STRANGE Star of Planet


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
My husband and i took a long walk this evening and the first Star out was just showing up right as we were getting home...I had my camera with me, because we had just gotten 20 inches of snow and I wanted to take pictures of the woods and wildlife if we saw any, on our walk.

My first pic shows in the dark, my Cape roof and the star in the background, then the next few pics where i zoomed in as far as I could on some, speak for themselves!

They are so cool....

What the heck it is, I don't know? I think it seems to look more like a planet...from up here in maine, it was in my south west sky.





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Venus or Jupiter most likely
How do you know? Would either of them be in my southwest sky from Eastern maine, this time of the year and how would one find out such a thing?

It would be cool to know for sure!

It was a really cool sunset tonight as well....very red....pretty!

How do you know? Would either of them be in my southwest sky from Eastern maine, this time of the year and how would one find out such a thing?

It would be cool to know for sure!


Those are just the brightest objects in the sky right now other than the moon. or maybe eots is right. :lol:
pretty but I can't look at em too long without freezing.

or posting your F winter picture! :lol:

deer tracks were everywhere, even tracks where pairs were traveling together, i took pics of their prints too....don't ask me why, i just felt like it...we saw rabbit tracks as well....not much hiding tracks in a fresh snow!
or posting your F winter picture! :lol:

deer tracks were everywhere, even tracks where pairs were traveling together, i took pics of their prints too....don't ask me why, i just felt like it...we saw rabbit tracks as well....not much hiding tracks in a fresh snow!

ya---I spared ya that lol

Wish we had something to track deer like that here---only in something warmer like powdered sugar or something.
ya---I spared ya that lol

Wish we had something to track deer like that here---only in something warmer like powdered sugar or something.

i thought you only took the easy way, positioned yourself in a blind at a watering hole! :eek: j/k u dillo!
It's Venus, the 3rd brightest object in the sky.! Isn't it neat that you can see all those different colors of it, in the pics....wonder if that is different gases being released or just the sun shining on it....?

My camera is a piece of crap too, usually doesn't take pics at night, but because this was so bright, i suppose, the pics came out....

I'm dying for a new camera that is a really super duper one....! :D

Can't imagine what good pics of this it would have taken!

Thanks for the pics, Care. :)

I love the snow. I love wading through fields of it as if I was in a white lake of dry water. I love how it changes the shape of everything and muffles the screech of city sounds. I love how my old dog becomes a puppy again, my cat becomes a snow mole and the neighborhood kids laugh and shout as they sled down the frozen hillside. I love pulling the broken chairs and other parking space savers off the street where the greedy people try to lay claim to public property.
I only wish I hadn't dropped my camera last month.

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