State of Texas ordered to pay 600,000 to gay couples


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A federal appeals court ordered Texas on Wednesday to pay about $600,000 to cover the legal fees for two same-sex couples who defeated the state’s ban on same-sex marriage in a protracted court battle. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit awarded $585,470 in attorneys’ fees and about $20,000 in costs arising from the challenge to the plaintiffs in the case, Cleopatra DeLeon, Nicole Dimetman, Victor Holmes and Mark Phariss.

State of Texas Ordered to Pay $600,000 to Gay Couples

Sooner or later the lines will be drawn and people aren't going to put up with this bs.

Crooked ass Government probably created this marriage bs so they can get rich of " Married couples" by certain tax brackets put in place for the you know " married only people". .........

The Government leads you to believe that every gawed damn thing they come up with seems to always circle around back to them and how they make money of " WE THE PEOPLE" .....
Getting married, divorcing, fkn child support ( which is always i favor of the mother, as they rape the males over the coals), going to jail, getting out of jail no matter wth spin you put on it the gawd dam government makes freaking money off the bs.

the point of the rant , Get the GOV out of every aspect of our freaking lives and let Churches marry people and yes many are going to marry the gays.
you been on a 48hr binge on infowar documentaries again

Take a break and go for a walk in the real world, then take a nice nap
I'm agreeing with Aris2Chat, once marriage was "institutionalized" into the government process, you cannot now use it as a blunt instrument to punish those who disagree with your religious values.

I could point out a similar case involving a bike lock here...
This issue might not have a legal resolution.

Why do people think of marriage as just a religious union when for those of other faiths of no faith it is civil contract. people can be married by a judge or notary and not in some religious ceremony.

It is legal so why the barrier by religious groups. It does not make their heterosexual marriage any less valid. The idea if what a family is just is more inclusive as far as the government is concerned.

Why must gays be some sort of threat? Why is their love any less?

Are heteros so insecure in their ideas to deny those of different of no faith the right to a union of any kind? Hammurabi had no problem with gays marrying. Not like being gay is something new and strange.

Live your life as you see fit as a christian, or what ever, and let others live their lives. There is room in the world for more than on idea, more than one faith and more than one type of marriage.

find something real to complain about and stop making excuse to hate or condemn others.

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