Stalinism Solves Problem of Minorities


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
What an interesting day, June 26th of 1931 was.

1. The New York Times headline was "Stalinism Solving Minorities Problem."
The article was based on cables the Times correspondent, WALTER DURANTY, sent based on his experience in Moscow.

His lead paragraphs:
"PARIS. June 25—One of the most evident ways in which Soviet Russia is modifying Marxism is in the matter of nationalities and Soviet federation, for which Joseph Stalin is directly responsible as Commissar of Nationalities during the period prior to 1923, when the Constitution of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics was adopted and the commissariat in question abolished.

Karl Marx conceived of the establishment of a proletarian dictatorship in a highly industrialized state, where the actual majority of the population would be urban workers speaking the same language and having the same needs, habits and aims. For this homegeneous majority the elimination or absorption of other classes and sections of the population would be a relatively simple matter, once it gained political power and held the economic reins."
Walter Duranty -* STALINISM SOLVING MINORITIES PROBLEM - New York Times - 26 June 1931

2. In his book "Dupes," Dr. Paul Kangor focuses on the Westerners seduced by communism, and Duranty is a perfect example.

a. Kangor says: Dupes, in this connection, are folks who have been used by the communists to believe that either the communists are just like them, and therefore deserve their protection, or have been led to believe that the communist party is no more menacing than any other American political party.

3. Stalin's method was simple and straightforward: "...the Ukrainian famine, known as the Holodomor, or death by hunger....We may never know how many died of starvation in 1932-33. Yushchenko and others speak of 10 million, or about a third of the population of Ukraine."
Genocide or not, Stalin starved millions to death and Soviet regime concealed for 54 years « Current Politics in Ukraine

4."... the Pulitzer Prize was given to Walter Duranty of The New York Times. Mr Duranty, a Harrow-educated Englishman, won the prize for 1932 articles that argued Stalin was "doing the best for the Soviet masses". The same articles neglected both the facts of the deportation of hundreds of thousands and the beginnings of the Ukrainian famine, in which millions perished. The Great Depression was on and many New York Times editors saw the Soviet Union as an intriguing economic model. The Pulitzer committee duly canonised Duranty, concluding his work was "marked by scholarship, profundity, impartiality"*. Their award was a gift to Duranty - but an even greater one to Stalin."
Amity Shlaes, “Why Soviet history is back in vogue” (Financial Times, Aug. 25, 2003)

Of course, dupes are still a factor in American politics, aren't else to explain the closeness of the polls?

BTW....the Pulitzer folks never took back the NYTimes award.

Heed the warning of George Santayana when you vote in November.
And deportation to Siberia wasn't exactly a pleasure cruise. The Nazi horrors pale in comparison to what Stalin and Mao did as communists.
I think you are one of the NOT GOOD people you seem to think everyone is OP
I think you are one of the NOT GOOD people you seem to think everyone is OP

Oh, my poor sad friend....

...I know you pretend that I said that.

But you know that what I, and James Madison said, is that humans are not angels., you believe that everyone is good?

1. Dennis Prager: “There are mature and immature people all across the political spectrum. But Leftist positions are unusually childlike – because Left-wing positions are nearly all based on identifying one’s wishes with reality. ..The Left would like to believe that people are basically good. Therefore the Left declares people to be basically good…..The Left would like to believe that all countries, cultures, and individuals want the same things-a peaceful, tolerant, open, free society. Therefore, they believe it. Dennis Prager’s “Still the Best Hope” reviews the Evils of the Hysterical American Left « MN Prager Discussion Group

2. So, with the question of human nature being good, answered in the affirmative, the Left is free to confront, not evil, but, it is free to be preoccupied with combatting something else: material inequality. With said child-like “Barney Loves You” view of the world, one need not confront the reality that human nature is such that people are perfectly capable of being ‘Nazis.”

3. In the United States, which of the following groups have escaped discrimination of one kind or another: the Irish, Italians, Jews, Puerto Ricans, Poles, Hungarians, Chinese, Japanese, blacks….Right: none. See Glazer and Moynihan, “Beyond The Melting Pot.”

