Soros could seriously benefit from Obama's Natural Gas Push


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Obama has no shame. Unreal. This on top of Buffet benefiting from not allowing Keystone.

But it's the conservatives who pander to millionaires. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Oh you lying mother trucking bastards on the left. I swear I want to cyber slap any lib upside the head who makes me want to bazooka barf with "big oil " or any other "big jack shit" comment.

Liberal thy name is hypocrisy.

Check this out.

George Soros, a billionaire investor and major backer of President Obama, stands to reap a windfall from legislation promoting natural gas-powered vehicles. The White House unveiled a proposal on Thursday that would do just that.

The proposal would offer incentives for companies to buy and use trucks powered by natural gas. Obama announced the effort at a UPS facility in Las Vegas that received stimulus funding to buy natural gas vehicles and build a fueling station for them.

The proposal is remarkably similar to the New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions (NAT GAS) Act.

One company that stands to benefit handsomely from the president’s proposal is Westport Innovations. The company converts diesel engines to be fueled by natural gas. Wall Street analysts predicted a boom for the company if the NAT GAS Act were passed. CNBC analyst Jim Cramer said he “expects shares to absolutely explode” in the event the legislation were to pass.

Jim Cramer made positive mention of Westport, calling it a solid play on natural gas should Congress pass its pending Natural Gas Act. Westport converts diesel engines (i.e. – those found in semi trailers) into ones that run on natural gas.

Benefiting Westport is that it’s: A) basically first to the market, at least in terms of mass production, and B) high barriers of entry for competition because of the complex technology involved in the transformations.

If Westport reaps the predicted windfall, one of the chief beneficiaries will be George Soros, a major Obama donor and supporter. Soros’s hedge fund holds 3,160,063 company shares (as of its last SEC filing).

Soros has given $384,090 to the Democratic Party, Democratic PACs, and Democratic Candidates in the three election cycles beginning in 2008, including $4,400 to Obama himself, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. He describes himself as “an early supporter of Barack Obama, first in his Senate campaign in Illinois and later when he ran for President. Soros supported Obama in his presidential bid because he believed he could provide the transformational leadership the country needed.”

Soros May Benefit From White House's Natural Gas Proposal
Is there anything Obama does that Soros doesn't benefit from? Who do you think Owns Obama?
This is very interesting.

While I believe wholeheartedly in NGV's, I don't believe in such "incentives".

Soros is a bit player and a huckster. Fuck him.

Regarding Buffet and Keystone- that's conjecture at this point.

Westport may rise on such speculation, but it will ultimately fall on reality.
Obama has no shame. Unreal. This on top of Buffet benefiting from not allowing Keystone.

But it's the conservatives who pander to millionaires. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Oh you lying mother trucking bastards on the left. I swear I want to cyber slap any lib upside the head who makes me want to bazooka barf with "big oil " or any other "big jack shit" comment.

Liberal thy name is hypocrisy.

Check this out.

George Soros, a billionaire investor and major backer of President Obama, stands to reap a windfall from legislation promoting natural gas-powered vehicles. The White House unveiled a proposal on Thursday that would do just that.

The proposal would offer incentives for companies to buy and use trucks powered by natural gas. Obama announced the effort at a UPS facility in Las Vegas that received stimulus funding to buy natural gas vehicles and build a fueling station for them.

The proposal is remarkably similar to the New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions (NAT GAS) Act.

One company that stands to benefit handsomely from the president’s proposal is Westport Innovations. The company converts diesel engines to be fueled by natural gas. Wall Street analysts predicted a boom for the company if the NAT GAS Act were passed. CNBC analyst Jim Cramer said he “expects shares to absolutely explode” in the event the legislation were to pass.

Jim Cramer made positive mention of Westport, calling it a solid play on natural gas should Congress pass its pending Natural Gas Act. Westport converts diesel engines (i.e. – those found in semi trailers) into ones that run on natural gas.

