Sooo....Justice Gorsuch may be everything we wanted in a Justice?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
And here is an article looking at a review of Gorsuch and his first 78 days on the court.....Scalia 2.0....and there was much rejoicing....

WaPo review of Gorsuch is glowing, even if they didn't mean it to be - Hot Air

On Day 78 of his lifetime appointment, the Supreme Court’s newest justice, Neil M. Gorsuch, revealed himself Monday to be:

● Skeptical about the reach of the court’s two-year-old decision granting same-sex couples the right to marry.

●Further to the right than almost all of his colleagues on gun rights.

●Unwilling to lend his full support to Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.’s opinion in a major separation-of-church-and-state case, because of disagreement over a two-sentence footnote.

While it’s not a direction I would take personally, I can assure you that a lot of people who voted for Trump primarily, if not entirely for the purpose of having him select the next member of the highest court in the land rather than Hillary Clinton, were not at all bothered by his apparent take on gay marriage. If he’s “further to the right” than most of the court on Second Amendment rights, the aforementioned voters are currently popping open champagne bottles.
That WaPo likes a person is alone enough to make me hate them.

But I guess I'll give Gorsuch a pass until we get a major case where he is the deciding vote.

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