Some stuff whites have brought to this world!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Some stuff whites have brought to this world!

Incomplete list of scientific, technical and technological accomplishments of the white race (1-150):

1. Thales of Miletus, Thales theorem (~ 580 BC), Greek
2. Anaximander of Miletus, First map of the world (~ 570 BC), Greek
3. Pythagoras of Samos, Pythagorean theorem (~ 540 BC), Greek
4. Hippocrates of Cos, Hippocratic oath, foundations of modern medicine (~ 420 BC), Greek
5. Euclid of Alexandria, Euclidean geometry (~ 300 BC), Greek
6. Herophilos, Anatomy (~ 295 BC), Greek
7. Philo of Byzantium, Water wheel (~ 240 BC), Greek
8. Eratosthenes of Cyrene, Geography (latitude and longitude), earth circumference (~ 235 BC), Greek
9. Archimedes of Syracuse, Hydrostatics, statics, math calculations, pi (~ 220 BC), Greek
10. Apollonius of Perga, Normals, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola (~ 200 BC), Greek
11. Hipparchus, Trigonometry (~ 150 BC), Greek
12. Claudius Ptolemy, Ptolemaic geocentric model of the universe (~ 140), Greek Roman
13. Isidore of Miletus, Stereometry, architecture (vaulting) (~ 532), Byzantine
14. Johannes Gutenberg, Modern printing press (1450), German
15. Luca Pacioli, Foundations of accounting (1494), Italian
16. Nicolaus Copernicus, Heliocentric model of solar system (1543), Polish German
17. Tycho Brahe, Supernova (astronomy) (1572), Dane
18. Aloysius Lilius, Gregorian calendar (1577), Italian
19. Hans Lippershey, Telesope (1608), German Dutch
20. Johannes Kepler, Laws of planetary motion (1609), German
21. Galileo Galilei, Modern astronomy (1610), Italian
22. John Napier, Logarithm (1614), Scottish
23. Faust Vrancic, Parachute (1617), Croatian Italian
24. William Oughtred, Slide rule (1622), English
25. Rene Descartes, Analytic geometry (1637), French
26. Evangelista Torricelli, Mercury barometer (1643), Italian
27. Blaise Pascal, Probability theory, Pascal's triangle (1653), French
28. Robert Boyle, Boyle's law (physics) (1662), English Irish
29. Christiaan Huygens, Wave theory of light, pendulum theory, centrifugal force (1678), Dutch
30. Denis Papin, Pressure cooker (1679), French
31. Gottfried Leibnitz, Calculus (1684), German
32. Isaac Newton, Laws of physics (1687), English
33. Daniel Bernoulli, Bernoulli's equation (fluid dynamics) (1738), Dutch Swiss
34. Benjamin Franklin, Conservation of charge principle, lightning rod, bifocals (1747), English American
35. Leonhard Euler, Mathematical function, Euler's equations & number, etc. (1757), Swiss
36. John Bird, Sextant (1757), English
37. Henry Cavendish, Hydrogen (1766), British
38. Daniel Rutherford, Nitrogen (1772), Scottish
39. James Watt, Commercial steam engine (1776), Scottish
40. Claude de Jouffroy, Steamboat (1776), French
41. Jacques Charles, Charles's law (physics) (1780), French
42. Pierre-Simon Laplace, Laplace equation, transformation, coefficients (1785), French
43. Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, Coulomb's law (electricity) (1785), French
44. Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, Law of conservation of mass (1789), French
45. Eli Whitney, Cotton gin (1793), American
46. Carl Friedrich Gauss, Fundamental theorem of algebra (1799), German
47. Alessandro Volta, Electric battery (1800), Italian
48. John Dalton, Atomic theory (1803), English
49. Richard Trevithick, Steam locomotive (1804), British
50. Humphry Davy, Sodium, potassium, calcium (1807), British
51. Amadeo Avogadro, Avogadro's Law (chemistry) (1811), Italian
52. Andre-Marie Ampere et al, Electromagnetism (1820), French
53. George Stephenson, Railway (1820), English
54. Nicolas Sadi Carnot, Carnot heat cycle (thermodynamics) (1824), French
55. Augustin-Louis Cauchy, Complex function theory (1825), French
56. Nicéphore Niépce, Photography (1826), French
57. George Simon Ohm, Ohm's law (electricity) (1827), German
58. Jöns Jacob Berzelius, Chemical formula notation, silicon, selenium et al. (1828), Swede
59. Michael Faraday, Faraday's law of induction, cathode rays (1831), English
60. Paul Shilling, Electromagnetic telegraph (1832), German
61. Samuel Colt, Revolver (1835), American
62. William Sturgeon, Galvanometer (1836), English
63. Nicholas Joseph Callan, Induction coil (1836), Irish
64. Kirkpatrick Macmillan, Pedal-driven bicycle (1839), Scottish
65. James Prescott Joule, First law of thermodynamics, Joule's law (1843), English
66. Samuel Morse, Morse code (1844), American
67. Gustav Kirchhoff, Kirchhoff's circuit laws (1845), German
68. James B. Francis, Modern water turbine (1848), British American
69. Lord Kelvin, Absolute temperature scale (1848), N. Ireland
70. William Rankine, Steam engine theory (Rankine cycle) (1849), Scottish
71. Rudolf Clausius, Second law of thermodynamics, entropy (1850), German
72. Henry Bessemer, Bessemer converter (steel production) (1855), English
73. Charles Darwin, Theory of evolution (1859), English
74. Nikolaus Otto, 4-stroke internal combustion engine (1862), German
75. James Clerk Maxwell, Classical electromagnetic theory (1865), Scottish
76. Joseph Lister, Antiseptic (sterile) surgery (1865), British
77. Alfred Nobel, Dynamite (1867), Swede
78. Narcis Monturiol Estarriol, Combustion engine driven submarine (1867), Catalan
79. Alexander Graham Bell, Telephone (1876), Scottish American
80. Thomas Alva Edison, Sound recording and playing (1877), American
81. Ernst Mach, Shock wave theory, Mach number (1877), Austrian
82. Robert Koch, Isolated anthrax, tuberculosis, cholera germs (1877-83), German
83. Thomas Edison et al., Motion picture camera (1878), American
84. Joseph Stefan, Stefan's Law (thermodynamics) (1879), Slovenian Austrian
85. Thomas Alva Edison et al., Commercially practical light bulb (1879), American
86. Thomas Alva Edison, DC power generation & distribution system (1882), American
87. Charles Parsons, Steam turbine (1884), British
88. Karl Benz, Automobile (1885), German
89. Louis Pasteur, Anthrax vaccine, rabbies vaccines, pasteurization (1885), French
90. Nikola Tesla, AC electrical supply system, induction motor (1887), Serbian American
91. Gustaf de Laval, Rocket engine nozzle, dairy machinery (1890), Swede
92. Pierre Emile Ruox et al., Anti-diphteria serum (1891), French
93. John Froelich, Gasoline powered tractor (1892), American
94. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen , X-rays (1895), German
95. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Astronautics (1897), Russian
96. Rudolf Diesel, Diesel engine (1897), German
97. Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Theory of radioactivity, polonium, radium (1898), Polish French
98. Ernest Rutherford, Nuclear physics (1899-1917), English New Zealander
99. Max Planck, Quantum hypothesis, Planck's constant (1900), German
100. Guglielmo Marconi, Radio (1902), Italian American
101. Willis Haviland Carrier, Air conditioning (1902), American
102. Orville and Wilbur Wright, Airplane (1903), American
103. Aegidius Elling, Gas turbine (1903), Norwegian
104. John Ambrose Fleming, Vacuum tube (Diode) (1904), English
105. Ole Evinrude, Outboard motor (1907), Norwegian American
106. Leo Hendrick Baekeland, Plastics (bakelite) (1907), Belgian American
107. Paul Cornu et al., Helicopter (1907), French
108. Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Superconductivity, absolute zero, liquified helium (1911), Dutch
109. Igor Sikorsky, Airliner (1914), Russian
110. Richard Ranger et al., Fax machine (1924), American
111. Pierre Descombey et al., Tetanus vaccine (1924), French
112. John Logie Baird, Television (1925), Scottish
113. Robert Goddard, Liquid-fuel rocket (1926), American
114. Alexander Fleming, Penicillin (1928), Scottish
115. Werner Heisenberg, Uncertainty principle of quantum theory (1929), German
116. James Chadwick, Neutron (1932), English
117. Friedrich Matthias, Tape recorder (1935), German
118. Robert Watson-Watt, Radar (1935), Scottish
119. Alan Turing, Computer science, artificial intelligence (1936), English
120. Frank Whittle, Jet engine (1937), English
121. Chester Carlson, Photocopying (1938), American
122. John Atanasoff, Digital electronic computer (1939), Bulgarian American
123. Austin Moore, Hip replacement surgery (1940), American
124. Enrico Fermi, Nuclear reactor (1942), Italian American
125. John Logie Baird, Color TV (1944), Scottish
126. Shockley, Bardeen & Brattain, Transistor (1947), American
127. Jose Barraquer, LASIK Surgery (1950), Spanish Colombian
128. Edward Teller, Hydrogen bomb (1952), Hungarian American
129. Watson & Crick, DNA structure (1953), American, English
130. Joseph Edward Murray, Kidney transplantation surgery (1954), American
131. Korolev & Glushko, Satellite launch (1957), Russian
132. Joseph Licklider et al., Internet foundations (1962), American
133. Gregg & Russell, CD, DVD (Optical disk & digital recording) (1965), American
134. Douglas Engelbart, Computer mouse (1967), American
135. Christiaan Barnard, Heart transplantation surgery (1967), South African
136. Wernher von Braun et al., Moon landing (1969), German American
137. Federico Faggin et al., Microchip (1971), Italian
138. Hewlett Packard Team, Personal computer (1971), American
139. Russian Engineers, Space station (1971), Russian
140. Godfrey Hounsfield, Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT Scan) (1971), English
141. Hartmann F. Stähelin, Cyclosporine (immunosuppressant) (1972), Swiss
142. Martin Cooper et al., Cell (mobile) phone (1973), American
143. Carr, Lauterbur & Mansfield, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (1973), American, English
144. Steven Sasson, Digital camera (1975), American
145. Steptoe & Edwards, In vitro fertilization (1977), British
146. American Engineers, Space shuttle (1981), American
147. Luc Montagnier et al., AIDS virus (1983), French
148. Tim Berners-Lee, World Wide Web (1991), British
149. Ian Wilmut, Cloning (1996), English
150. Steve Jobs et al., i-Phone, i-Gadgets (2007), American
Here is many more I have put together. Is this a race that deserves to be wiped off the face of the planet? Only if you want to go back in the cave or tree. :eusa_shhh:

White history-inventions page 2 - Science and world events Wiki
My personal hero...



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Wow, you actually went to that page and reformatted all 150 of those names to make that nice, clean list. It would be something to be proud of if it was not so despicable.
lol these threads are still going

Better then bows to a rock 5 times a day and hating the west. :lol:
you should have named it stuff whites stole from Black people who were the original inventors.Cause we know all whites know how to do is steal,look at the native Americans and how they were treated for their donations to the building of this country.:clap2:
lol these threads are still going

Better then bows to a rock 5 times a day and hating the west. :lol:
you should have named it stuff whites stole from Black people who were the original inventors.Cause we know all whites know how to do is steal,look at the native Americans and how they were treated for their donations to the building of this country.:clap2:

So you racist piece of garbage, name something that a black person invented that a white person stole. Name a contribution that the indians gave to the US.
I think a more pertinent question would be what white people gave/imposed upon themselves.

I'm of the opinion that white people, as a whole, are most indebted to the Romans. Through their empire, the many tribes of Europe were exposed to technology and feats of engineering that would give them the ultimate technological edge over the indigeneous peoples of the territories that have been conquered and settled by Europeans. This technological headstart resulted in Europeans encountering and defeating people across North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia whose existence mirrored that of the Europeans invaders' ancestors 1500 years prior.

Having said that, though, a lot natives were ultimately destroyed by diseases carried by European settlers.
lol these threads are still going

Better then bows to a rock 5 times a day and hating the west. :lol:
you should have named it stuff whites stole from Black people who were the original inventors.Cause we know all whites know how to do is steal,look at the native Americans and how they were treated for their donations to the building of this country.:clap2:

We all know that you're full of shit. But humor me. Let's see some evidence that whites have stolen these ideas from blacks.

I'll wait......:eusa_whistle:
Some stuff whites have brought to this world!

Incomplete list of scientific, technical and technological accomplishments of the white race (1-150):

