Son Of Old Man River Dies


Sep 23, 2010
If you happen to be in Manhattan in the next few days pass by the New York Times building and you’ll see this flag flying at half-mast:


The headline for Paul Jr.’s obituary in the New York Times was predictable, stating simply, “Paul Robeson Jr., Activist and Author, Dies at 86.” The Times is always reliable for a flatteringly misleading headline at the death of any old communist, hailing the deceased as a celebrated “progressive” or “civil rights activist” or whatever—really, anything but an American Bolshevik.

To its credit, the Times could not avoid conceding that Paul Jr. had been a communist. It cited Paul Jr. himself acknowledging that he had been a member of the Communist Party. But to its discredit, the Times quoted Paul Jr. insisting that his father was not a communist—a predictable falsehood from Paul Jr. and predictable bad information from the Times. “While they had much in common,” the Times said of father and son, “he [Paul Jr.] said one difference was that he was a member of the Communist Party from 1948 to 1962 while his father never joined the party.” The Times was sure to add: “During the McCarthy era, his father faced F.B.I. surveillance after he criticized the government.”

Yes, of course. That one and only Red Terror, better known to liberals as The McCarthy Era. Once again, the bad guy is not Joe Stalin but Joe McCarthy. And yet again, the handy narrative is sheer nonsense. The Times and its readers repeatedly dupe themselves into such self-imposed ignorance.

It was, and still is, the FBI’s job to surveil members of any organization who work towards America’s destruction in every way possible. It’s a disgrace that today’s intelligence agencies are more interested in surveilling Americans and not Muslim fundamentalists. Worse still, Democrats forbid the FBI from going after American Communists who are just as deadly as they were in J. Edger Hoover’s day.

I don’t know much about Robeson’s son, but I remember the father. Does the word transform remind you of anybody?

He was dedicated to the Communist Party USA goal of fundamentally transforming America into a “Soviet American Republic.”

Here’s another gem from Paul Robeson, Sr. that should remind you of Taqiyya & Company’s determination to disarm law-abiding Americans. Democrats do not like the idea of anyone shooting back:

"From what I have already seen of the workings of the Soviet Government, I can only say that anybody who lifts his hand against it ought to be shot!"

Death of a Communist
Paul Robeson Jr. gets a pass from the press.
By Paul Kengor – 6.11.14

Death of a Communist | The American Spectator

As for the son denying that his father had even been a member of the CPUSA, an article by Paul Kengor from 2012 told us:

It would take almost a half century more, after Robeson's death, for Communist Party USA to publicly concede the obvious: Paul Robeson had been a longtime secret member. In May 1998, the centennial of Robeson's birth, longtime CPUSA head Gus Hall finally, proudly revealed the truth.

In this birthday tribute to "Comrade Paul," Hall and CPUSA came bearing gifts. "We have a birthday present for Paul that no one else can give," said Hall, "the full truth and nothing but the truth." And what's that truth? "Paul was a proud member of the Communist Party USA," stated Hall unequivocally. Paul had been a man of communist "conviction." This was "an indelible fact of Paul's life," in "every way, every day of his adult life." He "never forgot he was a Communist." A teary-eyed Hall recalled that his "own most precious moments with Paul were when I met with him to accept his dues and renew his yearly membership in the CPUSA."

The Nation's Top 50 Progressives… and Socialists and Communists
By Paul Kengor on 3.30.12 @ 6:08AM

The Nation's Top 50 Progressives? and Socialists and Communists | The American Spectator

Unfortunately, older Americans probably remember Robeson senior for singing this song rather than for his America-hating politics:

[ame=]Paul Robeson - Ol' Man River (Showboat - 1936) J.Kern O. Hammerstein II - YouTube[/ame]​
Unfortunately, older Americans probably remember Robeson senior for singing this song rather than for his America-hating politics:

Why is it unfortunate? If I were a black man at the turn of the 20th century in the US, I probably wouldn't be too fond of the place either.
Why is it unfortunate? If I were a black man at the turn of the 20th century in the US, I probably wouldn't be too fond of the place either.

It was better than living in a mud hut in africa.

Well those weren't the only two choices at the times, but I guess that depends on where in the US the black man lived then. Doesn't mean he was somehow evil because he saw Russia as offering better opportunities for him and his family at the time.
Why is it unfortunate? If I were a black man at the turn of the 20th century in the US, I probably wouldn't be too fond of the place either.

It was better than living in a mud hut in africa.

Well those weren't the only two choices at the times, but I guess that depends on where in the US the black man lived then. Doesn't mean he was somehow evil because he saw Russia as offering better opportunities for him and his family at the time.[

Russia is more racist than the US :cuckoo:
Why is it unfortunate? If I were a black man at the turn of the 20th century in the US, I probably wouldn't be too fond of the place either.

Well those weren't the only two choices at the times, but I guess that depends on where in the US the black man lived then. Doesn't mean he was somehow evil because he saw Russia as offering better opportunities for him and his family at the time.