4. In England: West Indians, Pakistanis, Indians. See Hepple, “Race, Jobs, and the Law in Britain,” p. 20.

5. How about conflict between people of identical racial stock, but different ethnic and religious groups?
Irish Catholics, and Irish Protestants; Igbos vs. Hausa in Nigeria; Tutsis vs. Hutus in Burundi; and Kikuyus vs. Luos in Kenya.

6. Then there are Muslims vs. Christians in Lebanon; in Belgium there are Flemings vs Walloons; Sri Lanka- Singhalese vs. Tamils; Israel- Palestinians vs. Jews; Canada- English-speaking vs. French-speaking populations.

7. In some countries of Southeast Asia, the Chinese minority populations suffers a most-despised minority, often resulting in massacres or deportations

So, Ms. Truthie, in the face of the above, your position is, in the sense of pathos, ...


Wise up.
Grow up.
And Prescott Bush was in love with Hitler.

Not certain why you feel this is pertinent here, perhaps you could explain same, but perhaps the following also fits:

1. Should Obama’s cousin, Raila Odinga, the leader of Kenya’s violent Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), a Marxist and Socialist political party with strong Islamic fundamentalist leaning be permitted to enter the U.S. to attend Obama’s inauguration?
Should Obama

2. [ame=]The Obama and Odinga Connection - YouTube[/ame]

3 .Line from Article, “Ethnic Cleansing in Luoland” The Economist 2/7/2008):

“Odinga’s supporters went on a rampage—burning Kikuyu homes and businesses.”

Excerpt from Article, “Mob Burns Kenyans Seeking Refuge In Church” CNN 1/10/2008:

“Raping Kikuyu women, and murdering everyone in their path—including at least 50 Christian Kikuyu woman & children who had sought refuge in a church. They burned them alive.”
Obama's Radical Ties: Raila Odinga - Fort Worth Libertarian |
What an interesting day, June 26th of 1931 was.

1. The New York Times headline was "Stalinism Solving Minorities Problem."
The article was based on cables the Times correspondent, WALTER DURANTY, sent based on his experience in Moscow.

His lead paragraphs:
"PARIS. June 25—One of the most evident ways in which Soviet Russia is modifying Marxism is in the matter of nationalities and Soviet federation, for which Joseph Stalin is directly responsible as Commissar of Nationalities during the period prior to 1923, when the Constitution of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics was adopted and the commissariat in question abolished. ...

This was four months before I was born, in Warsaw, Poland. My parent were also duped, like so many other Polish communists. Stalin was a master of deception.

Ludwik Kowalski (see Wikipedia)
So, it is adherence to ideology/dogma that leads to inhuman behavior. Politics and religion have this in common, that they are institutions and that in institutions, men always seek and find ways to obtain power. This thirst for power is as corrupting as it is unquenchable. It soon makes whatever one has associated his/her ego with the most important thing of all (Deutschland ûber alles as a clear example). Thus, people exist for the state in some scenarios. Such a magnificent absurdity should be comic, but is instead quite tragic. It is so much less than humans could be. It is a parody of humanity.
What an interesting day, June 26th of 1931 was.

1. The New York Times headline was "Stalinism Solving Minorities Problem."
The article was based on cables the Times correspondent, WALTER DURANTY, sent based on his experience in Moscow.

His lead paragraphs:
"PARIS. June 25—One of the most evident ways in which Soviet Russia is modifying Marxism is in the matter of nationalities and Soviet federation, for which Joseph Stalin is directly responsible as Commissar of Nationalities during the period prior to 1923, when the Constitution of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics was adopted and the commissariat in question abolished. ...

This was four months before I was born, in Warsaw, Poland. My parent were also duped, like so many other Polish communists. Stalin was a master of deception.

Ludwik Kowalski (see Wikipedia)

Thank you for posting, Dr. Kowalski

I, like you, was born elsewhere. It seems that folks like us, and I am not comparing myself to you outside of this one area, have an easier time in recognizing the nadir that communism represents.

You will see many on this board who shrug off both its effects, and its influence in contemporary America.
They have been taught that it is imaginary.

Hope to see your posts in the future.

Be well.
Regards, pc.
It isn't a question of communism, which in any case has not been defined here. Stalinism is exactly that, an authoritarian system built on a cult of personality and not generalizable. The differences between him and Hitler are not very great, other than that the Russian may have been more directly responsible for even more deaths. Dictatorships, and absolutism in general, destroy life and human capacity.

