Soviet and Muscovite sexpionage, both homosexual and heterosexual , names of the targets


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Soviet and Muscovite sexpionage, both homosexual and heterosexual , names of the targets.
look like trump is just one of many....


"According to Jason Matthews, former CIA agent and author of Red Sparrow, the Soviet Union had a sexpionage school called "State School 4" in Kazan, Tatarstan, south east of Moscow, on the banks of the Volga river. This school trained agents to be swallows. Matthews believes the school has been closed, but that Russia now uses independent contractors.[4][5][6][7] The school was also named the Lenin Technical School .[8] A sparrow school was depicted in Matthews' 2013 novel Red Sparrow, which was based on his experiences, and in the 2018 film of the same name adapted from it.[9] but speculated that honey traps are still being used.[10][11]

In one event related in a 2018 New York Times interview by former CIA agent Jonna Hiestand Mendez an American Marine stationed at the American embassy in Moscow was seduced by a swallow, and subsequently allowed Russian agents onto the property. Mendez stated that other countries like China had such programs.[12]

In 1963 the playwright and screenwriter Yuri Krotkov defected to the West. He revealed that he had been told by the KGB to seek out[clarification needed] attractive young women who could be used to seduce men. He would recruit actresses while doing film work, promising better film roles, money and clothes.[3]

All of the swallows had numbers instead of names.[13]

Trapped targets during the Soviet Union period included:

Sukarno, President of Indonesia;
Maurice Dejean [fr], French ambassador in the 1950s;
Clayton J. Lonetree, a Marine guarding the US embassy;
Roy Guindon, a Canadian diplomat;
Col. Louis Guibaud, a French military attache who committed suicide;[3]
Jeremy Wolfenden, a homosexual British journalist in Moscow in the early 1960s;
John Watkins, homosexual Canadian ambassador in Moscow in 1954;
Geoffrey Harrison, British ambassador;
U.S. Army Major James R. Holbrook;
John Vassall, a homosexual British navy clerk;
British MP Anthony Courtney;[13][14][15]

Targets more recently working with Muscovite include:

Liberal Democrat MP Mike Hancock in London;
British diplomat James Hudson in July 2009.[16]
D. Trump

The Washington Post reported in 1987 that "Most westerners who have spent any length of time in Moscow have their favorite tale of an attempted seduction by a KGB swallow or raven."[14] "
This is why we had to disappear Jeffrey Epstein as well. The american aristocracy had way too much to hide.

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