Stock Market Soaring, Covid Deaths Way Down, Trump Surging


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Democrats are on suicide watch, as Covid deaths have dropped from over 17,000/week in April to a measly few hundred this week. In addition, the stock market is hitting record highs, as the economy is roaring back to its standard Trump healthy condition. Democrat mayors are the top goats in American politics, after months of allowing Black Lives Matter (now being seen as the terrorist criminals that they are), Antifa, et al creeps are being taken to task by Trump.

All in all, the tide has turned, and even the Democrat polls that many Americans have been duped into believing, are now showing a tight race between Joe Biden and President Trump (they showed a double digit lead for Biden just a month ago).

But from a new CNN/SSRS poll. it's clear Biden isn’t going to simply sail into the White House, like all his Democrat darlings in the media seemed to believe:

Across 15 battleground states, the survey finds Biden has the backing of 49% of registered voters, while Trump lands at 48%. Note that because Republicans rarely respond to these polls (especially a CNN one), we could well be seeing a double digit lead for Trump over Biden. Perhaps 60% Trump to 40% Biden.

Note also that this is before the debates, which are looming to be disastrous for Biden (if he even shows up for them).

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Democrats are on suicide watch, as Covid deaths have dropped from over 17,000/week in April to a measly few hundred this week. In addition, the stock market is hitting record highs, as the economy is roaring back to its standard Trump healthy condition. Democrat mayors are the top goats in American politics, after months of allowing Black Lives Matter (now being seen as the terrorist criminals that they are), Antifa, et al creeps are being taken to task by Trump.

All in all, the tide has turned, and even the Democrat polls that many Americans have been duped into believing, are now showing a tight race between Joe Biden and President Trump (they showed a double digit lead for Biden just a month ago).

But from a new CNN/SSRS poll. it's clear Biden isn’t going to simply sail into the White House, like all his Democrat darlings in the media seemed to believe:

Across 15 battleground states, the survey finds Biden has the backing of 49% of registered voters, while Trump lands at 48%. Note that because Republicans rarely respond to these polls (especially a CNN one), we could well be seeing a double digit lead for Trump over Biden. Perhaps 60% Trump to 40% Biden.

Note also that this is before the debates, which are looming to be disastrous for Biden (if he even shows up for them).

Stocks are rallying because of an artificial bubble caused by trillions of stimulus dollars getting pumped into the economy. Expect a burst to come real soon. Covid is still killing over 1000 people a day while many businesses are still shut down... and Trumps approval numbers for how he is handling COVID are plummeting. That’s all fact.

your op was fake news. Sorry
Stocks are rallying because of an artificial bubble caused by trillions of stimulus dollars getting pumped into the economy. Expect a burst to come real soon. Covid is still killing over 1000 people a day while many businesses are still shut down... and Trumps approval numbers for how he is handling COVID are plummeting. That’s all fact.

your op was fake news. Sorry
FALSE! Trump got Covid deaths waaaay down, from 17,000/week in April, to less than 1000/week now. You've been listening to the leftist media fake news, just as the people who are part of those approval numbers, have been doing.

Actually the approval numbers are way up, as the OP stated, as they should be. Great job, Mr President. Now for the REAL numbers >>

Sorry for YOU :rolleyes:
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Let the Black Lives matter, Antifa, and other leftist gooneybirds keep on doing what they have been. And let the leftist gooneybird mayors sit back and allow it, and Trump won't have to spend a penny of campaign money. These fools are the best campaign Trump could ever get.
Stocks are rallying because of an artificial bubble caused by trillions of stimulus dollars getting pumped into the economy. Expect a burst to come real soon. Covid is still killing over 1000 people a day while many businesses are still shut down... and Trumps approval numbers for how he is handling COVID are plummeting. That’s all fact.

your op was fake news. Sorry
FALSE! Trump got Covid deaths waaaay down, from 17,000/week in April, to less than 1000/week now. You've been listening to the leftist media fake news, just the people who are part of those approval numbers.

Actually the approval numbers are way up, as the OP stated, as they should be. Great job, Mr President. Now for the REAL numbers >>

Sorry for YOU :rolleyes:
I dont get my opinions from what media anchors and pundits spew, Ive seen for myself how trump has handled this pandemic and he certainly didn’t help efforts to stop the spread. He has fought against even his own team from the start.
I dont get my opinions from what media anchors and pundits spew, Ive seen for myself how trump has handled this pandemic and he certainly didn’t help efforts to stop the spread. He has fought against even his own team from the start.
HAVE YOU SEEN ? Not if your source of information is liberal OMISSION media, which routinely omits the good things Trump has done. Looks like that's what's happening since you made the false claim >> "he certainly didn’t help efforts to stop the spread." He certainly has helped to stop the spread, and this is why the mortality rate has plunged so consistently over the past 4 months.

