Speaker Ryan Wants to Change Way Congress Spends Your Money


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Starting in 2016, he says, the 12 government appropriations bills will be considered one at a time. And House conservatives say they’ll watch closely to make sure the speaker follows through.

That should be a novel approach. Seems all they've been able to pass up to now are massive Omnibus bills where lawmakers can whine how they had no other choice but t vote for it to keep government from shutting down. Now, they'll have to vote for bills where they can be held accountable.

Can he pull it off? And, if he does, what will happen in the Senate?

Read the full story @ Paul Ryan Has a New Year's Resolution for the House
What a novel approach...common sense.
from the OP's link:
By debating each appropriations bill individually, Bogie said, Congress would be able “to make tough policy decisions and eliminate wasteful spending and duplicative programs that fall outside of the scope of the federal government.”

The omnibus has been criticized as a favorite vehicle for pet projects and questionable spending. In recent years, Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., has followed previous lawmakers’ tradition by releasing an annual Wastebook detailing hundreds of expensive government programs of questionable merit.

Going through appropriations bills one at a time would give the House an opportunity to find and cut out the questionable spending that Flake targets–such as the millions of taxpayer dollars spent to study sheep in microgravity or monkeys on treadmills.

I have serious doubts that routine will be followed. Reid or McConnell will screw it up.
What will be interesting is that he does not a have a GOP majority for a bill he wants, will he open it for a general vote?

The indications seem to be, yes.
The normal path of the Federal Budget hasn't been done for a long time.........including both parties over time.................They always just give a one size fits all bill..........omnibus.........................and black mail each other until it's done.
Why change what works? Cutting infrastructure, science, r&d and education is just retarded. I could see repealing some of the tax breaks and idiocy.
Like something is working???? We are trillions in debt. What is working?
Once the back of the political far right and the TP disease in Congress is broken, we can fix the system. We are only a year away from sweeping out those who hate America and began its healing without the hard right reactionaries.
Ryan's a progressive open borders asshole. Why would anyone listen to him?
The gipper is drunk on libertarianism, the preferred drink of goofy Americans.
Starting in 2016, he says, the 12 government appropriations bills will be considered one at a time. And House conservatives say they’ll watch closely to make sure the speaker follows through.

That should be a novel approach. Seems all they've been able to pass up to now are massive Omnibus bills where lawmakers can whine how they had no other choice but t vote for it to keep government from shutting down. Now, they'll have to vote for bills where they can be held accountable.

Can he pull it off? And, if he does, what will happen in the Senate? Read the full story @ Paul Ryan Has a New Year's Resolution for the House
I'd love to know what kind of deal was cut - if any - for Ryan to take this horrific gig.

And I wonder if such a deal would include some kind of guarantee against mutiny.

This just isn't a time for reasonable Republicans committed to cooperative legislating.
Ryan forced the far right of the House to commit to supporting him, or, he told them, he would open up the bills he wants to a vote that would allow Dems to override the TP. The TP members hate him but can do nothing about it.
I think it was back in 2015 the Republicans began reading the Constitution aloud to the Congress. It was done with great fanfare and patriotism. Is that still going on or did Republicans drop it? If dropped, anyone remember how long it lasted?

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