Stark Contrast: Trump-obama Thanksgiving Proclamations


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
Stark Contrast: Trump-obama Thanksgiving Proclamations

sure their are 2 completely different viewpoints as Trump is an American President with American values and on the other hand Obama was a known Muslim who worshiped "Allah" which the Media refused to elaborate on and we still had morons to this day who denied he was a Muslim - all I could do is laugh at their stupidity.......

Obama hated America and Americans and tried his hardest to bring America down and make it a third world country. He cared more about LGBTQIA and income redistribution then he cared about the safely and security of our country.

His contempt for Christianity could not have been more blatant. His ludicrous claim to being a Christian was galling in that virtually no Christian leader renounced him for being an enemy of Christ, not a follower.

We have much to be thankful for. Thank the good Americans that elected Trump and rejected the Clinton corruption, and thanks that we survived the America hating Obamas.

OVomit is a muslim. DJT a Christian.
LOL In the face of the total failure that the treasonous fat senile old orange clown is, the asskissers have to attack our former President, who looks better with every passing day, in order to salve the feelings of inferiority. Won't work. When you are inferior, you are going to feel that way. President Obama pulled us out of what looked to be the Second Great Republican Depression. He gave us the ACA which has allowed millions more Americans to have health insurance.

And the clown? He has done nothing but issue EO's that are struck down be the courts that day after they are declared. All his legislative efforts have crashed and burned. His tax reform for the very rich is about to do the same.
LOL In the face of the total failure that the treasonous fat senile old orange clown is, the asskissers have to attack our former President, who looks better with every passing day, in order to salve the feelings of inferiority. Won't work. When you are inferior, you are going to feel that way. President Obama pulled us out of what looked to be the Second Great Republican Depression. He gave us the ACA which has allowed millions more Americans to have health insurance.

And the clown? He has done nothing but issue EO's that are struck down be the courts that day after they are declared. All his legislative efforts have crashed and burned. His tax reform for the very rich is about to do the same.
Obama made Carter a happy man. He isn't considered the worst president in history anymore.

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