Speaker of the House Byron Donalds

The guy has only been in congress for two years. There is nothing outstanding about his political record. Why the hell would he be a good choice for speaker? Because he represents a district in Florida? Because of his skin color?
One doesn’t even have to be a Member of Congress to be Speaker.

And I believe that it ultimately won’t matter which Member the GOP agrees upon. If it’s one of the usual “go along to get along” useless weak-ass Republicans, then they might as well have left McCarthy in that position.

And if it’s anybody who has any conservative bona fides, he or she simply won’t get the nod from the GOP House members who aren’t doing their jobs anyway.
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Now that Jordan is out of the picture who would be a better choice than Donald's ?
I can't think of any

I don't see how we get past the fact that a small handful won't vote for anyone who is not full fledged MAGA and there are more than a small handful who won't vote for anyone who is full fledged MAGA. I like the choice though because it forces over 200 Democrats to vote against the black guy. Sounds like campaign ammunition to me.
Good luck to him. And, I mean it. A Black man in a leadership role in the Republican party? That would be something, no?

The last black guy who served as a chairperson of the RNC - (Steele) - did not have good things to say about the racists in the Republican party.

Let's hope that has since changed.
He got that spot for diversity reasons and he did an awful job.
Pedophile-enabler Gym Jordan got less votes than Steve Scalise.

Steve Scalise got less votes than Kevin McCarthy.

Why would you idiots want to continue that downward spiral with Byron Donalds? Electing a guy who has been in Congress for five minutes would be as stupid a electing a game show host to be President.

Either put McCarthy back in or elect Patrick McHenry, the Speaker pro tem.
Pedophile-enabler Gym Jordan got less votes than Steve Scalise.

Steve Scalise got less votes than Kevin McCarthy.

Why would you idiots want to continue that downward spiral with Byron Donalds? Electing a guy who has been in Congress for five minutes would be as stupid a electing a game show host to be President.

Either put McCarthy back in or elect Patrick McHenry, the Speaker pro tem.

Donalds is not and won't be corrupted by K Street and Congressional multi-millionaires. Reason enuff!
Donalds is not and won't be corrupted by K Street and Congressional multi-millionaires. Reason enuff!
You pulled that ASSumption out of your ass. You are being gaslighted.

Three of the top five contributors to Donalds are in the financial services industry.

His biggest donor is Robinhood Markets, which is based out of California. Why is a California financial company donating to a Florida congressman?
I was wrong, actually. THREE of his top five donors are in the financial services industry. And his biggest donor is based out of California.

Why is a California financial company donating to a Florida congressman?

Because he's a nice guy.
I don't see how we get past the fact that a small handful won't vote for anyone who is not full fledged MAGA and there are more than a small handful who won't vote for anyone who is full fledged MAGA. I like the choice though because it forces over 200 Democrats to vote against the black guy. Sounds like campaign ammunition to me.
The way I look at it considering how the Democrats are lock-step in their agenda to destroy this country eventually good will overcome evil for lack of a better way to put it.
One doesn’t even have to be a Member of Congress to be Speaker.

And I believe that it ultimately won’t matter which Member the GOP agrees upon. If it’s one of the usual “go along to get along” useless weak-ass Republicans, then they might as well have left McCarthy in that position.

And if it’s anybody who has any conservative bona fides, he or she simply won’t get the nod from the GOP House members who aren’t doing their jobs anyway.
It won't matter because the left will milk the issue for as long as they can and they will find a reason to criticize any decision by the GOP and they can count on the MSM to agree with them. It beats talking about the mess in foreign policy and the mess at home and the potential for a terrorist attack while the old fool has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button.
It won't matter because the left will milk the issue for as long as they can and they will find a reason to criticize any decision by the GOP and they can count on the MSM to agree with them. It beats talking about the mess in foreign policy and the mess at home and the potential for a terrorist attack while the old fool has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button.
LOL. Don't blame the idiot Matt Gaetz for the mess he put your retard party in. Don't blame the inept Republicans who can't get behind a speaker among their ranks.

No, blame Dems and the MSM for the mess that you retards created. And you trumptards wonder why no one believes you are fit to govern. :itsok:

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