1. Thales of Miletus, Thales theorem (~ 580 BC), Greek
2. Anaximander of Miletus, First map of the world (~ 570 BC), Greek
3. Pythagoras of Samos, Pythagorean theorem (~ 540 BC), Greek
4. Hippocrates of Cos, Hippocratic oath, foundations of modern medicine (~ 420 BC), Greek
5. Euclid of Alexandria, Euclidean geometry (~ 300 BC), Greek
6. Herophilos, Anatomy (~ 295 BC), Greek
7. Philo of Byzantium, Water wheel (~ 240 BC), Greek
8. Eratosthenes of Cyrene, Geography (latitude and longitude), earth circumference (~ 235 BC), Greek
9. Archimedes of Syracuse, Hydrostatics, statics, math calculations, pi (~ 220 BC), Greek
10. Apollonius of Perga, Normals, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola (~ 200 BC), Greek
11. Hipparchus, Trigonometry (~ 150 BC), Greek
12. Claudius Ptolemy, Ptolemaic geocentric model of the universe (~ 140), Greek Roman
13. Isidore of Miletus, Stereometry, architecture (vaulting) (~ 532), Byzantine
14. Johannes Gutenberg, Modern printing press (1450), German
15. Luca Pacioli, Foundations of accounting (1494), Italian
16. Nicolaus Copernicus, Heliocentric model of solar system (1543), Polish German
17. Tycho Brahe, Supernova (astronomy) (1572), Dane
18. Aloysius Lilius, Gregorian calendar (1577), Italian
19. Hans Lippershey, Telesope (1608), German Dutch
20. Johannes Kepler, Laws of planetary motion (1609), German
21. Galileo Galilei, Modern astronomy (1610), Italian
22. John Napier, Logarithm (1614), Scottish
23. Faust Vrancic, Parachute (1617), Croatian Italian
24. William Oughtred, Slide rule (1622), English
25. Rene Descartes, Analytic geometry (1637), French
26. Evangelista Torricelli, Mercury barometer (1643), Italian
27. Blaise Pascal, Probability theory, Pascal's triangle (1653), French
28. Robert Boyle, Boyle's law (physics) (1662), English Irish
29. Christiaan Huygens, Wave theory of light, pendulum theory, centrifugal force (1678), Dutch
30. Denis Papin, Pressure cooker (1679), French
31. Gottfried Leibnitz, Calculus (1684), German
32. Isaac Newton, Laws of physics (1687), English
33. Daniel Bernoulli, Bernoulli's equation (fluid dynamics) (1738), Dutch Swiss
34. Benjamin Franklin, Conservation of charge principle, lightning rod, bifocals (1747), English American
35. Leonhard Euler, Mathematical function, Euler's equations & number, etc. (1757), Swiss
36. John Bird, Sextant (1757), English
37. Henry Cavendish, Hydrogen (1766), British
38. Daniel Rutherford, Nitrogen (1772), Scottish
39. James Watt, Commercial steam engine (1776), Scottish
40. Claude de Jouffroy, Steamboat (1776), French
41. Jacques Charles, Charles's law (physics) (1780), French
42. Pierre-Simon Laplace, Laplace equation, transformation, coefficients (1785), French
43. Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, Coulomb's law (electricity) (1785), French
44. Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, Law of conservation of mass (1789), French
45. Eli Whitney, Cotton gin (1793), American
46. Carl Friedrich Gauss, Fundamental theorem of algebra (1799), German
47. Alessandro Volta, Electric battery (1800), Italian
48. John Dalton, Atomic theory (1803), English
49. Richard Trevithick, Steam locomotive (1804), British
50. Humphry Davy, Sodium, potassium, calcium (1807), British
51. Amadeo Avogadro, Avogadro's Law (chemistry) (1811), Italian
52. Andre-Marie Ampere et al, Electromagnetism (1820), French
53. George Stephenson, Railway (1820), English
54. Nicolas Sadi Carnot, Carnot heat cycle (thermodynamics) (1824), French
55. Augustin-Louis Cauchy, Complex function theory (1825), French
56. Nicéphore Niépce, Photography (1826), French
57. George Simon Ohm, Ohm's law (electricity) (1827), German
58. Jöns Jacob Berzelius, Chemical formula notation, silicon, selenium et al. (1828), Swede
59. Michael Faraday, Faraday's law of induction, cathode rays (1831), English
60. Paul Shilling, Electromagnetic telegraph (1832), German
61. Samuel Colt, Revolver (1835), American
62. William Sturgeon, Galvanometer (1836), English
63. Nicholas Joseph Callan, Induction coil (1836), Irish
64. Kirkpatrick Macmillan, Pedal-driven bicycle (1839), Scottish
65. James Prescott Joule, First law of thermodynamics, Joule's law (1843), English
66. Samuel Morse, Morse code (1844), American
67. Gustav Kirchhoff, Kirchhoff's circuit laws (1845), German
68. James B. Francis, Modern water turbine (1848), British American
69. Lord Kelvin, Absolute temperature scale (1848), N. Ireland
70. William Rankine, Steam engine theory (Rankine cycle) (1849), Scottish
71. Rudolf Clausius, Second law of thermodynamics, entropy (1850), German
72. Henry Bessemer, Bessemer converter (steel production) (1855), English
73. Charles Darwin, Theory of evolution (1859), English
74. Nikolaus Otto, 4-stroke internal combustion engine (1862), German
75. James Clerk Maxwell, Classical electromagnetic theory (1865), Scottish
76. Joseph Lister, Antiseptic (sterile) surgery (1865), British
77. Alfred Nobel, Dynamite (1867), Swede
78. Narcis Monturiol Estarriol, Combustion engine driven submarine (1867), Catalan
