Somebody Kick The Server


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2015
It's going all slow and sometimes Bad Gateway. Call Admin please.
I have noticed a tad of slow down when clicking the alerts or posting.
Kick the STMO! If anything needs to get kicked then start out with the Master Oscillator.
It's going all slow and sometimes Bad Gateway. Call Admin please.
T h e y s l o w e d i t d o w n f o r u s g e e z e r s .

I was just wondering if my internet was acting up right before seeing this thread.
Attention, Attention!
Everyone is on slow-down for misappropriation of funds that should have been donated to USMB. The server is a commodore 64 conversion..
It is slow because they want us to pay for the usage of this board by donating to your local USMB Stations...

This message brought to you by someone that has seen snails move faster than this board and the snails had down syndrome...
Just the daily download of talking points from the main CPU to the NPC bots.

Operations will resume as normal shortly.

Sorry for any inconvenience.
The search is all screwed up!

That's what happens more often now. We're packrats. Have every post since inception on USMB -- plus all the moderator "betting parlor" records.. So periodically, without human intervention, the system goes into "search compression" mode to index new content for search.

Makes search a LOT faster, but our content volume is way up.. SHOULD be done in the middle of the night. No idea WHY it happens mid day.. Unless our new bargain servers on a Bangladeshi time.. :biggrin:
Might want to kick the server early today, as it is beginning to show signs of slowdown again when posting.
Admin’s might want to think about how many people will walk away if this continues, rather than have the server indexing schedule changed. Just saying.

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