Spending is the ONLY problem

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
The govt is supposed to function within the funds it recieves. Our desire to fund everything is breaking us. We give untold billions to other nations while our own people suffer. We pay for lavish lifestyles for those in govt. We advertise free handouts to immigrants, both legal and illegal. We give oil companies tax breaks when they are completely capable of surviving on their own. We pay 100 dollars for govt toilet seats.

Congress passes law after law that cost money. Why? Do we really need to regulate every aspect of our lives? For instance, how much is the ban on big gulps in NY going to cost them to inforce?

Add up all the little bullshit that the govt imposes on us and then tell me why the fuck we should pay more.... We are paying for our own oppression.
Because trickle down economics and the Bush Tax cuts were a massive failure which has destroyed the economy and devalued the dollar. Returning to a sane tax rate and fair tax plan is the only way to strengthen the dollar and get the economy roaring again.
Do you live in NYC where the big gulp ban is on? It's the only place and it's not a fed program.

But yes there is alot of waste. I suspect all those in Congress have the desire to become rich and to hell with their jobs or their ethics.
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Because trickle down economics and the Bush Tax cuts were a massive failure which has destroyed the economy and devalued the dollar. Returning to a sane tax rate and fair tax plan is the only way to strengthen the dollar and get the economy roaring again.

The economy didn't collapse because of tax issues. And the dollar is devalued because we keep printing it.

Raising taxes will solve nothing. As soon as the crisis passes those new taxes will be WASTED on dumb spending and even more taxes will be demanded.

This track can not be sustained long term. Eventually no amount of taxes will cover the spending.

WE MUST CUT SPENDING and rethink our priorities.
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Do you live in NYC where the big gulp ban is on? It's the only place and it's not a fed program.

But yes there is alot of waste. I suspect all those in Congress have the desire to become rich and to hell with their jobs or their ethics.

Trends start and spread from the east and west coast. The smoking ban put hundreds of bars out of business here in kc. That ban started as a trend in California. Why can't a private business owner on main street decide what will be allowed in his own establishment?
It's all for the children doncha know, of course no one cares how much debt we put on them. If we keep going like we are all the tax revenues will go to servicing the debt, but hey let's not worry about 20 years down the road, the next election is only 24 months away.
The govt is supposed to function within the funds it recieves. Our desire to fund everything is breaking us. We give untold billions to other nations while our own people suffer. We pay for lavish lifestyles for those in govt. We advertise free handouts to immigrants, both legal and illegal. We give oil companies tax breaks when they are completely capable of surviving on their own. We pay 100 dollars for govt toilet seats.

Congress passes law after law that cost money. Why? Do we really need to regulate every aspect of our lives? For instance, how much is the ban on big gulps in NY going to cost them to inforce?

Add up all the little bullshit that the govt imposes on us and then tell me why the fuck we should pay more.... We are paying for our own oppression.


The crazy spending increases under both Bush and Obama have help add to the ridiculous deficits. We are attempting to get "alcoholics" to engage in a self-imposed intervention.

Borrowing is bad, spending is worse. Deficits are just a clear symptom our government is too damn big. It is maddening because I can't see it ever changing this course because of the people "the people" elect.
Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages and end tax expenditures, and the next thing you know we will have a huge surplus.

Our country is one budget bill away from returning to greatness.

Agreed. Hence, Sequestration is the ONLY answer.

no, Sequestration is an arbitrary, and ineffective means of solving the problem. The biggest Problem is with Entitlements, and sequestration does not even attempt to address that problem. It's mostly a massive and dangerous slashing of Defense, which is dwarfed by Entitlement spending.
Cut military spending and bring our young men & women home.

Shut down all of the bases we no longer need and focus on a strong HOME BASED defense, no matter how much money and lives we throw away we are not going to change the eventual outcome of the Middle East.
Raising taxes will solve nothing. As soon as the crisis passes those new taxes will be WASTED on dumb spending and even more taxes will be demanded.

The crisis won't pass because they'll continue to jack up new spending. I guarantee that each new fiscal year's spending plan will continue to be larger than the last.
Agreed. Hence, Sequestration is the ONLY answer.

no, Sequestration is an arbitrary, and ineffective means of solving the problem. The biggest Problem is with Entitlements, and sequestration does not even attempt to address that problem.

I have absolutely no problem with sequestration because it's the only way you're actually going to see spending cut.

It's mostly a massive and dangerous slashing of Defense

There is nothing dangerous about it. We don't need the massive military budget we have.

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