79. Alexander Graham Bell, Telephone (1876), Scottish American
80. Thomas Alva Edison, Sound recording and playing (1877), American
81. Ernst Mach, Shock wave theory, Mach number (1877), Austrian
82. Robert Koch, Isolated anthrax, tuberculosis, cholera germs (1877-83), German
83. Thomas Edison et al., Motion picture camera (1878), American
84. Joseph Stefan, Stefan's Law (thermodynamics) (1879), Slovenian Austrian
85. Thomas Alva Edison et al., Commercially practical light bulb (1879), American
86. Thomas Alva Edison, DC power generation & distribution system (1882), American
87. Charles Parsons, Steam turbine (1884), British
88. Karl Benz, Automobile (1885), German
89. Louis Pasteur, Anthrax vaccine, rabbies vaccines, pasteurization (1885), French
90. Nikola Tesla, AC electrical supply system, induction motor (1887), Serbian American
91. Gustaf de Laval, Rocket engine nozzle, dairy machinery (1890), Swede
92. Pierre Emile Ruox et al., Anti-diphteria serum (1891), French
93. John Froelich, Gasoline powered tractor (1892), American
94. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen , X-rays (1895), German
95. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Astronautics (1897), Russian
96. Rudolf Diesel, Diesel engine (1897), German
97. Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Theory of radioactivity, polonium, radium (1898), Polish French
98. Ernest Rutherford, Nuclear physics (1899-1917), English New Zealander
99. Max Planck, Quantum hypothesis, Planck's constant (1900), German
100. Guglielmo Marconi, Radio (1902), Italian American
101. Willis Haviland Carrier, Air conditioning (1902), American
102. Orville and Wilbur Wright, Airplane (1903), American
103. Aegidius Elling, Gas turbine (1903), Norwegian
104. John Ambrose Fleming, Vacuum tube (Diode) (1904), English
105. Ole Evinrude, Outboard motor (1907), Norwegian American
106. Leo Hendrick Baekeland, Plastics (bakelite) (1907), Belgian American
107. Paul Cornu et al., Helicopter (1907), French
108. Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Superconductivity, absolute zero, liquified helium (1911), Dutch
109. Igor Sikorsky, Airliner (1914), Russian
110. Richard Ranger et al., Fax machine (1924), American
111. Pierre Descombey et al., Tetanus vaccine (1924), French
112. John Logie Baird, Television (1925), Scottish
113. Robert Goddard, Liquid-fuel rocket (1926), American
114. Alexander Fleming, Penicillin (1928), Scottish
115. Werner Heisenberg, Uncertainty principle of quantum theory (1929), German
116. James Chadwick, Neutron (1932), English
117. Friedrich Matthias, Tape recorder (1935), German
118. Robert Watson-Watt, Radar (1935), Scottish
119. Alan Turing, Computer science, artificial intelligence (1936), English
120. Frank Whittle, Jet engine (1937), English
121. Chester Carlson, Photocopying (1938), American
122. John Atanasoff, Digital electronic computer (1939), Bulgarian American
123. Austin Moore, Hip replacement surgery (1940), American
124. Enrico Fermi, Nuclear reactor (1942), Italian American
125. John Logie Baird, Color TV (1944), Scottish
126. Shockley, Bardeen & Brattain, Transistor (1947), American
127. Jose Barraquer, LASIK Surgery (1950), Spanish Colombian
128. Edward Teller, Hydrogen bomb (1952), Hungarian American
129. Watson & Crick, DNA structure (1953), American, English
130. Joseph Edward Murray, Kidney transplantation surgery (1954), American
131. Korolev & Glushko, Satellite launch (1957), Russian
132. Joseph Licklider et al., Internet foundations (1962), American
133. Gregg & Russell, CD, DVD (Optical disk & digital recording) (1965), American
134. Douglas Engelbart, Computer mouse (1967), American
135. Christiaan Barnard, Heart transplantation surgery (1967), South African
136. Wernher von Braun et al., Moon landing (1969), German American
137. Federico Faggin et al., Microchip (1971), Italian
138. Hewlett Packard Team, Personal computer (1971), American
139. Russian Engineers, Space station (1971), Russian
140. Godfrey Hounsfield, Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT Scan) (1971), English
141. Hartmann F. Stähelin, Cyclosporine (immunosuppressant) (1972), Swiss
142. Martin Cooper et al., Cell (mobile) phone (1973), American
143. Carr, Lauterbur & Mansfield, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (1973), American, English
144. Steven Sasson, Digital camera (1975), American
145. Steptoe & Edwards, In vitro fertilization (1977), British
146. American Engineers, Space shuttle (1981), American
147. Luc Montagnier et al., AIDS virus (1983), French
148. Tim Berners-Lee, World Wide Web (1991), British
149. Ian Wilmut, Cloning (1996), English
150. Steve Jobs et al., i-Phone, i-Gadgets (2007), American
Here is many more I have put together. Is this a race that deserves to be wiped off the face of the planet? Only if you want to go back in the cave or tree. :eusa_shhh:

White history-inventions page 2 - Science and world events Wiki

And much of that was preserved by the Moors and recovered by the "whites" after the dark ages in Europe...
Some stuff whites have brought to this world!