Benefiting Westport is that it’s: A) basically first to the market, at least in terms of mass production, and B) high barriers of entry for competition because of the complex technology involved in the transformations.

If Westport reaps the predicted windfall, one of the chief beneficiaries will be George Soros, a major Obama donor and supporter. Soros’s hedge fund holds 3,160,063 company shares (as of its last SEC filing).

Soros has given $384,090 to the Democratic Party, Democratic PACs, and Democratic Candidates in the three election cycles beginning in 2008, including $4,400 to Obama himself, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. He describes himself as “an early supporter of Barack Obama, first in his Senate campaign in Illinois and later when he ran for President. Soros supported Obama in his presidential bid because he believed he could provide the transformational leadership the country needed.”

Soros May Benefit From White House's Natural Gas Proposal

Politics of envy? Couldn't you just buy some shares, yourself? How is this different from how Mitt makes his money, now that he isn't an active takeover capitalist?
Seems like they are all alike.
Do you think that Bush's supporters did not benefit from his policies?
Do you think that Newt's supporters would not benefit from his policies should he become president?
But it's the conservatives who pander to millionaires. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I don't know a single LEFTIE who believe that it's ONLY conservatives who pander to the wealthy.

Fact is, I don't even know any partisan DEMS who are THAT STUPID.
Oh yeah, almost forgot! Quit whining and SUPPORT PUBLIC FINANCING OF ELECTIONS.

Yeah that makes sense, let's shift control from Soros to corrupt politicians.

Wouldnt the more appropriate solution be: STOP SUPPORTING CORRUPT PEOPLE?!?
But it's the conservatives who pander to millionaires. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I don't know a single LEFTIE who believe that it's ONLY conservatives who pander to the wealthy.

Fact is, I don't even know any partisan DEMS who are THAT STUPID.

So you have not come across rdean or truffmocker here?

How odd.
edit: My apologies to CaliforniaSquirrel, this thread was started by tinydumbass, not you. :D

Tinydumbass: You're a dumbass.

That's all.
Last edited:
"Oh you lying mother trucking bastards on the left. I swear I want to cyber slap any lib upside the head who makes me want to bazooka barf with "big oil " or any other "big jack shit" comment."

Big talk from an anonymous pip-squeak. You should be careful who you say that sort of thing to though, because you might just fine yourself getting one very serious ass-kicking for your language.
Oh yeah, almost forgot! Quit whining and SUPPORT PUBLIC FINANCING OF ELECTIONS.

Yeah that makes sense, let's shift control from Soros to corrupt politicians.

Wouldnt the more appropriate solution be: STOP SUPPORTING CORRUPT PEOPLE?!?

If it were that simple, it would have already happened. Just saying that doesn't get rid of the money problem, the real reason for career politicians. Regardless of party or ideology, it's cheaper and more effective to bribe those already in power than a "maybe" down the road. Get the money out and Soros and others stop having power and our representitives have to listen to US.
"Oh you lying mother trucking bastards on the left. I swear I want to cyber slap any lib upside the head who makes me want to bazooka barf with "big oil " or any other "big jack shit" comment."

Big talk from an anonymous pip-squeak. You should be careful who you say that sort of thing to though, because you might just fine yourself getting one very serious ass-kicking for your language.

Who're you talking to? I want to know if I'm the one in line for an ass-kicking and why. :eusa_angel:
Obama has no shame. Unreal. This on top of Buffet benefiting from not allowing Keystone.

But it's the conservatives who pander to millionaires. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Oh you lying mother trucking bastards on the left. I swear I want to cyber slap any lib upside the head who makes me want to bazooka barf with "big oil " or any other "big jack shit" comment.

Liberal thy name is hypocrisy.

Check this out.

George Soros, a billionaire investor and major backer of President Obama, stands to reap a windfall from legislation promoting natural gas-powered vehicles. The White House unveiled a proposal on Thursday that would do just that.

