Strange Videos (or Strange Songs)


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
I this song.... the video... ? WEIRD! (but funny..)


Sofia Jannok is a Sami Laplander who owns reindeer. The Sami are indigenous people living from northern Norway to northwest Russia. They have some Asian genes. One form of their music is the joik which is one of the oldest types of music in Europe. it may date back to the ice age. Instead of singing about something, they become the song. She is singing about hunting for her Aunt Irene's reindeer herd. Much of the song is a repetitive chant based on shamanistic chants but changed into a pop song. Part of the video was made in the Ice Hotel. This sort of music was once banned because it was considered to be of the devil.
I was watching a show ( I do not remember which one ) on tv one night...about 13 or 14 years ago - about 9pm. It was on regular tv ( ABC - NBC - CBS )

Molly Price ( from the TV show Third Watch ) was behind a guy, whom was taking a bath. She ( her character ) massaged his penis with her right hand, while he was sitting in the bath tub.

Then, after she "made him feel good" - she threw an electrical appliace in the tub of water ( I am thinking a toaster )......electricuting the guy to death.


A man and a woman have sex - in the bathroom of an aircraft. She them walks out, puts on a parachute and sets down ; and uses explosives to blow one of the doors off of the aircraft. After she was freefalling for about two minutes - and at dusk.....or near dusk ; she watches the aircraft as it explodes.

I have seen about a dozen of "Questionable Scenes" on television regarding sex - drugs - illegal activity ; where it should nto have been showed on regualr televison ; where young adults and children have the chance to watch it.

Can you photoshop televison?

How do you put a televison show that shows a scene....on nightly tv - at about 9pm and children can watch it.....on regular televison - where a female uses her right hand for sexual favors on a man....and then electricutes him?

I know my sisters ex-husband had a card that you could put in a satellite dish that could pick up every satellite station ( he wanted me to take it for free porn televison : But I did not have a satellite, nor intended to get one )

If it has an antenna - it is capable of being listened to - monitored - watched....or a combinion of the three.

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