Incomplete list of scientific, technical and technological accomplishments of the white race (1-150):

1. Thales of Miletus, Thales theorem (~ 580 BC), Greek
2. Anaximander of Miletus, First map of the world (~ 570 BC), Greek
3. Pythagoras of Samos, Pythagorean theorem (~ 540 BC), Greek
4. Hippocrates of Cos, Hippocratic oath, foundations of modern medicine (~ 420 BC), Greek
5. Euclid of Alexandria, Euclidean geometry (~ 300 BC), Greek
6. Herophilos, Anatomy (~ 295 BC), Greek
7. Philo of Byzantium, Water wheel (~ 240 BC), Greek
8. Eratosthenes of Cyrene, Geography (latitude and longitude), earth circumference (~ 235 BC), Greek
9. Archimedes of Syracuse, Hydrostatics, statics, math calculations, pi (~ 220 BC), Greek
10. Apollonius of Perga, Normals, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola (~ 200 BC), Greek
11. Hipparchus, Trigonometry (~ 150 BC), Greek
12. Claudius Ptolemy, Ptolemaic geocentric model of the universe (~ 140), Greek Roman
13. Isidore of Miletus, Stereometry, architecture (vaulting) (~ 532), Byzantine
14. Johannes Gutenberg, Modern printing press (1450), German
15. Luca Pacioli, Foundations of accounting (1494), Italian
16. Nicolaus Copernicus, Heliocentric model of solar system (1543), Polish German
17. Tycho Brahe, Supernova (astronomy) (1572), Dane
18. Aloysius Lilius, Gregorian calendar (1577), Italian
19. Hans Lippershey, Telesope (1608), German Dutch
20. Johannes Kepler, Laws of planetary motion (1609), German
21. Galileo Galilei, Modern astronomy (1610), Italian
22. John Napier, Logarithm (1614), Scottish
23. Faust Vrancic, Parachute (1617), Croatian Italian
24. William Oughtred, Slide rule (1622), English
25. Rene Descartes, Analytic geometry (1637), French
26. Evangelista Torricelli, Mercury barometer (1643), Italian
27. Blaise Pascal, Probability theory, Pascal's triangle (1653), French
28. Robert Boyle, Boyle's law (physics) (1662), English Irish
29. Christiaan Huygens, Wave theory of light, pendulum theory, centrifugal force (1678), Dutch
30. Denis Papin, Pressure cooker (1679), French
31. Gottfried Leibnitz, Calculus (1684), German
32. Isaac Newton, Laws of physics (1687), English
33. Daniel Bernoulli, Bernoulli's equation (fluid dynamics) (1738), Dutch Swiss
34. Benjamin Franklin, Conservation of charge principle, lightning rod, bifocals (1747), English American
35. Leonhard Euler, Mathematical function, Euler's equations & number, etc. (1757), Swiss
36. John Bird, Sextant (1757), English
37. Henry Cavendish, Hydrogen (1766), British
38. Daniel Rutherford, Nitrogen (1772), Scottish
39. James Watt, Commercial steam engine (1776), Scottish
40. Claude de Jouffroy, Steamboat (1776), French
41. Jacques Charles, Charles's law (physics) (1780), French
42. Pierre-Simon Laplace, Laplace equation, transformation, coefficients (1785), French
43. Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, Coulomb's law (electricity) (1785), French
44. Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, Law of conservation of mass (1789), French
45. Eli Whitney, Cotton gin (1793), American
46. Carl Friedrich Gauss, Fundamental theorem of algebra (1799), German
47. Alessandro Volta, Electric battery (1800), Italian
48. John Dalton, Atomic theory (1803), English
49. Richard Trevithick, Steam locomotive (1804), British
50. Humphry Davy, Sodium, potassium, calcium (1807), British
51. Amadeo Avogadro, Avogadro's Law (chemistry) (1811), Italian
52. Andre-Marie Ampere et al, Electromagnetism (1820), French
53. George Stephenson, Railway (1820), English
54. Nicolas Sadi Carnot, Carnot heat cycle (thermodynamics) (1824), French
55. Augustin-Louis Cauchy, Complex function theory (1825), French
56. Nicéphore Niépce, Photography (1826), French
57. George Simon Ohm, Ohm's law (electricity) (1827), German
58. Jöns Jacob Berzelius, Chemical formula notation, silicon, selenium et al. (1828), Swede
59. Michael Faraday, Faraday's law of induction, cathode rays (1831), English
60. Paul Shilling, Electromagnetic telegraph (1832), German
61. Samuel Colt, Revolver (1835), American
62. William Sturgeon, Galvanometer (1836), English
63. Nicholas Joseph Callan, Induction coil (1836), Irish
64. Kirkpatrick Macmillan, Pedal-driven bicycle (1839), Scottish
65. James Prescott Joule, First law of thermodynamics, Joule's law (1843), English
66. Samuel Morse, Morse code (1844), American
67. Gustav Kirchhoff, Kirchhoff's circuit laws (1845), German
68. James B. Francis, Modern water turbine (1848), British American
69. Lord Kelvin, Absolute temperature scale (1848), N. Ireland
70. William Rankine, Steam engine theory (Rankine cycle) (1849), Scottish
71. Rudolf Clausius, Second law of thermodynamics, entropy (1850), German
72. Henry Bessemer, Bessemer converter (steel production) (1855), English
73. Charles Darwin, Theory of evolution (1859), English
74. Nikolaus Otto, 4-stroke internal combustion engine (1862), German
75. James Clerk Maxwell, Classical electromagnetic theory (1865), Scottish
76. Joseph Lister, Antiseptic (sterile) surgery (1865), British
77. Alfred Nobel, Dynamite (1867), Swede
