Stop Voter Fraud Now

Do you want only valid SS#s votes to be counted?

  • Yes, if it prevents voter fraud.

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • No, I like the current system

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
I have a sure-fire way of eliminating voter fraud, and ensuring that "1-man...1-vote". The only way I see for that to happen is to only allow eligible Social Security numbers votes' to count.

As you vote you type in your SS#. After the polls close the votes are filtered thru the Social Security system and only the name, address, and SS#s that are valid have their votes "validated".

At the end of the vote counting the names and addresses of voters whose votes were disallowed are printed out in a report, and the voters are researched to see why their SS# isn't valid. If there was a screw-up, their votes get counted, if their SS# is invalid, it gets tossed.

Vote yea or nay on this simple proposal.
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I had to show my SS to register to vote.
The system you're suggesting seems like it would divulge your vote

Its a matter of programming voting machines. I remember the flap the Left had over Diebold machines and how Bush was going to rig the elections. Anything can be done if you have the right regulations in-place.

If you register and 1000 bogus voters use that same SS# all over the country, who says that the SS# and SS card aren't forgeries??
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I guess there are ways around everything.
Here, our precincts have print-outs of every registered voter in that precinct.
You show your ID and they mark your name off the list.
No other precinct has your name/address so you can't just show up at another precinct and vote again.
So what happens when social security numbers start being stolen?
So what happens when social security numbers start being stolen?

The Social Security system has all the numbers matched-up with current names and addresses. I'd raise the bar to say that anyone caught forging SS#s gets a felony and a long jail stretch.

This would actually eliminate identity theft by making each SS#'s identity unique.
The Social Security system has all the numbers matched-up with current names and addresses. I'd raise the bar to say that anyone caught forging SS#s gets a felony and a long jail stretch.

This would actually eliminate identity theft by making each SS#'s identity unique.

I don't think you understand. What happens when I go to vote, I vote, but then a couple of weeks later I find out my SS # had been stolen and now it's in the possession of others.
I'd prefer this - with the requirement that valid ID proving one is the registered voter is provided at the polling place.

The Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) is a method of providing feedback to voters using a ballotless voting system, including a direct recording electronic voting system (DRE), to assure voters that their votes have been recorded as intended. It is intended, and some argue necessary, as a means by which to detect fraud and equipment malfunction. Depending on election laws the paper audit trail may constitute a legal ballot and therefore provide a means by which a manual vote count can be conducted if a recount is necessary. The solution was first demonstrated (New York City, March 2001) and used (Sacramento,CA 2002) by AVANTE International Technology, Inc..

In Non-document ballot voting systems – both mechanical voting machines and DRE voting machines – the voter does not have an option to review a tangible ballot to confirm the voting system accurately recorded his or her intent. In addition, an election official is unable to manually recount ballots in the event of a dispute. Because of this, critics claim there is an increased chance for electoral fraud or malfunction and security experts, such as Bruce Schneier, have demanded voter-verifiable paper audit trails.[2] Non-document ballot voting systems allow only a recount of the "stored votes." These "stored votes" might not represent the correct voter intent if the machine has been corrupted or suffered malfunction.

A fundamental hurdle in the implementation of paper audit trails is the performance and authority of the audit. Paper audit systems increase the cost of electronic voting systems, can be difficult to implement, often require specialized external hardware, and can be difficult to use. In the United States 27 states require a paper audit trail by statute or regulation for all direct recording electronic voting machines used in public elections.[3] Another 18 States don't require them but use them either statewide or in local jurisdictions.[4]

Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You didn't read it. The voter is able to go online and verify that his votes have been recorded properly. I like the voter audit feature.
You didn't read it. The voter is able to go online and verify that his votes have been recorded properly. I like the voter audit feature.

This is including the original vote being cast by paper or electronically?
It's not just electronic voting - the differentiating feature is the self-audit which enables voters to review how their votes were tabulated.

Paper ballots do not enable such verification.
The Social Security system has all the numbers matched-up with current names and addresses. I'd raise the bar to say that anyone caught forging SS#s gets a felony and a long jail stretch.

This would actually eliminate identity theft by making each SS#'s identity unique.

I don't think you understand. What happens when I go to vote, I vote, but then a couple of weeks later I find out my SS # had been stolen and now it's in the possession of others.

The Social Security system knows which SS# belongs to whom. The forged SS# used got rejected. The authorities then track down the bogus voter to see if he just "accidentally" input the wrong SS#, or if he goes to jail for voter fraud.
The Social Security system knows which SS# belongs to whom. The forged SS# used got rejected. The authorities then track down the bogus voter to see if he just "accidentally" input the wrong SS#, or if he goes to jail for voter fraud.

*Facepalm* I'm not talking about the SS # when it's being used to verify the vote. I'm talking about people getting your SS # through the voting process system and stealing it.
It's not just electronic voting - the differentiating feature is the self-audit which enables voters to review how their votes were tabulated.

Paper ballots do not enable such verification.

So there are no paper ballots at all involved? To clarify
It depends upon how the system is implemented. I personally would prefer to get rid of paper ballots and move towards a voter-self-audit system.
The Social Security system knows which SS# belongs to whom. The forged SS# used got rejected. The authorities then track down the bogus voter to see if he just "accidentally" input the wrong SS#, or if he goes to jail for voter fraud.

*Facepalm* I'm not talking about the SS # when it's being used to verify the vote. I'm talking about people getting your SS # through the voting process system and stealing it.

When your vote is recorded the SS# is electronically recorded & encrypted. No one can steal it because no one sees you vote.

What's a facepalm? Is that like a dullard?

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