Stand Up For Ed Schultz?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"Ed Schultz apologized for his comments about Laura Ingraham on Wednesday, before beginning a week-long suspension from MSNBC.

Appearing at the top of his Wednesday show, Schultz said that calling Ingraham a "right-wing slut" on his Tuesday radio show was "vile and inappropriate," and apologized unreservedly to her, as well as to his wife, his family and MSNBC.

"I am deeply sorry, and I apologize," he said. "It was wrong, uncalled for and I recognize the severity of what I said."

After learning of the comments, MSNBC met with Schultz and the two sides agreed that he would be suspended for a week without pay from his program."
Ed Schultz Apologizes: Laura Ingraham Comments 'Vile And Inappropriate' (VIDEO)

You decide...perhpas Schultz went over the line...
...and certainly a private employer has the right to suspend him....

But as they say in my neighborhood 'not for nuttin,' I think we answer speech with which we disagree with what we consider correct speech.

1. Write, call, email, with disagreement.

2. Don't watch the program in question.

3. Have opinion shows hooked up so that emails run as the crawl under the pic, which would give immediate feedback of the type we have here. Software could remove offensive terms.

But I don't think we should be telling folks what they can or cannot say.
When Don Imus made an offensive statement he was kicked off the air but with Shultz who did the same thing he gets a week. Way to stand up and be counted MSNBC
When Don Imus made an offensive statement he was kicked off the air but with Shultz who did the same thing he gets a week. Way to stand up and be counted MSNBC

Ed Shultz has a way with words doesn't he.A good portion of his show has him using his pet nicknames for those on the right.I'm glad this happened and although he did the correct thing
and apologized and either he removed himself from the air or was suspended this guy has a history with the name calling.

I want to see everyone on MSNBC who has a show starting with Joe Scarborough on down the line comment on air that this guy Shultz was a jerk or worse.When Imus made his comment it was news there for weeks.Lets see the same treatment for one of their own.:(
"Ed Schultz apologized for his comments about Laura Ingraham on Wednesday, before beginning a week-long suspension from MSNBC.

Appearing at the top of his Wednesday show, Schultz said that calling Ingraham a "right-wing slut" on his Tuesday radio show was "vile and inappropriate," and apologized unreservedly to her, as well as to his wife, his family and MSNBC.

"I am deeply sorry, and I apologize," he said. "It was wrong, uncalled for and I recognize the severity of what I said."

After learning of the comments, MSNBC met with Schultz and the two sides agreed that he would be suspended for a week without pay from his program."
Ed Schultz Apologizes: Laura Ingraham Comments 'Vile And Inappropriate' (VIDEO)

You decide...perhpas Schultz went over the line...
...and certainly a private employer has the right to suspend him....

But as they say in my neighborhood 'not for nuttin,' I think we answer speech with which we disagree with what we consider correct speech.

1. Write, call, email, with disagreement.

2. Don't watch the program in question.

3. Have opinion shows hooked up so that emails run as the crawl under the pic, which would give immediate feedback of the type we have here. Software could remove offensive terms.

But I don't think we should be telling folks what they can or cannot say.

Certain liberals are known for trying to attract attention to themselves by abusing their right of free speach with crude and vulgar attacks on conservatives or anyone else they disagree with. I welcome it. In so doing they tell us who they are and their mental/emotional age with those stunts which they learned in their dysfunctional homes and grade school situations.
Who's Ed Schultz?

I love that he's a fucking Leftist Pig and shoots his stupid ideas out publicly and I for one don't want him silenced. If would be like putting Va "Wanker" Yank, R "6%" dean, Old "Cold Fusion" Rocks or Truth "Fearless" Matters on ignore. Stupid = Funny.

Give them enough rope and they shoot themselves in the head repeatedly
Disagree. We can tell them what they can and cannot say. They are not obligated to listen, however.

I don't think you really disagree...
That is what I was trying to say in the OP.

They say what they wish...and you respond in the manner you find most appropriate.
And most folks do: you've seen the ratings for MSNBC.
Disagree. We can tell them what they can and cannot say. They are not obligated to listen, however.

I don't think you really disagree...
That is what I was trying to say in the OP.

They say what they wish...and you respond in the manner you find most appropriate.
And most folks do: you've seen the ratings for MSNBC.
Yes, I have. That has more to do with liberals not having to be spoon fed their thoughts as you FOX viewers do.

When Don Imus made an offensive statement he was kicked off the air but with Shultz who did the same thing he gets a week. Way to stand up and be counted MSNBC

Ed Shultz has a way with words doesn't he.A good portion of his show has him using his pet nicknames for those on the right.I'm glad this happened and although he did the correct thing
and apologized and either he removed himself from the air or was suspended this guy has a history with the name calling.