78. Narcis Monturiol Estarriol, Combustion engine driven submarine (1867), Catalan
79. Alexander Graham Bell, Telephone (1876), Scottish American
80. Thomas Alva Edison, Sound recording and playing (1877), American
81. Ernst Mach, Shock wave theory, Mach number (1877), Austrian
82. Robert Koch, Isolated anthrax, tuberculosis, cholera germs (1877-83), German
83. Thomas Edison et al., Motion picture camera (1878), American
84. Joseph Stefan, Stefan's Law (thermodynamics) (1879), Slovenian Austrian
85. Thomas Alva Edison et al., Commercially practical light bulb (1879), American
86. Thomas Alva Edison, DC power generation & distribution system (1882), American
87. Charles Parsons, Steam turbine (1884), British
88. Karl Benz, Automobile (1885), German
89. Louis Pasteur, Anthrax vaccine, rabbies vaccines, pasteurization (1885), French
90. Nikola Tesla, AC electrical supply system, induction motor (1887), Serbian American
91. Gustaf de Laval, Rocket engine nozzle, dairy machinery (1890), Swede
92. Pierre Emile Ruox et al., Anti-diphteria serum (1891), French
93. John Froelich, Gasoline powered tractor (1892), American
94. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen , X-rays (1895), German
95. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Astronautics (1897), Russian
96. Rudolf Diesel, Diesel engine (1897), German
97. Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Theory of radioactivity, polonium, radium (1898), Polish French
98. Ernest Rutherford, Nuclear physics (1899-1917), English New Zealander
99. Max Planck, Quantum hypothesis, Planck's constant (1900), German
100. Guglielmo Marconi, Radio (1902), Italian American
101. Willis Haviland Carrier, Air conditioning (1902), American
102. Orville and Wilbur Wright, Airplane (1903), American
103. Aegidius Elling, Gas turbine (1903), Norwegian
104. John Ambrose Fleming, Vacuum tube (Diode) (1904), English
105. Ole Evinrude, Outboard motor (1907), Norwegian American
106. Leo Hendrick Baekeland, Plastics (bakelite) (1907), Belgian American
107. Paul Cornu et al., Helicopter (1907), French
108. Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Superconductivity, absolute zero, liquified helium (1911), Dutch
109. Igor Sikorsky, Airliner (1914), Russian
110. Richard Ranger et al., Fax machine (1924), American
111. Pierre Descombey et al., Tetanus vaccine (1924), French
112. John Logie Baird, Television (1925), Scottish
113. Robert Goddard, Liquid-fuel rocket (1926), American
114. Alexander Fleming, Penicillin (1928), Scottish
115. Werner Heisenberg, Uncertainty principle of quantum theory (1929), German
116. James Chadwick, Neutron (1932), English
117. Friedrich Matthias, Tape recorder (1935), German
118. Robert Watson-Watt, Radar (1935), Scottish
119. Alan Turing, Computer science, artificial intelligence (1936), English
120. Frank Whittle, Jet engine (1937), English
121. Chester Carlson, Photocopying (1938), American
122. John Atanasoff, Digital electronic computer (1939), Bulgarian American
123. Austin Moore, Hip replacement surgery (1940), American
124. Enrico Fermi, Nuclear reactor (1942), Italian American
125. John Logie Baird, Color TV (1944), Scottish
126. Shockley, Bardeen & Brattain, Transistor (1947), American
127. Jose Barraquer, LASIK Surgery (1950), Spanish Colombian
128. Edward Teller, Hydrogen bomb (1952), Hungarian American
129. Watson & Crick, DNA structure (1953), American, English
130. Joseph Edward Murray, Kidney transplantation surgery (1954), American
131. Korolev & Glushko, Satellite launch (1957), Russian
132. Joseph Licklider et al., Internet foundations (1962), American
133. Gregg & Russell, CD, DVD (Optical disk & digital recording) (1965), American
134. Douglas Engelbart, Computer mouse (1967), American
135. Christiaan Barnard, Heart transplantation surgery (1967), South African
136. Wernher von Braun et al., Moon landing (1969), German American
137. Federico Faggin et al., Microchip (1971), Italian
138. Hewlett Packard Team, Personal computer (1971), American
139. Russian Engineers, Space station (1971), Russian
140. Godfrey Hounsfield, Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT Scan) (1971), English
141. Hartmann F. Stähelin, Cyclosporine (immunosuppressant) (1972), Swiss
142. Martin Cooper et al., Cell (mobile) phone (1973), American
143. Carr, Lauterbur & Mansfield, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (1973), American, English
144. Steven Sasson, Digital camera (1975), American
145. Steptoe & Edwards, In vitro fertilization (1977), British
146. American Engineers, Space shuttle (1981), American
147. Luc Montagnier et al., AIDS virus (1983), French
148. Tim Berners-Lee, World Wide Web (1991), British
149. Ian Wilmut, Cloning (1996), English
150. Steve Jobs et al., i-Phone, i-Gadgets (2007), American
Here is many more I have put together. Is this a race that deserves to be wiped off the face of the planet? Only if you want to go back in the cave or tree. :eusa_shhh:

White history-inventions page 2 - Science and world events Wiki

And much of that was preserved by the Moors and recovered by the "whites" after the dark ages in Europe...

