Sorry Trumpers ... This Measure Says Growth Is Slower Under Trump Than Obama

Fed rate pegged to zero for years. Cash for clunkers. QE. Trillion dollar stimulus package. Unemployment benefits extended out to 2 years. Payroll tax cut. Banks on bailout programs. I would hope Obama could get some growth with all that support.

Now, Obama inherited a mess. But, to compare the economy now, especially with the Obama's first term is crazy. It is MUCH better today.

Yes, it so much better than Obama’s first term because it had been getting better for 5 year prior to the election.

Trump has done a great job. Reconcile that in whatever way you feel comfortable with. This economy is going to carry him to an easy win next year.
Same as the 2018?
Look at the graphs for gods sake.
The con (no taxes) has conned the biggest in history, all white zero college rubes.
Boy I look forward to raping my wife again (ok according the the cons lawyer)

Hey commie, stop talking about college when it's obvious you can't even put a reasonable sentence together. I've seen 5th graders that could put their thoughts to paper better than you.

Damn, are interest payments on the national debt and yearly deficits different line items in the budget? I don't think so. And if maobama hadn't neglected the military, there wouldn't have been a need to rebuild it. Almost half the military units were non-mission capable when maobama left office because their equipment wasn't properly maintained.


You are aware that Obama spent more on the military than his predecessor, right?

Only because things Bush left off budget, maobama put on budget, I don't think total expenditures were really that much different.

Damn, are interest payments on the national debt and yearly deficits different line items in the budget? I don't think so. And if maobama hadn't neglected the military, there wouldn't have been a need to rebuild it. Almost half the military units were non-mission capable when maobama left office because their equipment wasn't properly maintained.


You are aware that Obama spent more on the military than his predecessor, right?

Only because things Bush left off budget, maobama put on budget, I don't think total expenditures were really that much different.


Which still kind of defeats the idea he neglected it. Also, I think the budget sequestration was not his idea. I am not a fan of his, but I think he gets a bum rap as far as the military goes.
What I've heard from the liberals was that the economy was going to tank under Trump.
Well, it didn't happen....not even close. Life is doing pretty well for most.

The libs can chew on that awhile.

Man, all you Little Trumpsters all say the same thing over, over and over.
Is part of being a Little Trumpster, the requirement to repeat same thing over and over and over again?
Is original thought, outlawed in Trumpsterland?
No emotion, I see it all around me. I haven't seen growth like this since the eighties. If you don't have a job, you don't want one. But you run your life on charts that can be manipulated to whatever they want them to be.

There is nothing happening now that was not happening the 5 years prior to Trump's win.

Wrong! The strength of an economy is NOT just GDP numbers, it is rising wages.

You are an intelligent person the way you pick your debate points, I will give you that for sure. The problem is----------->you are trying to paint an economic problem to GDP. Workers do not care about GDP, they care about employment opportunities, and rising wages. Trump has delivered BOTH!

Now, in your defense, GDP is extremely important for the reason------------->grow out of our debt situation. The faster we grow, the larger the economy, meaning the more money the government will garner in it's taxes.

And yet, on the other hand, you every damn Leftist Democrat talking about spending from 3 to 93 extra TRILLION dollars!

As I said in another post----------------->We do NOT think Trump and the Republicans are the solution to all of our problems. But we DO KNOW that the Leftist/Socialists, are the cause of most of them.
Damn, are interest payments on the national debt and yearly deficits different line items in the budget? I don't think so. And if maobama hadn't neglected the military, there wouldn't have been a need to rebuild it. Almost half the military units were non-mission capable when maobama left office because their equipment wasn't properly maintained.


You are aware that Obama spent more on the military than his predecessor, right?

Only because things Bush left off budget, maobama put on budget, I don't think total expenditures were really that much different.


Which still kind of defeats the idea he neglected it. Also, I think the budget sequestration was not his idea. I am not a fan of his, but I think he gets a bum rap as far as the military goes.

