Stealing from the dead


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
A mountain climber by the name of Daniel Roche (sounds like an Anglo-Saxon name) found properties of the victims of Air India crash on Mont Blanc (mountain). Instead of returning the property to the family of the victims, he kept them to himself.



Daniel Roche, who has been scouring the mountain in search of objects for years, came across around a fresh set of 50 pieces of jewellery which the Bossons glacier had pushed to the surface.

"They were scattered around a big cone at the Plateau des Pyramides, as if they had been placed the previous day," he told Le Parisien. "There were bracelets, necklaces, pendants, gold chains, earrings." Like the other unearthed gems, Mr Roche said he believed the jewels came from Air India flight Kangchenjunga - a Boeing 707 flying from Mumbai to London which crashed on the southwest face of Mont Blanc on January 24, 1966. Some 117 people died in the crash, including the pioneer of India's nuclear programme, Homi Jehangir Bhabha.

Mr Roche, a former international yachtsman, has discovered a host of objects from the 1966 disaster and another - Air India's Malabar Princess, which crashed on 3 November, 1950 with 48 people on board - including a jet engine and human remains.

He will be adding the jewels to his burgeoning collection.


French treasure hunter finds 50 pieces of jewellery on Mont Blanc from Air India crash 48 years ago - Telegraph
I think if I ya sang 'stealing from the dead' instead of 'sleeping with a friend' that would work out pretty well.

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The stuff has been up there for 48 years. If anyone had wanted the stuff they had plenty of time to get it.
The stuff has been up there for 48 years. If anyone had wanted the stuff they had plenty of time to get it.

Just because a person has been dead for 48 years does not make it OK for you to steal his/her property. The property of a deceased belongs to his/her survivors.

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