*Speilberg Goes Stupid Over Obama: lol!!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Speilberg goes *double down* on Obama, lol!!!!
2. Damn he must be getting old.
3. Mr. Hollywood goes *all in* over a loser! lol!!!!
4. LINK:Steven Spielberg Behind Obama's Failed Bain Capital Attack

"If you were looking for advice on how tell a story that would impact millions upon millions of people, would you go to a director whose last four films were "War Horse," "The Adventures of Tintin," Indiana Jones 4," and "Munich?"


But Team Obama did, and what they got in return was a continuation of the ongoing Spielberg flop-streak:

At DreamWorks Studios, Steven Spielberg spent three hours explaining how to capture an audience’s attention and offered a number of ideas that will be rolled out before Election Day. An early example of Spielberg’s influence is RomneyEconomics.com, a website designed by the Obama team to tell the story—a horror story, by their reckoning—of Mitt Romney’s career at Bain Capital. Afterward, Spielberg insisted that Messina sit down with the DreamWorks marketing team. Hollywood movie studios are expert, as presidential campaigns also must be, at spending huge sums over a few weeks to reach and motivate millions of Americans."

5. Some one needs to tell him Obama's a loser! :badgrin:

I like Speilberg personally, but he is a moron. I wonder how many movies he makes in Kalifornia now. I mean unions think gofers need to make alot of money.

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