When the AF was going to aircraft bone yards and museums to find serviceable parts, they were being neglected. Other units didn't even have that option, there's not many bone yards or museums for most military equipment.

Wrong! The strength of an economy is NOT just GDP numbers, it is rising wages.

As I said, nothing that has not been happening for the previous 5 years...


And yet, on the other hand, you every damn Leftist Democrat talking about spending from 3 to 93 extra TRILLION dollars!

As I said in another post----------------->We do NOT think Trump and the Republicans are the solution to all of our problems. But we DO KNOW that the Leftist/Socialists, are the cause of most of them.

Neither is the solution because neither give a fly fuck about the debt or curbing spending.
When the AF was going to aircraft bone yards and museums to find serviceable parts, they were being neglected. Other units didn't even have that option, there's not many bone yards or museums for most military equipment.


They were getting lots of money, money has never been an issue with our military. It is mismanagement and over use that is the problem.

The amount of money wasted by our military is startling, and I know that from first hand experience.

Anyone that looks at what we spend on our military and says it is under funded is crazy.
What I've heard from the liberals was that the economy was going to tank under Trump.
Well, it didn't happen....not even close. Life is doing pretty well for most.

The libs can chew on that awhile.

Man, all you Little Trumpsters all say the same thing over, over and over.
Is part of being a Little Trumpster, the requirement to repeat same thing over and over and over again?
Is original thought, outlawed in Trumpsterland?
Just keep sticking your head the sand, Kiwi. I know you TDS'rs can't give credit to the orange man.
Wages are increasing and the market is doing well. Inflation is low and there are plenty of jobs.
Now you can throw all the jabs you want at me, just like your last post. But, you can't argue with
reality....and you didn't in your last post.
Now, having said that.....go pound sand, dude/dudette
When the AF was going to aircraft bone yards and museums to find serviceable parts, they were being neglected. Other units didn't even have that option, there's not many bone yards or museums for most military equipment.


They were getting lots of money, money has never been an issue with our military. It is mismanagement and over use that is the problem.

The amount of money wasted by our military is startling, and I know that from first hand experience.

Anyone that looks at what we spend on our military and says it is under funded is crazy.

Yep, but maintenance is a different line in the military budget. You can throw all you want at other areas, but without properly maintained equipment, you're still not mission capable.

Wages are increasing and the market is doing well. Inflation is low and there are plenty of jobs.

Which was the case when Trump was elected...
Did I argue with you?????????????????????????????????????????
I stated a true fact, and my claim was that the economy was supposed to tank under Trump
according to the liberals. Wanna argue that????
sheesh dude
When the AF was going to aircraft bone yards and museums to find serviceable parts, they were being neglected. Other units didn't even have that option, there's not many bone yards or museums for most military equipment.


They were getting lots of money, money has never been an issue with our military. It is mismanagement and over use that is the problem.

The amount of money wasted by our military is startling, and I know that from first hand experience.

Anyone that looks at what we spend on our military and says it is under funded is crazy.

Yep, but maintenance is a different line in the military budget. You can throw all you want at other areas, but without properly maintained equipment, you're still not mission capable.


Which has been the balancing act forever. When I was in an FA-18 squadron we always had a hanger queen, the one plane that would never fly and was used for parts for the rest of the planes.

I used to do the SORTS (Status of Resources & Training System (SORTS) page for Plans, Policies & Operations (PP&O)) for the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing. Equipment readiness and individual training were always the two low points in the report.
Trump is still riding President Obama's coattails on the economy.
You might have been right if Trump had kept Obama's EO's for businesses, but Trump got rid of
you can ride on Trumps coat tails, Lakhota.

The Trump train is heading for a cliff. Just a matter of time...
Okay....probably the train will leave in Jan. 2025 :auiqs.jpg:

You people have been firing blanks since Trump won the election. Your prediction is no different.
I just wish you would hold your breath until he does.
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