South Sudan's President Visits Israel


Jun 29, 2011
"South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir on Tuesday visited Israel for the first time for talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other top officials.

The South Sudanese leader arrived late on Monday, press reports said, and was due to visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem on Tuesday morning.

Israel recognized South Sudan and established full diplomatic relations with Kiir’s government shortly after it declared independence in July following a 22-year civil war with the mostly-Muslim north.

The Jewish state does not have relations with Khartoum, which it has accused of serving as a base for Islamic militants, and instead supported the rebel movement of the mainly Christian and animist south during the war.

Israel’s ties with the rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, which is now the south's ruling party, have reportedly long been close, with the Jewish state allegedly providing arms during the war, although neither side has publicly acknowledged any weapons transfers.

Tuesday’s meetings were expected to focus on the issue of refugees. Israel is home to thousands of refugees from the former united Sudan, including hundreds from the south."

South Sudan
I am glad to see Israel taking an active role with South Sudan.
Israel basically started and financed the conflict from the get-go.

Because they wanted access to South Sudan's oil.

Otherwise, Israel could have cared less about the people or forming a new break away country.

Like I have said a hundred times on this board.

"Anytime there is conflict, chaos, or war anywhere in the world; just scratch the surface and you will find Israel is involved behind the scenes." :evil:
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The religion of peace at work :clap2:

The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people. More than one hundred people continue to die each day; five thousand die every month.

Since February 2003, the Sudanese government in Khartoum and the government-sponsored Janjaweed militia have used rape, displacement, organized starvation, threats against aid workers and mass murder. Violence, disease, and displacement continue to kill thousands of innocent Darfurians every month.

Genocide in Darfur, Sudan | Darfur Scorecard

[ame=]The Genocide In Darfur - YouTube[/ame]
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I am glad to see Israel taking an active role with South Sudan.
Israel basically started and financed the conflict from the get-go.

Because they wanted access to South Sudan's oil.

Otherwise, Israel could have cared less about the people or forming a new break away country.

Like I have said a hundred times on this board.

"Anytime there is conflict, chaos, or war anywhere in the world; just scratch the surface and you will find Israel is involved behind the scenes." :evil:

Not a good idea to impugn your allah's Children of Israel. No paradise for you, stupid motherfucker. :lol:
Quran 17:104 And We said to the Children of Israel after him: "Dwell in the land, then, when the final and the last promise comes near [i.e. the Day of Resurrection or the descent of Christ ['Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary) on the earth]. We shall bring you altogether as mixed crowd

[ame=]Applause - YouTube[/ame]
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but yet then the ten commandments seem to mean nothing to you or most of Israel

Too bad you weren't aborted successfully. Rusty hangers are not effective.

Dr. Wafa Sultan, Human Rights Activist, Among "Time magazine's 100 heroes and pioneers whose power, talent or moral example is transforming our world"Wafa Sultan - The 2006 TIME 100 - TIME.

Israel - The One And The Only Free Democratic Country In The Entire Middle East.
I believe that any nation that grants equal opportunity to every citizen, regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, or gender, thereby, establishes its moral legitimacy. According to this principle, Israel stands alone in the Middle East region, as a nation with moral legitimacy: it grants all citizens equal rights for men and women alike, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech and of the press. Not a single Arab or Muslim country in the surrounding region does the same. Nor do any of those Arab and Muslim nations allow their citizens personal freedom, or the right to maintain and express opposing points of view.

These essential qualities of life provide oxygen for the human soul; they are the kind of basic nourishment that is desperately missing in all of Israel's Muslim neighbors. Yet, the so-called humanitarian aid organizations at the United Nations direct all their energy to act against anything and everything Israel does. Let me ask: as every human being deserves to live in dignity, why has an enormous unbalanced portion of global aid gone mostly to Palestinians, while millions of underprivileged people all over the world suffer genuine, life-threatening deprivation? Here is why: The United Nations time and again focuses its power on the perpetual manufacturing of false anti-Israel accusations. Painting Palestinians as perennial underdogs provides the perfect cover for their subversive effort. Without doubt, this trend encourages hatred and violence against the Jewish people in Israel and everywhere else. And that is exactly its point.

A Palestinian women's organization reported that Muslim men perpetrate some 40 honor killings annually in the West Bank alone, not including the vast majority of honor killing and abuse of women that go unreported -- as Islamic society maintains secrecy in upholding the popular belief that those "cursed with a sin, [should] hide it."

