Steve Harvey


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
This guy cracks me up! PERFECT host for Family Feud, and probably on his own show too but I haven't seen it yet. Anyone see his show yet?
This guy is FUNNY!
Steve is funny hosting the Family Feud show, but to me, the questions that are being thrown out there on the show have gotten too filthy, so I've lost a good deal of interest in the show.

God bless you and Steve always!!! :) :) :)

Oh that is the guy who sold books telling women to ask a man about his carer goals and credit history

This guy cracks me up! PERFECT host for Family Feud, and probably on his own show too but I haven't seen it yet. Anyone see his show yet?
This guy is FUNNY!
I don't like is talk show. Obviously uncle tomming it for the man and getting a big payout and I don't blame him for that but its not as good as his really good stuff like his stand up. He is incredible stand up and I do love him on family feud however he always says we got a good one for you today and after a while it becomes disingenuous when he says it every show. Maybe it's his tagline.

On another note they asked a hundred women in America how many dates do they go on with a guy before they go to sweatpants. The number one answer was 10 dates. Way to keep it classy American women. European women laugh at American women and how they dress they say it's hard to tell the boys from the girls
But I have a theory that Europeans are behind our times so perhaps they're living in the leave it to Beaver era where june wore a dress all day or lucy and Ricky and ward wore suits all day.
That man juggles a TON of work. Respect for juggling it all in the air. He single handedly refreshed FF. The youtube clips of it are hilarious! The one with the "cupine" got me the most.

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