The proposal would offer incentives for companies to buy and use trucks powered by natural gas. Obama announced the effort at a UPS facility in Las Vegas that received stimulus funding to buy natural gas vehicles and build a fueling station for them.

The proposal is remarkably similar to the New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions (NAT GAS) Act.

One company that stands to benefit handsomely from the president’s proposal is Westport Innovations. The company converts diesel engines to be fueled by natural gas. Wall Street analysts predicted a boom for the company if the NAT GAS Act were passed. CNBC analyst Jim Cramer said he “expects shares to absolutely explode” in the event the legislation were to pass.

Jim Cramer made positive mention of Westport, calling it a solid play on natural gas should Congress pass its pending Natural Gas Act. Westport converts diesel engines (i.e. – those found in semi trailers) into ones that run on natural gas.

Benefiting Westport is that it’s: A) basically first to the market, at least in terms of mass production, and B) high barriers of entry for competition because of the complex technology involved in the transformations.

If Westport reaps the predicted windfall, one of the chief beneficiaries will be George Soros, a major Obama donor and supporter. Soros’s hedge fund holds 3,160,063 company shares (as of its last SEC filing).

Soros has given $384,090 to the Democratic Party, Democratic PACs, and Democratic Candidates in the three election cycles beginning in 2008, including $4,400 to Obama himself, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. He describes himself as “an early supporter of Barack Obama, first in his Senate campaign in Illinois and later when he ran for President. Soros supported Obama in his presidential bid because he believed he could provide the transformational leadership the country needed.”

Soros May Benefit From White House's Natural Gas Proposal
Of course, libtards love the hate capitalism hypocrisy and then make big money from capitalism. Idiots.
But it's the conservatives who pander to millionaires. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I don't know a single LEFTIE who believe that it's ONLY conservatives who pander to the wealthy.

Fact is, I don't even know any partisan DEMS who are THAT STUPID.
I know a lot of dimwits that are that stupid.
But it's the conservatives who pander to millionaires. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I don't know a single LEFTIE who believe that it's ONLY conservatives who pander to the wealthy.

Fact is, I don't even know any partisan DEMS who are THAT STUPID.
I know a lot of dimwits that are that stupid.

I'll bet you know a whole boatload of dimwits. :cuckoo:
There would be many more than just Soros making money,Obama is right to prompt gas exploration. He sure was contradictory in his state of union speech oil and gas are one in the same ,but he is right we should be using OUR resources. The anti reality crowd in New York are all up in a bunch over his support for gas.
Obama has no shame. Unreal. This on top of Buffet benefiting from not allowing Keystone.

But it's the conservatives who pander to millionaires. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Oh you lying mother trucking bastards on the left. I swear I want to cyber slap any lib upside the head who makes me want to bazooka barf with "big oil " or any other "big jack shit" comment.

Liberal thy name is hypocrisy.

Check this out.

George Soros, a billionaire investor and major backer of President Obama, stands to reap a windfall from legislation promoting natural gas-powered vehicles. The White House unveiled a proposal on Thursday that would do just that.

The proposal would offer incentives for companies to buy and use trucks powered by natural gas. Obama announced the effort at a UPS facility in Las Vegas that received stimulus funding to buy natural gas vehicles and build a fueling station for them.

The proposal is remarkably similar to the New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions (NAT GAS) Act.

One company that stands to benefit handsomely from the president’s proposal is Westport Innovations. The company converts diesel engines to be fueled by natural gas. Wall Street analysts predicted a boom for the company if the NAT GAS Act were passed. CNBC analyst Jim Cramer said he “expects shares to absolutely explode” in the event the legislation were to pass.

Jim Cramer made positive mention of Westport, calling it a solid play on natural gas should Congress pass its pending Natural Gas Act. Westport converts diesel engines (i.e. – those found in semi trailers) into ones that run on natural gas.

Benefiting Westport is that it’s: A) basically first to the market, at least in terms of mass production, and B) high barriers of entry for competition because of the complex technology involved in the transformations.