According to recent face-to-face surveys by prominent international pollsters, more Palestinians in East Jerusalem would prefer to be citizens of Israel than citizens of a new Palestinian state -- and 40% would probably or definitely move to avoid Palestinian rule.

Those who love liberty and life will strengthen their ties and warm relations with Israel, and stand with her. Israel will continue to shine its light among all nations.

The United Nations and Human Rights Abuse | EuropeNews
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I am glad to see Israel taking an active role with South Sudan.
Israel basically started and financed the conflict from the get-go.

Because they wanted access to South Sudan's oil.

Otherwise, Israel could have cared less about the people or forming a new break away country.

Like I have said a hundred times on this board.

"Anytime there is conflict, chaos, or war anywhere in the world; just scratch the surface and you will find Israel is involved behind the scenes." :evil:

Investor's Business Daily: How Free Israel Prospers As Islam Remains In The Dark

Israel, a New Jersey-sized nation of 7.5 million people (1.7 million of whom are Arab) filed 7,082 international patents in the five years ending in 2007. By contrast, 28 majority-Muslim nations with almost 1.2 billion people — 155 times the population of Israel — were granted 2,071 patents in the same period. Narrowing the comparison to the 17 Muslim nations of the Middle East from Morocco to Iran and down the Arabian Peninsula, the 409 million people in that region generated 680 patents in five years.
This means that the Arab and Iranian world produced about one patent per year for every 3 million people, compared with Israel's output of one annual patent for every 5,295 people, an Israeli rate some 568 times that of Israel's neighbors and sometime enemies.

The awarding of Nobel Prizes in the quantitative areas of chemistry, economics and physics shows a similar disparity, with five Israeli winners compared with one French Algerian (a Jew who earned the prize for work done in France) and an Egyptian-American (for work done at Caltech in California).

But wealth isn't the sole explanation for this disparity in intellectual innovation. Saudi Arabia enjoyed a per capita income of $24,200 in 2010. Yet the Kingdom averages an anemic 37 patents per year compared with Israel's 1,416 per year — and there are 3 1/2 times more Saudis than Israelis, meaning that Israel's per capita output of intellectual property is 132 times greater than Saudi Arabia's.

The telltale signs of Israel's economic rise can be seen in the Tel Aviv skyline and the new office complexes around Jerusalem. International giant Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. was founded in 1901 by three pharmacists in Jerusalem. Today it employs 40,000 around the world. Teva has a market cap of $44.2 billion — the most highly valued company based in Israel and the ninth-largest firm traded on the Nasdaq

A few miles from Teva's gleaming office campus west of the Old City sits the former national mint building for the British Mandate. Built in 1937, this renovated building, along with the old Ottoman Empire railway warehouses next to it, houses the JVP Media Quarter and 300 entrepreneurs.

The complex hosts Israel's leading venture capital firm, Jerusalem Venture Partners, as well as 35 startups and a performing arts center for good measure. JVP, which has helped launch 70 companies since 1993, has more than $820 million under management with seven active venture capital funds.

The Media Quarter concept was created in 2002 when JVP founder Erel Margalit wanted to create a media-focused incubator that combined technology, culture, art and business. JVP has shepherded 18 initial public offerings, mergers and acquisitions, including some of the largest Israel-based companies: Qlik Technologies, Netro Corp., Chromatis Networks, Precise Software, Cogent Communications.

Less than 300 miles separate the purposeful creative buzz in the JVP Media Quarter from the restive streets of Cairo, where the Muslim Brotherhood tells Egypt's unemployed that their plight is the fault of corrupt capitalists and Jews. It doesn't take a Nobel Prize-winning economist to figure out where these two economies are going.

How Free Israel Prospers As Islam Remains In Dark -
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I am glad to see Israel taking an active role with South Sudan.
Israel basically started and financed the conflict from the get-go.

Because they wanted access to South Sudan's oil.

Otherwise, Israel could have cared less about the people or forming a new break away country.

Like I have said a hundred times on this board.

"Anytime there is conflict, chaos, or war anywhere in the world; just scratch the surface and you will find Israel is involved behind the scenes." :evil:

They didn't start the conflict, they just sided with the righteous in the battle against the disgusting muslims.

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