Still not making any sense, Sarah


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Sarah Palin, The Press, And The Incredible Birth Story

What Boehlert wrote about mainstream press performance in 2008 concerning Trig’s birth applies to the time since as well. But it’s fair to ask if the mainstream U.S. press should have treated the fake pregnancy rumor as untouchable, both in 2008 and up to the present day. After all, if there seemed to be any chance that the rumor was true, that might mean that a candidate for the vice presidency had staged a colossal hoax and lied to the country.

This article looks at what American journalists knew about the fake-birth rumor in 2008. In my opinion, there was insufficient evidence for the press to conclude that Palin was telling the truth about Trig.

Even now, three years later, some remaining questions still have not been put to rest--despite Sarah Palin herself having the ability to end them instantly, by releasing the medical records of the birth. Although Palin supporters will forever frame these questions as politically motivated conspiracy theories, they're actually not about politics. They're about determining whether a candidate for Vice President lied to the country.

But then - what about Levi Johnston's claim that Bristol wanted to get pregnant since her mother was (which also sounds rather bizarre).

Bristol’s Pregnancy Was No Accident, Levi Johnston Says – TIME Healthland
as strange as the story of her flying back and all....when you are preggies you do odd things....
when i was in labor....i went out with friends and did some target practice...someone has a new pistol
its an old old old story....i can think of a reason for a woman to do this...she hopes it will kill the handicap child.....delay medical treatment increases the chances of something going wrong....but that is just another guess the kid having another child right on top of trig....or do you think they are hidden twins?

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