That people refuse to think and learn is lamentable. Of course, the gross crimes of the Soviet Union are inexcusable. So are all excesses of power. They are not, unfortunately, foreign to the manipulators of the US system.
It isn't a question of communism, which in any case has not been defined here. Stalinism is exactly that, an authoritarian system built on a cult of personality and not generalizable. The differences between him and Hitler are not very great, other than that the Russian may have been more directly responsible for even more deaths. Dictatorships, and absolutism in general, destroy life and human capacity.

That people refuse to think and learn is lamentable. Of course, the gross crimes of the Soviet Union are inexcusable. So are all excesses of power. They are not, unfortunately, foreign to the manipulators of the US system.

Communism is inherently anti-democratic and anti-human.
What is being used as a definition of communism?

Capitalism is regarded by many to be anti-democratic and anti-human, too.

Monasteries and families often live communally and work quite well. The early Christian church held possessions in common. Marx neither invented nor defined communism, and even some of his ideas contributed significantly to advances in political, economic and social thinking.

What is the point of attacking one form of diabolic behavior when it is diabolic behavior itself that is the problem?
What is being used as a definition of communism?

Capitalism is regarded by many to be anti-democratic and anti-human, too.

Monasteries and families often live communally and work quite well. The early Christian church held possessions in common. Marx neither invented nor defined communism, and even some of his ideas contributed significantly to advances in political, economic and social thinking.

What is the point of attacking one form of diabolic behavior when it is diabolic behavior itself that is the problem?
Communal living can work quite well in small communities, where participation is totally voluntary.

In large scale, however, where participation cannot be completely voluntary and must be imposed by threat of government force, it's always a bloody failure.

What is being used as a definition of communism?

Capitalism is regarded by many to be anti-democratic and anti-human, too.

Monasteries and families often live communally and work quite well. The early Christian church held possessions in common. Marx neither invented nor defined communism, and even some of his ideas contributed significantly to advances in political, economic and social thinking.

What is the point of attacking one form of diabolic behavior when it is diabolic behavior itself that is the problem?

Communist regimes always result in oppresion, mass murder, concentration camps and misery.
What is being used as a definition of communism?

Capitalism is regarded by many to be anti-democratic and anti-human, too.

Monasteries and families often live communally and work quite well. The early Christian church held possessions in common. Marx neither invented nor defined communism, and even some of his ideas contributed significantly to advances in political, economic and social thinking.

What is the point of attacking one form of diabolic behavior when it is diabolic behavior itself that is the problem?

Communist regimes always result in oppresion, mass murder, concentration camps and misery.
Every. Single. Time.

There are those who haven't learned the lessons of history, however, and still insist communism can work. They say, "The US never gave it a chance to succeed! They always interfered!!" and "It'll work GREAT when we start it here in the US!!"

Communists are stupid.
I think you are one of the NOT GOOD people you seem to think everyone is OP

Oh, my poor sad friend....

...I know you pretend that I said that.

But you know that what I, and James Madison said, is that humans are not angels., you believe that everyone is good?

1. Dennis Prager: “The Left would like to believe that people are basically good. Therefore the Left declares people to be basically good…..[/B]The Left would like to believe that all countries, cultures, and individuals want the same things-a peaceful, tolerant, open, free society. Therefore, they believe it.

First, let's correct Prager's statement - Liberals believe that people are basically good. Therefore the liberal declares people to be basically good…Liberals believe that all countries, cultures, and individuals want the same things - a peaceful, tolerant, open, free society.

We agree on liberal beliefs, so let's look at what conservatives believe?

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Classical liberals assume a natural equality of humans; conservatives assume a natural hierarchy.
James M. Buchanan

Now PC, which set of beliefs could spawn the climate and circumstance where groups of people are ostracized, condemned and in extreme cases, exterminated?

You and Prager reinforce what 88 different psychological studies conducted between 1958 and 2002 that involved 22,818 people from 12 different countries clearly shows:

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians

RUSSIA: Conservative Dictator
Monday, Aug. 08, 1927


RUSSIA: Conservative Dictator - TIME

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