To sameech: You’ll have to do a lot better if you are trying to justify this:

"From what I have already seen of the workings of the Soviet Government, I can only say that anybody who lifts his hand against it ought to be shot!"

Paul Robeson was deadly serious. To shoot such malefactors, said Robeson emphatically, was "the government's duty." How dare anyone oppose "this really free society" run by Stalin, Vyacheslav Molotov, Lavrenti Beria, the NKVD, the GRU, and regulated by the vast Gulag archipelago? Any such villain, by Robeson's estimation, ought to be "put down… with a firm hand." Robeson hoped that "they [Soviet authorities] will always do it" -- that is, always employ such just executions.

The Nation's Top 50 Progressives… and Socialists and Communists
By Paul Kengor on 3.30.12 @ 6:08AM

The Nation's Top 50 Progressives? and Socialists and Communists | The American Spectator

Anybody who believes as Paul Robeson, Sr. believed should never refer to the treatment blacks received in early America. Not counting black, Bible-thumping, race hustlers there are many rank & file American Communists who believe the government should kill non-believers. In fact, the increase in black on white violence indicates there are more blacks full of hatred today then there was before the Civil Rights Movement. And their numbers are growing in tandem with every failed attempt to legislate love.
Why is it unfortunate? If I were a black man at the turn of the 20th century in the US, I probably wouldn't be too fond of the place either.

Well those weren't the only two choices at the times, but I guess that depends on where in the US the black man lived then. Doesn't mean he was somehow evil because he saw Russia as offering better opportunities for him and his family at the time.

To sameech: You’ll have to do a lot better if you are trying to justify this:

"From what I have already seen of the workings of the Soviet Government, I can only say that anybody who lifts his hand against it ought to be shot!"

Paul Robeson was deadly serious. To shoot such malefactors, said Robeson emphatically, was "the government's duty." How dare anyone oppose "this really free society" run by Stalin, Vyacheslav Molotov, Lavrenti Beria, the NKVD, the GRU, and regulated by the vast Gulag archipelago? Any such villain, by Robeson's estimation, ought to be "put down… with a firm hand." Robeson hoped that "they [Soviet authorities] will always do it" -- that is, always employ such just executions.

The Nation's Top 50 Progressives… and Socialists and Communists
By Paul Kengor on 3.30.12 @ 6:08AM

The Nation's Top 50 Progressives? and Socialists and Communists | The American Spectator

Anybody who believes as Paul Robeson, Sr. believed should never refer to the treatment blacks received in early America. Not counting black, Bible-thumping, race hustlers there are many rank & file American Communists who believe the government should kill non-believers. In fact, the increase in black on white violence indicates there are more blacks full of hatred today then there was before the Civil Rights Movement. And their numbers are growing in tandem with every failed attempt to legislate love.

He didn't say anything different than what some are saying today about the POW we just got back. We don't know what he saw, read, experienced or knew of in Russia back in the pre-internet phase of human existence.

I don't need to justify his opinions and more than I need to justify Thomas Jefferson and George Washington owning slaves. Everybody is a product of their times and their experiences.

The increase on black on anybody violence is the result of drugs and poverty in the black community, not that it appears in any way relevant to the opinions of a dead black guy who was an adult before my parents were even born. The man and his son were communist. No big deal. democracy in practice in the US is overrated.
He didn't say anything different than what some are saying today about the POW we just got back.

To sameech: I have not heard anyone say anything that resembles Robeson’s call for mass murder!

We don't know what he saw, read, experienced or knew of in Russia back in the pre-internet phase of human existence.

To sameech: Did you miss it in the OP. He saw Communism and loved it.

I don't need to justify his opinions and more than I need to justify Thomas Jefferson and George Washington owning slaves.

To sameech: Now you are reaching for something to say. None of the Founding Fathers need justifying for anything they said or did.

Everybody is a product of their times and their experiences.

To sameech: “A victim of his times” is a lame excuse for lack of character.

The increase on black on anybody violence is the result of drugs and poverty in the black community,

To sameech: Oh yeah. I can see it coming. A welfare state bigger than the one that destroyed black families is needed to solve that problem.

not that it appears in any way relevant to the opinions of a dead black guy who was an adult before my parents were even born.

To sameech: What the hell does that mean? First you make excuses for Robeson’s views, then you disconnect his murderous intentions by saying his opinions are irrelevant.

The man and his son were communist. No big deal. democracy in practice in the US is overrated.

To sameech: Now that’s informative. Among a host of reasons, I have no use for democracy because it is the parasite’s preferred form of government, while you appear to be in a hurry to go from overrated democracy to a totalitarian Communist form of government. Bottom line: How do you like the one and not the other?

Democracy is the road to socialism. Karl Marx

The day is coming with the demographic shift where hateful right wing ignorant white trash will be so marginalized , they will become a like pimple on a rats ass, and rightfully so.
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