If Westport reaps the predicted windfall, one of the chief beneficiaries will be George Soros, a major Obama donor and supporter. Soros’s hedge fund holds 3,160,063 company shares (as of its last SEC filing).

Soros has given $384,090 to the Democratic Party, Democratic PACs, and Democratic Candidates in the three election cycles beginning in 2008, including $4,400 to Obama himself, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. He describes himself as “an early supporter of Barack Obama, first in his Senate campaign in Illinois and later when he ran for President. Soros supported Obama in his presidential bid because he believed he could provide the transformational leadership the country needed.”

Soros May Benefit From White House's Natural Gas Proposal

Politics of envy? Couldn't you just buy some shares, yourself? How is this different from how Mitt makes his money, now that he isn't an active takeover capitalist?

Not at all. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of Mr. Class Warfare aka Obama and his Administration.

Let alone the foolishness of the OWS crowd.

Right from the get go the Occupy movement should have headed directly to Washington and made it "Occupy Capitol Hill" and "Occupy the White House".

It's the bastards in Washington who make the rules that piss off the Occupy crowd isn't it now?

Washington should be their target.
Obama has no shame. Unreal. This on top of Buffet benefiting from not allowing Keystone.

But it's the conservatives who pander to millionaires. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Oh you lying mother trucking bastards on the left. I swear I want to cyber slap any lib upside the head who makes me want to bazooka barf with "big oil " or any other "big jack shit" comment.

Liberal thy name is hypocrisy.

Check this out.

George Soros, a billionaire investor and major backer of President Obama, stands to reap a windfall from legislation promoting natural gas-powered vehicles. The White House unveiled a proposal on Thursday that would do just that.

The proposal would offer incentives for companies to buy and use trucks powered by natural gas. Obama announced the effort at a UPS facility in Las Vegas that received stimulus funding to buy natural gas vehicles and build a fueling station for them.

The proposal is remarkably similar to the New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions (NAT GAS) Act.

One company that stands to benefit handsomely from the president’s proposal is Westport Innovations. The company converts diesel engines to be fueled by natural gas. Wall Street analysts predicted a boom for the company if the NAT GAS Act were passed. CNBC analyst Jim Cramer said he “expects shares to absolutely explode” in the event the legislation were to pass.

Jim Cramer made positive mention of Westport, calling it a solid play on natural gas should Congress pass its pending Natural Gas Act. Westport converts diesel engines (i.e. – those found in semi trailers) into ones that run on natural gas.

Benefiting Westport is that it’s: A) basically first to the market, at least in terms of mass production, and B) high barriers of entry for competition because of the complex technology involved in the transformations.

If Westport reaps the predicted windfall, one of the chief beneficiaries will be George Soros, a major Obama donor and supporter. Soros’s hedge fund holds 3,160,063 company shares (as of its last SEC filing).

Soros has given $384,090 to the Democratic Party, Democratic PACs, and Democratic Candidates in the three election cycles beginning in 2008, including $4,400 to Obama himself, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. He describes himself as “an early supporter of Barack Obama, first in his Senate campaign in Illinois and later when he ran for President. Soros supported Obama in his presidential bid because he believed he could provide the transformational leadership the country needed.”

Soros May Benefit From White House's Natural Gas Proposal

Politics of envy? Couldn't you just buy some shares, yourself? How is this different from how Mitt makes his money, now that he isn't an active takeover capitalist?

Not at all. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of Mr. Class Warfare aka Obama and his Administration.

Let alone the foolishness of the OWS crowd.

Right from the get go the Occupy movement should have headed directly to Washington and made it "Occupy Capitol Hill" and "Occupy the White House".

It's the bastards in Washington who make the rules that piss off the Occupy crowd isn't it now?

Washington should be their target.

Hypocrisy lives everywhere and the jury's still out on exactly who's waging "class warfare". If you want to target Washington, SUPPORT PUBLIC FINANCING OF ELECTIONS.

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