I want to see everyone on MSNBC who has a show starting with Joe Scarborough on down the line comment on air that this guy Shultz was a jerk or worse.When Imus made his comment it was news there for weeks.Lets see the same treatment for one of their own.:(

I'm sure it's clear from the OP...but I don't believe Imus should have been exposed to the treatment he received, as well.
Disagree. We can tell them what they can and cannot say. They are not obligated to listen, however.

I don't think you really disagree...
That is what I was trying to say in the OP.

They say what they wish...and you respond in the manner you find most appropriate.
And most folks do: you've seen the ratings for MSNBC.
Yes, I have. That has more to do with liberals not having to be spoon fed their thoughts as you FOX viewers do.


OK, I read it twice....but seem to have misplaced my Ravi to English I await consecutive translation.
Slandering people is wrong he should not have done it if he wants to a be a journalist.

They did the right thing punishing him.

I wish all stations would act in this manner.
I don't think you really disagree...
That is what I was trying to say in the OP.

They say what they wish...and you respond in the manner you find most appropriate.
And most folks do: you've seen the ratings for MSNBC.
Yes, I have. That has more to do with liberals not having to be spoon fed their thoughts as you FOX viewers do.


OK, I read it twice....but seem to have misplaced my Ravi to English I await consecutive translation.
:redface: I'll try again.

FOX viewers need to be spoon fed their beliefs. Therefore, FOX enjoys high ratings for their talk shows.

Liberals do not need to be spoon fed their beliefs. Therefore, MSNBC's talk shows have low ratings.

I personally don't watch or listen to any pundits unless someone posts something over-the-top that one of them said or did.
Noppppe. MSNBC did the right thing. And it goes to show the differences in FOX and MSNBC..

Schultz calls Ingrahm a "slut" on his radio show - Apologized and suspended.

Beck calls Senator Mary Landrieu a "prostitute" on his FOX show - No apology, no action taken.

What Schultz said was wayyyy wrong.. and I will condemn it a thousand times. He jumps on Rush for his border-line sexism all the time, then turns around and uses this language?.. Sad.
Fox viewers have been determined to be the most uninformed section of news viewers.
Yes, I have. That has more to do with liberals not having to be spoon fed their thoughts as you FOX viewers do.


OK, I read it twice....but seem to have misplaced my Ravi to English I await consecutive translation.
:redface: I'll try again.

FOX viewers need to be spoon fed their beliefs. Therefore, FOX enjoys high ratings for their talk shows.

Liberals do not need to be spoon fed their beliefs. Therefore, MSNBC's talk shows have low ratings.

I personally don't watch or listen to any pundits unless someone posts something over-the-top that one of them said or did.

Ohhhh...I get it.

Now let me try.
Fox comes closer to the truth than any of the other cable get ready, 'cause this is the basis for liberal vs. conservative thinking: and most people can detect the truth, and patronize the station that treats them like adults...i.e., reports, and lets them decide.
Slandering people is wrong he should not have done it if he wants to a be a journalist.

They did the right thing punishing him.

I wish all stations would act in this manner.

While I agree that 'Slandering people is wrong,' his agreeing to accept a week off is fine with all parties concerned.

A mild agreement, the end.

Now, I have a problem with your use of the term 'journalist,' as you use it, as though it were a level to which one should aspire.
It is not.
It is, as a term in general use today, it is on the same level with 'feminist,' and both are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Leftist Democrat Party.

Therefore, in the light of this kerfuffle, Ed Schultz is certainly a journalist.
Noppppe. MSNBC did the right thing. And it goes to show the differences in FOX and MSNBC..

Schultz calls Ingrahm a "slut" on his radio show - Apologized and suspended.

Beck calls Senator Mary Landrieu a "prostitute" on his FOX show - No apology, no action taken.

What Schultz said was wayyyy wrong.. and I will condemn it a thousand times. He jumps on Rush for his border-line sexism all the time, then turns around and uses this language?.. Sad.

We differ.
I'm fine with Schultz, Beck, and Limbaugh.
What they say and how they say it informs my opinion of each.
And on that basis I - as an adult- decide what to do, i.e., patronize or not patronize.

Was it Will Rogers who said something along the lines of 'I can't have any respect for someone who can't simply change the station.'

In a free market, low ratings is what makes or breaks a career.
Ed Schultz is a vile, disgusting person. He's proven to be an undisciplined slob with impulse control issues.

Of course, he is free to say whatever he wants, nobody listens or watches his programs anyway.

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