of those free markets(which also comes along with corrupt govt control which is a greedy power grab also) we see today. BP is the obvious reason why these ideas by themselves have failed in the past and are failing today. The funny thing is if both sides worked together they would cancel each others flaws out and create more of a fair market to work,invest, and live in. It is going to take both sides of the aisle working together to ensure that this does not happen again. On a personal note your defense of the company (that we gave numerous chances to follow the rules) to make a point on a message board is sickening and you should really reevaluate your character and integrity because it is certainly lacking.

The oil spill has nothing to do with how much BP spent on Green Technology, Einstein. What a programed load of shit. This is not a free market issue, but poor management, maybe criminally poor, and incompetent regulation. You know where to stick the Psycho babble.
didn't bp save $500,000 dollars by not using the newest safety measure out there for deep water holes and if they had, we would not be in this mess? that is a half a million in profit that they would pocket...?

The acoustic switch wouldn't have done anything for them, makes a cute talking point for those trying to paint the company as greedy and evil. The fact of the matter is they were spending a million a day for the lease of the rig and the service hands and equipment on board it, another 500 grand wouldn't have been shit to them. From how it looks, the blowout preventer did close but with 5000 feet of pressurized gas and crude expanding in the 22'' casing, there wasn't a lot that could have prevented this from happening.

Listen to this guy, Paul Teag, he starts about 9 minutes into this clip, he is a 75 year old Louisiana native that ran Texaco's drilling program in the Gulf Of Mexico, if you want a real idea of what happened, this guy is more informed than anyone that I have heard . At about 36:30 another guy who managed rigs in the North Sea calls in with even more technical information.
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didn't bp save $500,000 dollars by not using the newest safety measure out there for deep water holes and if they had, we would not be in this mess? that is a half a million in profit that they would pocket...?

Yes BP fucked up. So did the Government Regulators. So did Government response. Plenty of blame to go around.


I notice that the left are totally buying Obama's hard ass routine. Me thinks somebody's got somethin' to hide and is very busy screaming at someone else in the hopes of distracting people from the facts.

The facts do not bode well for Obama. Or for previous administrations going back to Clinton. The only thing that matters to politicians is keeping the people busy whining and arguing partisan talking points so they can continue to rob us all blind. Vote for them, support them if you want to.... me, I'll pass. These people are corrupt down to the last and anyone who doesn't know that is a fucking idiot.
It's clearly a devious and cunning plan - so cunning, in fact, that you could stick a tail on it and call it a fox!

The plan is to bankrupt itself and thus throw thousands of evil employees out of work, ruin the pension plans of evil ordinary Americans, and last, but not least, so they don't have to pay those evil moneygrabbers whose livelihoods have been ruined by their dastardly plans! They are mighty evil!

Please tell us in particular which pension plans will be ruined.

The pension plans that hold investments in BP.

So any pension plan that holds investments in BP will be "ruined" if BP goes bankrupt?

Do any of these plans have actual names or do they just exist in your head?

Millions of Americans hold BP stock without even knowing it.
According to you - millions of Americans hold so much BP stock their entire pension plans would be "ruined" if BP went under. I find it odd that millions upon millions of Americans have so much money invested in BP it would ruin them.

I already put up a list of these major stockholders in BP - including US Pension Funds. Moron.

So you're telling me that any pension fund which holds BP has so much of it they would be ruined if BP failed? Is that a rule or something? Did you just make that up?

I asked you to tell me which funds would be ruined by a BP failure. You respond by simply pointing out that some funds own BP. Big deal? Most funds are diversified enough the failure of a single stock won't ruin them. Yet you maintain that BP failing will RUIN people's pension plans. So whenever you're ready - fill in the blanks.


BP's largest institutional holder, WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLP, holds 2 billion worth of BP. They also hold 446 billion worth of stuff that isn't BP.

The largest fund holder, Vanguard/Windsor III, holds 500 million of BP and 33 billion that isn't BP.

What funds or institutions in PARTICULAR would be RUINED by a BP failure?

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