Stick a fork in the Obamaloney, it's done!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
After half an hour of Biden's nonsensical rambling on and on like some senior citizen with amnesia, then comes Obama with the same ol' same ol' crapola that even some liberal coolaid drinkers were astonished at the emptyness of his speech. I think it was a big mistake inviting Clinton last night, it was just a bar too high for Obama to rise up to, and besides, non of what he said even applied to the last four years and this president. Looks like it's game over for Presiden Hussien Obama, communist bullshit artist in chief!
I expected something about the next for years other than 'staying the course.' The numbers out of thin air? For a compulsive poll geek, he's not noticed that folks aren't happy with the course we've been on? The previous two nights were highlighted by Michelle and Bill, they certainly did their parts.

I'll give Joe some credit tonight, up until the end he really reminded me of why I liked him, though seldom agreed with him. He tried to talk Obama up, there's just nothing to say if they don't have a plan B for another term.
I expected something about the next for years other than 'staying the course.' The numbers out of thin air? For a compulsive poll geek, he's not noticed that folks aren't happy with the course we've been on? The previous two nights were highlighted by Michelle and Bill, they certainly did their parts.

I'll give Joe some credit tonight, up until the end he really reminded me of why I liked him, though seldom agreed with him. He tried to talk Obama up, there's just nothing to say if they don't have a plan B for another term.
Obama looked like he had lost his MOJO. Maybe it was the jobs report out tomorrow that he was briefed today. If the results are bad, this whole DNC convention was meaningless and full of Obamaloney, because it is totally out of touch with reality.
Roudy sounds scared, desperate, and stoopid...
Not really, CNN ran a poll of their "undecideds" and after Obama's speech they said they same thing, they'd heard all of this before, empty promises and slogans.

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