Then it should be easy for you to prove.
Some stuff whites have brought to this world!

Incomplete list of scientific, technical and technological accomplishments of the white race (1-150):

1. Thales of Miletus, Thales theorem (~ 580 BC), Greek
2. Anaximander of Miletus, First map of the world (~ 570 BC), Greek
3. Pythagoras of Samos, Pythagorean theorem (~ 540 BC), Greek
4. Hippocrates of Cos, Hippocratic oath, foundations of modern medicine (~ 420 BC), Greek
5. Euclid of Alexandria, Euclidean geometry (~ 300 BC), Greek
6. Herophilos, Anatomy (~ 295 BC), Greek
7. Philo of Byzantium, Water wheel (~ 240 BC), Greek
8. Eratosthenes of Cyrene, Geography (latitude and longitude), earth circumference (~ 235 BC), Greek
9. Archimedes of Syracuse, Hydrostatics, statics, math calculations, pi (~ 220 BC), Greek
10. Apollonius of Perga, Normals, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola (~ 200 BC), Greek
11. Hipparchus, Trigonometry (~ 150 BC), Greek
12. Claudius Ptolemy, Ptolemaic geocentric model of the universe (~ 140), Greek Roman
13. Isidore of Miletus, Stereometry, architecture (vaulting) (~ 532), Byzantine
14. Johannes Gutenberg, Modern printing press (1450), German
15. Luca Pacioli, Foundations of accounting (1494), Italian
16. Nicolaus Copernicus, Heliocentric model of solar system (1543), Polish German
17. Tycho Brahe, Supernova (astronomy) (1572), Dane
18. Aloysius Lilius, Gregorian calendar (1577), Italian
19. Hans Lippershey, Telesope (1608), German Dutch
20. Johannes Kepler, Laws of planetary motion (1609), German
21. Galileo Galilei, Modern astronomy (1610), Italian
22. John Napier, Logarithm (1614), Scottish
23. Faust Vrancic, Parachute (1617), Croatian Italian
24. William Oughtred, Slide rule (1622), English
25. Rene Descartes, Analytic geometry (1637), French
26. Evangelista Torricelli, Mercury barometer (1643), Italian
27. Blaise Pascal, Probability theory, Pascal's triangle (1653), French
28. Robert Boyle, Boyle's law (physics) (1662), English Irish
29. Christiaan Huygens, Wave theory of light, pendulum theory, centrifugal force (1678), Dutch
30. Denis Papin, Pressure cooker (1679), French
31. Gottfried Leibnitz, Calculus (1684), German
32. Isaac Newton, Laws of physics (1687), English
33. Daniel Bernoulli, Bernoulli's equation (fluid dynamics) (1738), Dutch Swiss
34. Benjamin Franklin, Conservation of charge principle, lightning rod, bifocals (1747), English American
35. Leonhard Euler, Mathematical function, Euler's equations & number, etc. (1757), Swiss
36. John Bird, Sextant (1757), English
37. Henry Cavendish, Hydrogen (1766), British
38. Daniel Rutherford, Nitrogen (1772), Scottish
39. James Watt, Commercial steam engine (1776), Scottish
40. Claude de Jouffroy, Steamboat (1776), French
41. Jacques Charles, Charles's law (physics) (1780), French
42. Pierre-Simon Laplace, Laplace equation, transformation, coefficients (1785), French
43. Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, Coulomb's law (electricity) (1785), French
44. Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, Law of conservation of mass (1789), French
45. Eli Whitney, Cotton gin (1793), American
46. Carl Friedrich Gauss, Fundamental theorem of algebra (1799), German
47. Alessandro Volta, Electric battery (1800), Italian
48. John Dalton, Atomic theory (1803), English
49. Richard Trevithick, Steam locomotive (1804), British
50. Humphry Davy, Sodium, potassium, calcium (1807), British
51. Amadeo Avogadro, Avogadro's Law (chemistry) (1811), Italian
52. Andre-Marie Ampere et al, Electromagnetism (1820), French
53. George Stephenson, Railway (1820), English
54. Nicolas Sadi Carnot, Carnot heat cycle (thermodynamics) (1824), French
55. Augustin-Louis Cauchy, Complex function theory (1825), French
56. Nicéphore Niépce, Photography (1826), French
57. George Simon Ohm, Ohm's law (electricity) (1827), German
58. Jöns Jacob Berzelius, Chemical formula notation, silicon, selenium et al. (1828), Swede
59. Michael Faraday, Faraday's law of induction, cathode rays (1831), English
60. Paul Shilling, Electromagnetic telegraph (1832), German
61. Samuel Colt, Revolver (1835), American
62. William Sturgeon, Galvanometer (1836), English
63. Nicholas Joseph Callan, Induction coil (1836), Irish
64. Kirkpatrick Macmillan, Pedal-driven bicycle (1839), Scottish
65. James Prescott Joule, First law of thermodynamics, Joule's law (1843), English
66. Samuel Morse, Morse code (1844), American
67. Gustav Kirchhoff, Kirchhoff's circuit laws (1845), German
68. James B. Francis, Modern water turbine (1848), British American
69. Lord Kelvin, Absolute temperature scale (1848), N. Ireland
70. William Rankine, Steam engine theory (Rankine cycle) (1849), Scottish
71. Rudolf Clausius, Second law of thermodynamics, entropy (1850), German
72. Henry Bessemer, Bessemer converter (steel production) (1855), English
73. Charles Darwin, Theory of evolution (1859), English
74. Nikolaus Otto, 4-stroke internal combustion engine (1862), German
75. James Clerk Maxwell, Classical electromagnetic theory (1865), Scottish
76. Joseph Lister, Antiseptic (sterile) surgery (1865), British
77. Alfred Nobel, Dynamite (1867), Swede
78. Narcis Monturiol Estarriol, Combustion engine driven submarine (1867), Catalan
