~Spirits And Ghosts~

Only in the mind of a boozer.

Have another drink... maybe another maniacal vision will pop into your head.
A good boozer always knows the best bet to get booze and a blob man is always a good bet.
Oh there are bad boozers, they tend to be in rehab.

And there are morons not oxy, as I am currently observing like David Attenborough in Brazilian blob forest.
Never met a "good boozer" in my life. Their brains don't function up to par.

So which are you? A good boozer who's brain is addled, or a bad boozer, who claims to drink a lot but really doesn't?
Their is a rare breed of boozer with brains fired up, the Christopher Hitchens type.

What is not so rare is the sober brain that can not fire up, that is common, the Pale Rider type.
What about the Holy Ghost?

The Holy Ghost is a force God uses to carry out his plans and do his bidding. It is not the spirit or ghost of a once living person.

When a person dies they are no more. The Bible describes it as "sleeping" they Know nothing and leave behind no spirit or ghost. One can not talk to the dead nor see apparitions that are from dead people. Such events are manifestations of the Devil and his fallen Angels. And if they exist they are the work of the Devil.
There is also, which you failed to mention, the delusional boozer, which JW Frogen is.

Your mind is so pickled and numb, any sort of reality or sobriety is considered abnormal to you.

Sober up, or soon your mind won't even be suitable for a toilet.
What about the Holy Ghost?

The Holy Ghost is a force God uses to carry out his plans and do his bidding. It is not the spirit or ghost of a once living person.

When a person dies they are no more. The Bible describes it as "sleeping" they Know nothing and leave behind no spirit or ghost. One can not talk to the dead nor see apparitions that are from dead people. Such events are manifestations of the Devil and his fallen Angels. And if they exist they are the work of the Devil.

I used to think that too RGS, but I've seen and heard to many things that would tend to prove that wrong. Yes, I'm a Christian. Yes, I believe in the Bible. But I have EVP's of people speaking, voices, of people I ONCE KNEW, and I also have a video of an apparition. I don't think it's the devil. I think it's a person that hasn't gone to where ever it will go yet. They're stuck, or want to stay here, unfinished business, untimely death, murdered, want to say something to someone who is still alive, something, anything. Spirits that are around us are people, dead people. Yes there can be evil, but hey, you are really going to know it FAST if you come in contact with an EVIL ENTITY.
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See argue long enough and one will find agreement, sobriety is abnormal to me. I have never realized how boring the sober are until I sobered up.
I'll tell you something Frogen... I don't believe for a second you're even drunk. I think you enjoy, for whatever twisted reason, playing as though you are drunk.

Now what? You going to start misspelling words? Well, maybe that would convince someone you're drunk. Possibly use a piss poor syntax... yeah... that might do it too. But just continuing to proclaim you're a drunk all while posting in perfect type and grammar... not very convincing there bro.

Maybe a new act. HEY... how about pretending to be a HOMO?
Oh my God! There is some one I do not know on an Internet forum who does not believe I am a drunk while at the same time calling me a broken down drunk every other post, what is a man to think?

Other than observe the wonder of those who can not think.
Oh my God... he didn't deny he was lying about playing a drunk... I'll call that... I WIN.

You're coming off as a two bit loser frogen. Ain't you got nothin' better than the lame act you been playin'?
What did you win Pale?

What ever is behind curtain number three?

I think you will find the only time you win on an Internet forum is when you realize you can't win anything.
Do you believe in them??
Have you ever encountered one or witnessed something to that nature??
I have had a couple of times where I have felt a 'presence'.....nothing I was afraid of. I do believe in ghosts and spirits.

I don't.

When I was a kid I worked for a "Mini Mart" which had a huge basement. They stored the beverages down there..and when it was time to bring some up..I was the only one in the place that would happily do it. It was a good workout..number one..and number two..no one would go down there. Why? The previous owner of the place hung himself down there and it was said that his ghost still was on the prowl.

Didn't bother me a bit.
Do you believe in them??
Have you ever encountered one or witnessed something to that nature??
I have had a couple of times where I have felt a 'presence'.....nothing I was afraid of. I do believe in ghosts and spirits.

I am a very strong believer in the Supernatural and the Paranormal. Ghosts, the Fae, and many other things that science cannot explain are out there. Sometimes they want us to know it and at other times they don't.

I have had several encounters with the "Other" world over the years. I've seen and felt ghosts and other spirits. I've had encounters with other creatures and phenomenon as well.
I once farted and it sounded exactly like Richard Nixon's 1973 resignation speech to the nation.

I believe.
I am a very strong believer in the Supernatural and the Paranormal. Ghosts, the Fae, and many other things that science cannot explain are out there. Sometimes they want us to know it and at other times they don't.

I have had several encounters with the "Other" world over the years. I've seen and felt ghosts and other spirits. I've had encounters with other creatures and phenomenon as well.
tell us more about ity!

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