Streamlining Cities: Ayn Rand


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Urbanization in the modern world has spelled great traffic and activity and intrigue and sometimes claustrophobia. People living/working in the city are inspired by offbeat anarchy-oriented stories by modernism-oriented writers such as Ayn Rand and Chuck Palahniuk.

If we're to streamline modern urban traffic in terms of folklore and street-spirit, we might consider how modernism writers offer us 'prescriptions' about enduring claustrophobia. This may be a new form of 'visceral psychiatry.'

Are you a fan of modern-day stories/movies about cities?



Ajay Satan, a comic book writer/artist of fan-fiction and resident of NYC, was a big fan of the modernism-claustrophobia film Fight Club, which presented a story about an eccentric American urban bureaucrat who discovers a psyche-awakening philosophical hellraiser and street-fighter named Tyler who challenges his notions of sentiment and civics. Ajay began collecting posters of the film so he could compare them to new age comic book stories/images of incredible sensationalism.


Ajay met a beautiful Romanian woman at a posh NY party. Her name was Marla, and that was the name of the incendiary woman in Fight Club who formed a love-triangle with the protagonist and Tyler. Ajay became obsessed with Marla and was convinced he could make a worthwhile creative project/story about modern urban anarchy. Marla would be Ajay's 'real-life muse.' They began dating.


Ajay wrote comic book stories on the Internet about the Flash and Hawkman contending with a villainous Wonder Woman in modern-day NYC amidst fears of ISIS-terrorism. Ajay's stories paralleled many of the themes/ideas in Fight Club, and Ajay was pleased with his work. In fact, Ajay's stories caught the attention of Hollywood (USA) super-celebrity Tom Cruise who wanted to incorporate Ajay's work into his new comics-enterprise, Archangel Comics.


Ajay Satan made a tape-recording of some of the ideas regarding his comics stories that would parallel Fight Club. This way, no one could steal the intellectual property from his comics artwork/stories. Ajay's tape was kept in a vault in his NYC apartment, and he told his son Theodore and Marla that they'd move to Hollywood once his comics were adapted into films by Archangel Comics.


Ajay complemented his comics stories about urban anarchy with a series of silly stick-figure doodles of the Marvel Comics super-villain Red Goblin, a maniacal urban-terrorism gargoyle who soared around on a jet-glider and threw pumpkin-bombs. These Red Goblin doodles would accentuate Ajay's stories about modern paranoia in American cities confounded by traffic-congestion related 'spiritual claustrophobia.' Tom Cruise loved all of this work by Ajay Satan. It was all very playful and fun.


In the film, directed by Gus Van Sant, a bike-messenger named Ajay who always wore a silver mask was a comics writer/artist and wanted to pen stories about urban anarchy and rebelliousness. The film would be another in a list of new age films about urban claustrophobia, including Fight Club, Dark City, The Matrix, The Crow, Sin City, and The Purge: Anarchy. Gus's film was called Biker-Flash: NY Deadshot and starred Hayden Christensen as Ajay and Casey Affleck as the Flash. It also starred Claire Danes as Ajay's love-interest, Marla.


The film was a huge success, and Ajay Satan became a comic world celebrity and media-pal of comic book mogul Kevin Smith. The two decided to do a series of urban comic fables about Christmas in Rockefeller Center (NYC) involving Captain America. There was a palpable social interest in urbanization-oriented 'traffic storytelling.' Would urban life be 'streamlined' by lifestyle idealism folklore?


TRUMP: I really like Gus Van Sant's new film.
CARTER: I like Ajay Satan's comics works the film re-presents.
TRUMP: There's an interest in urban folklore now.
CARTER: Did you see the horror-film Urban Legend?
TRUMP: No, but I saw Sin City.
CARTER: After 9/11, people are paranoid about urban securities.
TRUMP: And prayers!
CARTER: Maybe media and art will save the day...
TRUMP: That's the social idealism behind Facebook and Kindle.
CARTER: Do you think Ayn Rand will become the new Emily Dickinson?
TRUMP: Maybe...maybe David Fincher is the new Alfred Hitchcock!
CARTER: The White House should tell people the government cares about cities.
TRUMP: Only 'fables' can 'streamline' the flow of schizophrenia linked to urban traffic.
CARTER: Let's go watch City of Industry on Netflix!



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