Stephen Crowder infiltrates Antifa....they are the violent fascists attacking and beating people...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep....nice under cover work from Crowder and his people.....antifa is a marxist/fascist movement.....

WATCH: Crowder Infiltrates Antifa At Shapiro Event, Antifa Offers Weapons

One of the reasons they are so influential, Crowder explains, is their broad support base on the Left. "Antifa is in a PR battle, so what they claim and what they do is very different," says Crowder. But behind the scenes, they are organizing and planning — as his undercover operatives found out firsthand — to enact violence.

Despite some politicians and celebrities on the left publicly distancing themselves after Antifa's egregious acts of violence became too politically toxic to openly endorse, Crowder notes, "Antifa has never operated alone. They've been actively supported by professors and other leftists and student organizations." Crowder provides the example of current Utah State faculty members who "encouraged and emboldened students to disrupt the Ben Shapiro event and create chaos."
Hold on there. This cannot be. Both Don Lemon AND Whoppi the Wise assured me antifa were non violent braves souls standing strong in the face of fascism.

Besides, it's RIGHT THERE IN THE NAME! Anti-fascist. Duh.

My goodness the irony is thick.

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