Sterling Banned for Life

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Just saw press conference on TV -

Donald Sterling, longtime owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, was barred for life from the league and fined $2.5 million by N.B.A Commissioner Adam Silver on Tuesday for racist comments captured on an audio tape that Silver said Sterling admitted were his. Silver said Sterling would be barred from any contact with his team or the league and he will urge the league’s board of governors to force Sterling to sell the team.
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Just saw press conference on TV -

Donald Sterling, longtime owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, was barred for life from the league and fined $2.5 million by N.B.A Commissioner Adam Silver on Tuesday for racist comments captured on an audio tape that Silver said Sterling admitted were his. Silver said Sterling would be barred from any contact with his team or the league and he will urge the league’s board of governors to force Sterling to sell the team.

How do you force a sale? The only way would be to ban the Clippers from playing next season, and I really don't see them trying it.

You can't by definition "ban" an owner.
Just saw press conference on TV -

Donald Sterling, longtime owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, was barred for life from the league and fined $2.5 million by N.B.A Commissioner Adam Silver on Tuesday for racist comments captured on an audio tape that Silver said Sterling admitted were his. Silver said Sterling would be barred from any contact with his team or the league and he will urge the league’s board of governors to force Sterling to sell the team.

How do you force a sale? The only way would be to ban the Clippers from playing next season, and I really don't see them trying it.

You can't by definition "ban" an owner.

But it appears they have.
Be careful what you say.
Just saw press conference on TV -

Donald Sterling, longtime owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, was barred for life from the league and fined $2.5 million by N.B.A Commissioner Adam Silver on Tuesday for racist comments captured on an audio tape that Silver said Sterling admitted were his. Silver said Sterling would be barred from any contact with his team or the league and he will urge the league’s board of governors to force Sterling to sell the team.

How do you force a sale? The only way would be to ban the Clippers from playing next season, and I really don't see them trying it.

You can't by definition "ban" an owner.

But it appears they have.
Be careful what you say.

What they can do is ban him from day to day control of the franchise. They can also evidently remove his franchise rights by 3/4 vote of the other owners. I still think they would have to pay him fair market value for the team.

If he sells quickly then the NBA can get out of this relatively clean. If he fights it, or even worse decides to mess with the team to ruin is competitiveness out of spite, then all sorts of bad things can happen.
I don't know what the rules of ownership are, or even if there are any, but why would he pay a fine if he was banned? Unless there's something specific in the contract it sounds like a symbolic gesture.
Of course they can ban an owner.

They just did and fined him as well.

They said they banned him, the thing is can they carry it through against a guy with billions of dollars and the lawyers said money can buy.

He is an obnoxious jerk, but I think even he will realize that if he wants to get the most for the team his best option is to sell ASAP. So long as he is the owner, the value of the team will drop.
I don't know what the rules of ownership are, or even if there are any, but why would he pay a fine if he was banned? Unless there's something specific in the contract it sounds like a symbolic gesture.

The fine is for bringing bad press to the NBA, which the league can enforce quite easily. 2.5 million is nothing to this guy. The worst thing that is happening is the loss of advertising revenue, that has a direct impact on the future value of the team.
Of course they can ban an owner.

They just did and fined him as well.

They said they banned him, the thing is can they carry it through against a guy with billions of dollars and the lawyers said money can buy.

He is an obnoxious jerk, but I think even he will realize that if he wants to get the most for the team his best option is to sell ASAP. So long as he is the owner, the value of the team will drop.

You are assuming that he is rational, and will listen to what his advisers will tell him. I would think the league would have asked him by now if he would be willing to sell. The fact they are discussing forcing him to sell means that conversation did not go well.

Both the NBA and Sterling have the financial ability and the legal teams to make this last a long time.
Ame®icano;9014544 said:
When's the whore/girlfriend being charged with the crime she committed?

California Recording Law | Digital Media Law Project

He should sell a team and I think there are plenty who would like to buy it if not for profit, then to get rid of him.

Only thing that puzzling me, all those things he said were part of private conversation. What that has to do with NBA?

The NBA is losing advertisers over it. They are a business that provides entertainment, and entertainment is subjective on the entertained paying for said entertainment (even if indirectly).

The NBA has to get rid of the guy, and the idiot deserves it. He is in a business that employs large amounts of African Americans, and caters to entertain large amounts of African Americans. His expecting privacy, while understandable does not remove the fact that the public will not forgive him, and that an entertainment business cannot piss off its customers and expect to survive.

My concern is that he goes all legal AND bat-shit about it, like playing games to an empty arena, or withdrawing travel and support functions. He has the money to do that at least for a short amount if time.
Ame®icano;9014544 said:
When's the whore/girlfriend being charged with the crime she committed?

California Recording Law | Digital Media Law Project

He should sell a team and I think there are plenty who would like to buy it if not for profit, then to get rid of him.

Only thing that puzzling me, all those things he said were part of private conversation. What that has to do with NBA?

The NBA is losing advertisers over it. They are a business that provides entertainment, and entertainment is subjective on the entertained paying for said entertainment (even if indirectly).

The NBA has to get rid of the guy, and the idiot deserves it. He is in a business that employs large amounts of African Americans, and caters to entertain large amounts of African Americans. His expecting privacy, while understandable does not remove the fact that the public will not forgive him, and that an entertainment business cannot piss off its customers and expect to survive.

My concern is that he goes all legal AND bat-shit about it, like playing games to an empty arena, or withdrawing travel and support functions. He has the money to do that at least for a short amount if time.

I understand that part with advertizing and sponsors but still, it was private conversation. If NBA knew about it, why didn't they do something before. Now NBA wants to be a good guy here. And Magic screwed him out of his mistress, then Magic is trying to screw him out of his team. Kinda fishy. Setup?
Ame®icano;9014544 said:
When's the whore/girlfriend being charged with the crime she committed?

California Recording Law | Digital Media Law Project

He should sell a team and I think there are plenty who would like to buy it if not for profit, then to get rid of him.

Only thing that puzzling me, all those things he said were part of private conversation. What that has to do with NBA?

The NBA is losing advertisers over it. They are a business that provides entertainment, and entertainment is subjective on the entertained paying for said entertainment (even if indirectly).

The NBA has to get rid of the guy, and the idiot deserves it. He is in a business that employs large amounts of African Americans, and caters to entertain large amounts of African Americans. His expecting privacy, while understandable does not remove the fact that the public will not forgive him, and that an entertainment business cannot piss off its customers and expect to survive.

My concern is that he goes all legal AND bat-shit about it, like playing games to an empty arena, or withdrawing travel and support functions. He has the money to do that at least for a short amount if time.


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