Speaking Of "Bitch"


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
What a smug, ignorant and arrogant little shit. Are they grooming him to become a whiteface Obama?

What a smug, ignorant and arrogant little shit. Are they grooming him to become a whiteface Obama?

I agree he doesn't come off as very likable. Maybe a few years at Harvard will knock a little of the stuffing out of him. Right now he's a big toad in a little puddle.
He has an absolute right to his opinion, though, whether or not you like it.
David Hogg is going to be a currupt politician like his great grandpa.

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What a smug, ignorant and arrogant little shit. Are they grooming him to become a whiteface Obama?

I agree he doesn't come off as very likable. Maybe a few years at Harvard will knock a little of the stuffing out of him. Right now he's a big toad in a little puddle.
He has an absolute right to his opinion, though, whether or not you like it.

Correction: He's a little toad in a huge puddle.
What a smug, ignorant and arrogant little shit. Are they grooming him to become a whiteface Obama?

I agree he doesn't come off as very likable. Maybe a few years at Harvard will knock a little of the stuffing out of him. Right now he's a big toad in a little puddle.
He has an absolute right to his opinion, though, whether or not you like it.

Davod Hogg is scum. He is among scum like Alex Jones, and those who used a horrible event to make money and a name for them selves. America hates him. Bet he has the comments turned off on his youtube. Just saying.
What a smug, ignorant and arrogant little shit. Are they grooming him to become a whiteface Obama?

I agree he doesn't come off as very likable. Maybe a few years at Harvard will knock a little of the stuffing out of him. Right now he's a big toad in a little puddle.
He has an absolute right to his opinion, though, whether or not you like it.

Davod Hogg is scum. He is among scum like Alex Jones, and those who used a horrible event to make money and a name for them selves. America hates him. Bet he has the comments turned off on his youtube. Just saying.

No the comments are not turned off.
What a smug, ignorant and arrogant little shit. Are they grooming him to become a whiteface Obama?

I agree he doesn't come off as very likable. Maybe a few years at Harvard will knock a little of the stuffing out of him. Right now he's a big toad in a little puddle.
He has an absolute right to his opinion, though, whether or not you like it.

Of course he does, as I do mine.
What a smug, ignorant and arrogant little shit. Are they grooming him to become a whiteface Obama?

I agree he doesn't come off as very likable. Maybe a few years at Harvard will knock a little of the stuffing out of him. Right now he's a big toad in a little puddle.
He has an absolute right to his opinion, though, whether or not you like it.

Davod Hogg is scum. He is among scum like Alex Jones, and those who used a horrible event to make money and a name for them selves. America hates him. Bet he has the comments turned off on his youtube. Just saying.

No the comments are not turned off.

LOL the vid has 61 views
Nicely done David. These victims of a horrific shooting are showing the country that they have a voice and soon a VOTE and they are not afraid to use either of them.

pre-register at 16. vote at 18. | California Secretary of State
dafuq? The victims aren't showing anyone anything. They are dead. Because of walking shit like you.
Survivors are victims too, asshole. But, hey, keep attacking them instead of coherently discussing the issue as they ARE and see how that goes for you in November when they can vote.
What a smug, ignorant and arrogant little shit. Are they grooming him to become a whiteface Obama?

I agree he doesn't come off as very likable. Maybe a few years at Harvard will knock a little of the stuffing out of him. Right now he's a big toad in a little puddle.
He has an absolute right to his opinion, though, whether or not you like it.

Davod Hogg is scum. He is among scum like Alex Jones, and those who used a horrible event to make money and a name for them selves. America hates him. Bet he has the comments turned off on his youtube. Just saying.

America doesn't hate him. He is not out for self-aggrandizement. He is just a smart full-of-himself teenager; he'll get over that part. I'm sure he believes in the message.
It is terribly troubling, Crixius, that you would say such things about a high school student. He's a kid still. At least let him get to college and involved in a protest or two before you start wishing him dead.
What a smug, ignorant and arrogant little shit. Are they grooming him to become a whiteface Obama?

I agree he doesn't come off as very likable. Maybe a few years at Harvard will knock a little of the stuffing out of him. Right now he's a big toad in a little puddle.
He has an absolute right to his opinion, though, whether or not you like it.

Davod Hogg is scum. He is among scum like Alex Jones, and those who used a horrible event to make money and a name for them selves. America hates him. Bet he has the comments turned off on his youtube. Just saying.

America doesn't hate him. He is not out for self-aggrandizement. He is just a smart full-of-himself teenager; he'll get over that part. I'm sure he believes in the message.
It is terribly troubling, Crixius, that you would say such things about a high school student. He's a kid still. At least let him get to college and involved in a protest or two before you start wishing him dead.

Wait wait wait if this kid wants to get in the mud he's going to get dirty and has to realize there is going to be blow back. If not he'd be wise to shut up
What a smug, ignorant and arrogant little shit. Are they grooming him to become a whiteface Obama?

Lol a grown ass man getting tilted over a kid and calling him a bitch :laugh:


Old school, when possible loss of combat weapon civilian ownership is at stake, grown ass men get tilted real easy. When a 'good guy' can't sell weapons out of his trunk to whoever has the money, grown ass men get tilted. Everyday life and liberty come in second after the right to think of yourself as a minuteman in search of an evil enemy, even when you have to make one up.
What a smug, ignorant and arrogant little shit. Are they grooming him to become a whiteface Obama?

Lol a grown ass man getting tilted over a kid and calling him a bitch :laugh:


Old school, when possible loss of combat weapon civilian ownership is at stake, grown ass men get tilted real easy. When a 'good guy' can't sell weapons out of his trunk to whoever has the money, grown ass men get tilted. Everyday life and liberty come in second after the right to think of yourself as a minuteman in search of an evil enemy, even when you have to make one up.

Oh brother.....
What a smug, ignorant and arrogant little shit. Are they grooming him to become a whiteface Obama?

Lol a grown ass man getting tilted over a kid and calling him a bitch :laugh:


If you get in the ring, yer gonna get punched.

And you’re on the side that says his slaughtered friends are a price you’re happy to pay. Sick.

Nope, I'm on the side that says deal with the actual problem, don't make one up and attach yourself to it merely to forward a specific political agenda.

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