Steele refuses to cooperate with the Durham investigation.

It’s true. Sorry if that bothers you.
What's bothering me at the moment is your refusal to hear the facts.

This is the Able Danger guy who blew the whistle on the Bush Administration....
15 years ago, explaining how spying works. It's 10 minutes, from 15:00 to 25:00.....
please pay attention to the part where Trump was supposed to have been told if the FBI thought Russians were in contact with his campaign.

There’s a really big problem that this Trump supporter in the video chooses to ignore (conveniently).

The people in the Trump campaign who were approached by Russians were receptive to them, which then obviates the need for the FBI to inform them. You only have to inform people who (as the Trump supporter says) you know aren’t participating with the foreign agents. That, by their own actions, didn’t apply to the Trump campaign.
It’s true. Sorry if that bothers you.
What's bothering me at the moment is your refusal to hear the facts.

This is the Able Danger guy who blew the whistle on the Bush Administration....
15 years ago, explaining how spying works. It's 10 minutes, from 15:00 to 25:00.....
please pay attention to the part where Trump was supposed to have been told if the FBI thought Russians were in contact with his campaign.

There’s a really big problem that this Trump supporter in the video chooses to ignore (conveniently).

The people in the Trump campaign who were approached by Russians were receptive to them, which then obviates the need for the FBI to inform them. You only have to inform people who (as the Trump supporter says) you know aren’t participating with the foreign agents. That, by their own actions, didn’t apply to the Trump campaign.

Why do any of you even try?

Either he is going to deflect forever, or is to dumb to get it.

Wait till they indict someone, come back, and hammer him mercilessly. That is all you can do with someone who talks in circles, avoiding any facts you bring up for the sole purpose of avoiding them.
Don't worry Pelosi and Schiff will launch in investigation into British interference with US elections.
As soon as they repoen Hillary's email the year 2043.

Trump has launched three investigations of Hillary's emails:

1. A 2 year investigation by the State Department run by Mike Pompeo - the guy who grilled Hillary for 11 hours in Congress, and complained at the speed with which the State Department produced the 10,000 documents he demanded for the hearings. He found no wrong doing on the part of Hillary Clinton.

2. The Inspector General's review of the Comey Investigation of Hillary's emails, and its findings. The IG found things he didn't like about Comey's conduct of the investigation, but stated Comey's conclusion: That no indictable offenses were committed by Clinton or anyone in her employ, was correct. It should also be noted that this report also concurred that Hillary Clinton was truthful to the FBI throughout.

3. The Huber Report: Prosecutor Huber was assigned that task of reviewing all things Hillary: "Pay for Play", the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, the emails, and "locking her up". Since Huber was a Republican prosecutor in Utah, and not part of the "Deep State", he wouldn't protect her. Huber was a year late in delivering his report, which concluded that no crimes had been committed and recommended no charges against anyone.

There was a 4th investigation by the Senate Judiciary Committee under Chuck Grassley, who was so infuriated that Comey "let Hillary off", that he too spent 2 years investigation Hillary's emails, and found no wrong doing on the part of Clinton or her staff.

When are you fools going to realize that the whole "Hillary's emails" scandals was yet another Republican lie, designed to feed into their grand Clinton Lie, that is the Clintons are criminals. Something to gin up anger by the base against the Clintons, and spin one of the most successful and popular Presidencies of the past 50 years, as some sort of corrupt enterprise.

How many times are you going to spout the lie that the Clintons are committing crimes, when more than 20 Republican Investigations and over $100 million spent investigating them has yet to find a crime they've committed, much less a witness to a crime, or evidence of any crimes?

Contrast this against two investigations of the Trump Administration which produced over 100 charges, 8 guilty verdicts/pleas, and one impeachment in Congress. And yet you fools are still claiming that this investigation is a witch hunt, Trump has done nothing wrong, and Hillary should be in jail.

Given that Bill and Hillary have been investigated 25 times and neither has been charged with any crime, beyond a lie about a blow job, it makes no sense that your continually castigate the Clintons as being criminals.

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