Star Wars VII!

I didn't know John Williams was still alive.

My concern is that you are going to have a lot of folks who are going to Disneyfy it. Frankly, looking at stuff like "The Black Hole" and "John Carter of Mars", Disney can screw up SF ideas.

My other concern is, what's the plot? That our now Geriatic heroes from Chapters IV-VI are going to watch their kids go through the whole 'Tempted by the Dark Side" thingee again.

For your reading enjoyments.

5 Reasons Star Wars Sequels Would Be Worse Than The Prequels |
Hope this one is better than the last three...

They should have made the movies more like the Cartoon Series.

However, with the exception of Jar Jar binks, it was pretty good notwithstanding.

I just can't help but think they've waited too long. I've always felt that the first three hit at just the right time. The first two hit during the Carter administration, during the so called "national malaise" with the third one hitting during Reagan's first term. I think the national mood was just right for these movies. On top of that, there was only a three year gap between sequels. It was sixteen years before we got another one.

I think the time between the original and the continuation was too long. I know Lucas envision nine movies in total, but he should have worked harder and faster to get them done closer to one another.

But that's just me...
I didn't know John Williams was still alive.

My concern is that you are going to have a lot of folks who are going to Disneyfy it. Frankly, looking at stuff like "The Black Hole" and "John Carter of Mars", Disney can screw up SF ideas.

My other concern is, what's the plot? That our now Geriatic heroes from Chapters IV-VI are going to watch their kids go through the whole 'Tempted by the Dark Side" thingee again.

For your reading enjoyments.

5 Reasons Star Wars Sequels Would Be Worse Than The Prequels |

Hope this one is better than the last three...

They should have made the movies more like the Cartoon Series.

However, with the exception of Jar Jar binks, it was pretty good notwithstanding.

I just can't help but think they've waited too long. I've always felt that the first three hit at just the right time. The first two hit during the Carter administration, during the so called "national malaise" with the third one hitting during Reagan's first term. I think the national mood was just right for these movies. On top of that, there was only a three year gap between sequels. It was sixteen years before we got another one.

I think the time between the original and the continuation was too long. I know Lucas envision nine movies in total, but he should have worked harder and faster to get them done closer to one another.

But that's just me...
The way this story is written, it can go on forever. The saga has Jedis and Sith going back for centuries and centuries, unto their equivalent of medieval times.

If you were to browse the Star Wars Wiki, you'll find yourself reading for hours on end about the many characters and their stories and bios. If you're a fan like me.

I don't know if you guys watch the Cartoon Network series, but it's totally awesome! It currently continues the stories between the moves II and III. So you get to see all the adventures that occured between those two movies. Lots and lots and lots of stuff.

Basically, Obi Wan is the MAN!

If you guys aren't watching the cartoon, please do, buy or rent the won't regret it.

There's talk of spin off Star Wars movies, one of the most anticipated is a spin-off featuring Yoda, leading a gang of 7 like the old Westerns or Kung-Fu flicks.

As you already know, Yoda is one of the all-time most powerful wielders of The Force, so you know he was nothing to joke with in his youth. BTW, he was like 700 or 900 years old when he died in the movie that we saw, so you know he had many, many MANY years kicking some major butt.

Bottom line, there's too much material...good material for them to run out of me.
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I get something "Star Wars" related for Christmas every year, because my family thinks I'm still a big Star Wars fan.

I'm actually a bigger fan of Doctor Who, Babylon 5, Firefly and Star Trek as SF Franchises. Heck, I might even toss Farscape in there ahead of Star Wars.

But a bad day watching science fiction is like a bad day fishing. Its still better than a good day working.
Star Wars sucks

Some of the worst acting and worst dialogue ever. Just an excuse to sell toys
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Star Wars sucks

Some of the worst acting and worst dialogue ever. Just an excuse to sell toys

I wouldn't go that far.

The plot lines are simplistic, and the characters don't have a lot of depth. But they don't need to be, necessarily.

I think the resurgence of Science Fiction that it spawned that brought us a revived Star Trek, Aliens, etc. was more than worth tolerating a bit of shallowness.

Now, I think it has had some bad effects, the worst being the belief that Special Effects can be a substitute for story and character development. The other bad effect, as you say, is how movies are marketted today. Toys and Happy Meals and all that stuff.
Star Wars sucks

Some of the worst acting and worst dialogue ever. Just an excuse to sell toys

I wouldn't go that far.

The plot lines are simplistic, and the characters don't have a lot of depth. But they don't need to be, necessarily.

I think the resurgence of Science Fiction that it spawned that brought us a revived Star Trek, Aliens, etc. was more than worth tolerating a bit of shallowness.

Now, I think it has had some bad effects, the worst being the belief that Special Effects can be a substitute for story and character development. The other bad effect, as you say, is how movies are marketted today. Toys and Happy Meals and all that stuff.

I am far from a cinema snob but I find watching Star Wars just plain irritating. Special effects are great but they manage to take great award winning actors and make them sound like they are in a High School play
I didn't know John Williams was still alive.

My concern is that you are going to have a lot of folks who are going to Disneyfy it. Frankly, looking at stuff like "The Black Hole" and "John Carter of Mars", Disney can screw up SF ideas.

My other concern is, what's the plot? That our now Geriatic heroes from Chapters IV-VI are going to watch their kids go through the whole 'Tempted by the Dark Side" thingee again.

For your reading enjoyments.

5 Reasons Star Wars Sequels Would Be Worse Than The Prequels |

I really enjoyed the link!!! :eusa_drool:
I hope they get a real evil Darth Sith like character and
get that actor that looks like Barack Obama to play him....

That would be cool...
I like the 1st three far more than the last.

However, I watch the reruns just about every chance I get because I see something new every time.

I never liked the acting of the girl playing Princess Leiah [sp?] and Han was a total jerk, also ham acting.

Side note - FOUR MORE AVATARS?????

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