Please state here what those good things are, that you know of. I'm curious to see how much the MSM has been holding back, and not telling you guys >>
I dont get my opinions from what media anchors and pundits spew, Ive seen for myself how trump has handled this pandemic and he certainly didn’t help efforts to stop the spread. He has fought against even his own team from the start.
HAVE YOU SEEN ? Not if your source of information is liberal OMISSION media, which routinely omits the good things Trump has done. Looks like that's what's happening since you made the false claim >> "he certainly didn’t help efforts to stop the spread." He certainly has helped to stop the spread, and this is why the mortality rate has plunged so consistently over the past 4 months.

Please state here what those good things are, that you know of. I'm curious to see how much the MSM has been holding back, and not telling you guys >>
I watch Trumps pressers and interviews of his team members. I watch more Fox than any of the other networks.

Good things I can think of Of the top of my head are the following. Stopping travel from China, financial support to states for medical care needs, keeping Fauci on board to speak the truth about the situation, and expediting vaccine and therapeutic research and development.
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I dont get my opinions from what media anchors and pundits spew, Ive seen for myself how trump has handled this pandemic and he certainly didn’t help efforts to stop the spread. He has fought against even his own team from the start.
HAVE YOU SEEN ? Not if your source of information is liberal OMISSION media, which routinely omits the good things Trump has done. Looks like that's what's happening since you made the false claim >> "he certainly didn’t help efforts to stop the spread." He certainly has helped to stop the spread, and this is why the mortality rate has plunged so consistently over the past 4 months.

Please state here what those good things are, that you know of. I'm curious to see how much the MSM has been holding back, and not telling you guys >>
I watch Trumps pressers and interviews of his team members. I watch more Fox than any of the other networks.

Good things I can think of Of the top of my head are the following. Stopping travel from China, financial support to states for medical care needs, keeping Fauci on board to speak the truth about the situation, and expediting vaccine and therapeutic research and development.
Well, that doesn't match up with what you said a little while ago >> "he certainly didn’t help efforts to stop the spread."

Here's a more comprehensive list (but still shortened list>> Covid deaths have sharply declined since April, and that is because of Trump's quick and decisive actions regarding the Task Force, ventilators (we now have so many we're exporting them), the Navy hospital ships, the stimulus checks, social distancing, opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies, federal aid to hospitals, travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for), Trump's advocacy of hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and fast development of a vaccine.
I dont get my opinions from what media anchors and pundits spew, Ive seen for myself how trump has handled this pandemic and he certainly didn’t help efforts to stop the spread. He has fought against even his own team from the start.
HAVE YOU SEEN ? Not if your source of information is liberal OMISSION media, which routinely omits the good things Trump has done. Looks like that's what's happening since you made the false claim >> "he certainly didn’t help efforts to stop the spread." He certainly has helped to stop the spread, and this is why the mortality rate has plunged so consistently over the past 4 months.

Please state here what those good things are, that you know of. I'm curious to see how much the MSM has been holding back, and not telling you guys >>
I watch Trumps pressers and interviews of his team members. I watch more Fox than any of the other networks.

Good things I can think of Of the top of my head are the following. Stopping travel from China, financial support to states for medical care needs, keeping Fauci on board to speak the truth about the situation, and expediting vaccine and therapeutic research and development.
Well, that doesn't match up with what you said a little while ago >> "he certainly didn’t help efforts to stop the spread."

Here's a more comprehensive list (but still shortened list>> Covid deaths have sharply declined since April, and that is because of Trump's quick and decisive actions regarding the Task Force, ventilators (we now have so many we're exporting them), the Navy hospital ships, the stimulus checks, social distancing, opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies, federal aid to hospitals, travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for), Trump's advocacy of hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and fast development of a vaccine.
Yes he approved all that stuff to happen. All while undermining the efforts of states and his own team to communicate the seriousness of this virus and promote safe practices that would have slowed the spread. It’s easy to say yes to a request for medical equipment. Fact is he has blown this thing by constantly pushing to reopen. Easter mass, remember?? Instead of squashing it, he let it fester and grow and now we are screwed. That’s on Trump

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