Sometimes women don't get what men do

Blues Man

Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2016
I'm not talking about stupid things either although that's probably another thread.

I'm talking about practical things that men do that women don't get at first

When I first started dating my wife and we would walk around the city, she would always want to hold my hand as we walked and I would move her hand to the crook of my arm it kind of became a running battle for a while.

One day she asked my why I always do that and I told her that if anything ever happened where she might be in danger that her first instinct would be to grab my hand and arm tighter and I wouldn't be able to use both hands to protect her. Where as if her hand was on my arm I could use my arm to sweep her behind me and shield her and have both hands ready.

She laughed and continued to play the game of making me move her hand to my arm until one day a car jumped the curb and I was able to sweep her behind me quickly. Now she always walks with her hand in the crook of my arm and has for 20 years now.

Do any guys have more examples?

I have a good friend who carries on his right side and is still having trouble after a few years training his fiance to walk on his left side, for the same reason.

Men have protective instincts.
Women have care instincts.
They are not the same.
I could list 1000 things over the years from both at home and at work as to why something is a bad idea.
Women so often just don't see the danger of a situation that men see immediately.

Just another example that there are two sexes, it is not a social construct. It is simple biology.
Children instinctively know this as well.
If children are afraid they will get hurt - they go to their father for protection.
But if they are already hurt, they go to their mother for care.
Women don't get that a guy can be sexually attracted to a woman that he doesn't know, or even actively dislikes. To them, it is a total mystery.
One day she asked my why I always do that and I told her that if anything ever happened where she might be in danger that her first instinct would be to grab my hand and arm tighter and I wouldn't be able to use both hands to protect her. Where as if her hand was on my arm I could use my arm to sweep her behind me and shield her and have both hands ready.

She is right
You are one paranoid SOB
one day a car jumped the curb and I was able to sweep her behind me quickly. Now she always walks with her hand in the crook of my arm and has for 20 years now.
Tomorrow a car will jump the curb and she'll be able to shove you forward quickly with the aid of her foot.
I'm not talking about stupid things either although that's probably another thread.

I'm talking about practical things that men do that women don't get at first

When I first started dating my wife and we would walk around the city, she would always want to hold my hand as we walked and I would move her hand to the crook of my arm it kind of became a running battle for a while.

One day she asked my why I always do that and I told her that if anything ever happened where she might be in danger that her first instinct would be to grab my hand and arm tighter and I wouldn't be able to use both hands to protect her. Where as if her hand was on my arm I could use my arm to sweep her behind me and shield her and have both hands ready.

She laughed and continued to play the game of making me move her hand to my arm until one day a car jumped the curb and I was able to sweep her behind me quickly. Now she always walks with her hand in the crook of my arm and has for 20 years now.

Do any guys have more examples?
Sure. She never understood my instinctual insistence that I sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door. Until I explained it to her. While sleeping, you are each at your most vulnerable, and any threat that comes through the door gets to me first. It's instinctual for the most part. I bet 95% percent of the guys reading this have this same sleeping arrangement. I'd also be willing to bet that most have never even thought about it, or the why of it. They just do it...
Sure. She never understood my instinctual insistence that I sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door. Until I explained it to her. While sleeping, you are each at your most vulnerable, and any threat that comes through the door gets to me first. It's instinctual for the most part. I bet 95% percent of the guys reading this have this same sleeping arrangement. I'd also be willing to bet that most have never even thought about it, or the why of it. They just do it...

Excellent example. I do the same thing.
Maybe your wife hates your guts that much
So, according to you, my wife hates me so much that "Tomorrow a car will jump the curb and" yours will "be able to shove you forward quickly with the aid of her foot" since you like shoving her behind you so much.
Yeah, that actually follows..
Funny too..
I'm not talking about stupid things either although that's probably another thread.

I'm talking about practical things that men do that women don't get at first

When I first started dating my wife and we would walk around the city, she would always want to hold my hand as we walked and I would move her hand to the crook of my arm it kind of became a running battle for a while.

One day she asked my why I always do that and I told her that if anything ever happened where she might be in danger that her first instinct would be to grab my hand and arm tighter and I wouldn't be able to use both hands to protect her. Where as if her hand was on my arm I could use my arm to sweep her behind me and shield her and have both hands ready.

She laughed and continued to play the game of making me move her hand to my arm until one day a car jumped the curb and I was able to sweep her behind me quickly. Now she always walks with her hand in the crook of my arm and has for 20 years now.

Do any guys have more examples?

Sometimes women don't get what men do​

fixed that for you
Women seem generally perplexed by vehicle maintenance.
I know one who drove 100K miles on the original oil until light came on because "Oh my ex husband used to take care of stuff like that"
I'm not talking about stupid things either although that's probably another thread.

I'm talking about practical things that men do that women don't get at first

When I first started dating my wife and we would walk around the city, she would always want to hold my hand as we walked and I would move her hand to the crook of my arm it kind of became a running battle for a while.

One day she asked my why I always do that and I told her that if anything ever happened where she might be in danger that her first instinct would be to grab my hand and arm tighter and I wouldn't be able to use both hands to protect her. Where as if her hand was on my arm I could use my arm to sweep her behind me and shield her and have both hands ready.

She laughed and continued to play the game of making me move her hand to my arm until one day a car jumped the curb and I was able to sweep her behind me quickly. Now she always walks with her hand in the crook of my arm and has for 20 years now.

Do any guys have more examples?

This woman gets men.....and womansplains men to other women.....a good youtube series...

Women seem generally perplexed by vehicle maintenance.

Thats for sure.
My Wife always thought righty tighty and lefty loosey meant which hand you were supposed to use.
This just happened about a month ago and she couldnt believe she thought it was which hand to use since Her dad told Her this when she was a little kid.

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