79. Alexander Graham Bell, Telephone (1876), Scottish American
80. Thomas Alva Edison, Sound recording and playing (1877), American
81. Ernst Mach, Shock wave theory, Mach number (1877), Austrian
82. Robert Koch, Isolated anthrax, tuberculosis, cholera germs (1877-83), German
83. Thomas Edison et al., Motion picture camera (1878), American
84. Joseph Stefan, Stefan's Law (thermodynamics) (1879), Slovenian Austrian
85. Thomas Alva Edison et al., Commercially practical light bulb (1879), American
86. Thomas Alva Edison, DC power generation & distribution system (1882), American
87. Charles Parsons, Steam turbine (1884), British
88. Karl Benz, Automobile (1885), German
89. Louis Pasteur, Anthrax vaccine, rabbies vaccines, pasteurization (1885), French
90. Nikola Tesla, AC electrical supply system, induction motor (1887), Serbian American
91. Gustaf de Laval, Rocket engine nozzle, dairy machinery (1890), Swede
92. Pierre Emile Ruox et al., Anti-diphteria serum (1891), French
93. John Froelich, Gasoline powered tractor (1892), American
94. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen , X-rays (1895), German
95. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Astronautics (1897), Russian
96. Rudolf Diesel, Diesel engine (1897), German
97. Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Theory of radioactivity, polonium, radium (1898), Polish French
98. Ernest Rutherford, Nuclear physics (1899-1917), English New Zealander
99. Max Planck, Quantum hypothesis, Planck's constant (1900), German
100. Guglielmo Marconi, Radio (1902), Italian American
101. Willis Haviland Carrier, Air conditioning (1902), American
102. Orville and Wilbur Wright, Airplane (1903), American
103. Aegidius Elling, Gas turbine (1903), Norwegian
104. John Ambrose Fleming, Vacuum tube (Diode) (1904), English
105. Ole Evinrude, Outboard motor (1907), Norwegian American
106. Leo Hendrick Baekeland, Plastics (bakelite) (1907), Belgian American
107. Paul Cornu et al., Helicopter (1907), French
108. Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Superconductivity, absolute zero, liquified helium (1911), Dutch
109. Igor Sikorsky, Airliner (1914), Russian
110. Richard Ranger et al., Fax machine (1924), American
111. Pierre Descombey et al., Tetanus vaccine (1924), French
112. John Logie Baird, Television (1925), Scottish
113. Robert Goddard, Liquid-fuel rocket (1926), American
114. Alexander Fleming, Penicillin (1928), Scottish
115. Werner Heisenberg, Uncertainty principle of quantum theory (1929), German
116. James Chadwick, Neutron (1932), English
117. Friedrich Matthias, Tape recorder (1935), German
118. Robert Watson-Watt, Radar (1935), Scottish
119. Alan Turing, Computer science, artificial intelligence (1936), English
120. Frank Whittle, Jet engine (1937), English
121. Chester Carlson, Photocopying (1938), American
122. John Atanasoff, Digital electronic computer (1939), Bulgarian American
123. Austin Moore, Hip replacement surgery (1940), American
124. Enrico Fermi, Nuclear reactor (1942), Italian American
125. John Logie Baird, Color TV (1944), Scottish
126. Shockley, Bardeen & Brattain, Transistor (1947), American
127. Jose Barraquer, LASIK Surgery (1950), Spanish Colombian
128. Edward Teller, Hydrogen bomb (1952), Hungarian American
129. Watson & Crick, DNA structure (1953), American, English
130. Joseph Edward Murray, Kidney transplantation surgery (1954), American
131. Korolev & Glushko, Satellite launch (1957), Russian
132. Joseph Licklider et al., Internet foundations (1962), American
133. Gregg & Russell, CD, DVD (Optical disk & digital recording) (1965), American
134. Douglas Engelbart, Computer mouse (1967), American
135. Christiaan Barnard, Heart transplantation surgery (1967), South African
136. Wernher von Braun et al., Moon landing (1969), German American
137. Federico Faggin et al., Microchip (1971), Italian
138. Hewlett Packard Team, Personal computer (1971), American
139. Russian Engineers, Space station (1971), Russian
140. Godfrey Hounsfield, Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT Scan) (1971), English
141. Hartmann F. Stähelin, Cyclosporine (immunosuppressant) (1972), Swiss
142. Martin Cooper et al., Cell (mobile) phone (1973), American
143. Carr, Lauterbur & Mansfield, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (1973), American, English
144. Steven Sasson, Digital camera (1975), American
145. Steptoe & Edwards, In vitro fertilization (1977), British
146. American Engineers, Space shuttle (1981), American
147. Luc Montagnier et al., AIDS virus (1983), French
148. Tim Berners-Lee, World Wide Web (1991), British
149. Ian Wilmut, Cloning (1996), English
150. Steve Jobs et al., i-Phone, i-Gadgets (2007), American
Here is many more I have put together. Is this a race that deserves to be wiped off the face of the planet? Only if you want to go back in the cave or tree. :eusa_shhh:

White history-inventions page 2 - Science and world events Wiki

And much of that was preserved by the Moors and recovered by the "whites" after the dark ages in Europe...

Racism,segregation,lynching,rape,murder,robbery,faggotry,lesbos,dope and dumb presidents.:tongue::tongue:

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