Some of us already knew this


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Mar 11, 2015
Former Fox News Host: 'Racist' Network Was Founded To Demonize ‘The Other’


Ex-Fox News host Eboni K. Williams took aim at her former employer on Thursday, saying the network has a reputation for bigotry and racism “for very good reason.”

On the New York radio show “The Breakfast Club,” Williams said the key to understanding the widely watched conservative network was in making sense of its founder Roger Ailes. Ailes died at the age of 77 in 2017, a year after leaving the network amid a sexual misconduct scandal.

Williams told the radio show’s co-host Charlamagne tha God that Ailes had only one mission in mind for the network ― and that was “the demonizing of the other.” It was “literally the purpose of why the network was founded,” she said.

“I don’t know what his beliefs are, but what he knew was it would be very profitable,” Williams added. “OK, when you find a fear-based thing like that and you can capitalize on it, in a unique way, no one had ever done this before.”

Former Fox News Host: 'Racist' Network Was Founded To Demonize ‘The Other’ - The Usa Today Post

Race baiting, Race pimping and Race hustling.
I just can't go for the tattooed eyebrow Joan Crawford look..No surprise about FOX News though..It was like a soft porn tease news outlet.
the word ''Racist'' means nothing now = this thread = nothing
somebody says something and it proves....................what??!!!!???? EVERYTHING is racist........???!!!!!??????
somebody saw a birdie on the window and it proves................? what??
words that mean NOTHING now
Jackass! Fox News employees many blacks! How racist of them huh?

It's funny, isn't it? I watched Fox for quite a number of years because they were by far the most equanimous news networks of them all and never once recalled an instance I'd remotely consider race bating, pimping or hustling! Just how do you pimp or hustle race anyway while talking about news events? IM2 sees racism everywhere he looks except in all the right places where it actually is happening. Fox seemed to appeal to people based on their intellect rather than their skin, and if they could do that with mostly beautiful women, so much the better though perhaps you'd make a better case for that being sexism though even that is a little questionable as they seemed to hire more women of every race than guys.

Strike this as just one more sour-grapes BS race-baiting IM2 thread.
Former Fox News Host: 'Racist' Network Was Founded To Demonize ‘The Other’


Ex-Fox News host Eboni K. Williams took aim at her former employer on Thursday, saying the network has a reputation for bigotry and racism “for very good reason.”

On the New York radio show “The Breakfast Club,” Williams said the key to understanding the widely watched conservative network was in making sense of its founder Roger Ailes. Ailes died at the age of 77 in 2017, a year after leaving the network amid a sexual misconduct scandal.

Williams told the radio show’s co-host Charlamagne tha God that Ailes had only one mission in mind for the network ― and that was “the demonizing of the other.” It was “literally the purpose of why the network was founded,” she said.

“I don’t know what his beliefs are, but what he knew was it would be very profitable,” Williams added. “OK, when you find a fear-based thing like that and you can capitalize on it, in a unique way, no one had ever done this before.”

Former Fox News Host: 'Racist' Network Was Founded To Demonize ‘The Other’ - The Usa Today Post

Race baiting, Race pimping and Race hustling.
“The Breakfast Club” is literally a radio program created to appease racists.
Last edited:
Fox is a racist network. Once again I read the same bullshit from the same whites. I see racism exactly where it is.

The mainstreaming of racism on Fox News


By Jennifer Rubin

Opinion writer covering politics and policy, foreign and domestic

Rubin is a conservative journalist.

We’ve made the distinction before, but it bears repeating: There are professional, fair and conscientious news people on Fox News. No one could watch the final debate and deny that Chris Wallace is among the best in the business. Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly have earned their place among top debate moderators and interviewers. What we are about to discuss does not apply to them, but it threatens to diminish the news legitimacy of their employer and depress their own ratings as the Fox News label becomes tarnished.

The degree to which Fox fake-news programming (e.g. Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, “Fox and Friends”) has mainstreamed and defended blatant racism is shocking. Overshadowed by Newt Gingrich’s outburst on Megyn Kelly’s show last night was Sean Hannity’s birther dog-whistle. He directed his rant to President Obama:

"You want to go to Canada? I’ll pay for you to go to Canada. You want to go to Kenya? I’ll pay for you to go to Kenya. Jakarta, where you went to school back in the day, you can go back there. Anywhere you want to go. I’ll put the finest food — caviar, champagne, you name it. I have one stipulation: You can’t come back."

Now, do we think it’s coincidental that he picked Kenya, folks? Do we think Hannity is not ringing the birther bell, suggesting (affirming, actually) for the benefit of his alt-right audience that, in his mind, Obama is a foreigner, probably Muslim and definitely not “one of us”?
Fox is a racist network. Once again I read the same bullshit from the same whites. I see racism exactly where it is.

The mainstreaming of racism on Fox News


By Jennifer Rubin

Opinion writer covering politics and policy, foreign and domestic

Rubin is a conservative journalist.

We’ve made the distinction before, but it bears repeating: There are professional, fair and conscientious news people on Fox News. No one could watch the final debate and deny that Chris Wallace is among the best in the business. Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly have earned their place among top debate moderators and interviewers. What we are about to discuss does not apply to them, but it threatens to diminish the news legitimacy of their employer and depress their own ratings as the Fox News label becomes tarnished.

The degree to which Fox fake-news programming (e.g. Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, “Fox and Friends”) has mainstreamed and defended blatant racism is shocking. Overshadowed by Newt Gingrich’s outburst on Megyn Kelly’s show last night was Sean Hannity’s birther dog-whistle. He directed his rant to President Obama:

"You want to go to Canada? I’ll pay for you to go to Canada. You want to go to Kenya? I’ll pay for you to go to Kenya. Jakarta, where you went to school back in the day, you can go back there. Anywhere you want to go. I’ll put the finest food — caviar, champagne, you name it. I have one stipulation: You can’t come back."

Now, do we think it’s coincidental that he picked Kenya, folks? Do we think Hannity is not ringing the birther bell, suggesting (affirming, actually) for the benefit of his alt-right audience that, in his mind, Obama is a foreigner, probably Muslim and definitely not “one of us”?
Ewe are the racist! Live with it dumbass!
Fox hires oh so many blacks.....

Fox News hit with class-action lawsuit alleging racial discrimination

An expanded lawsuit filed Tuesday accuses Fox News Channel of racial discrimination “that appears more akin to Plantation-style management than a modern-day work environment.”

The lawsuit, filed in state Supreme Court, adds eight former and current Fox employees to a case involving three former Fox workers and their accusations against a since-fired Fox financial executive. It also expands the case to include Dianne Brandi, Fox’s chief counsel.

Speaking at a news conference Wednesday morning, Kelly Wright, an on-air Fox News personality and a plaintiff in the case, said he was joining the lawsuit because of “indefensible and inexcusable” alleged discrimination across departments at the network.

“We have a culture of systemic and institutional racial bias,” Wright said. “I can no longer sit in silence.”

Fox News hit with class-action lawsuit alleging racial discrimination
Fox is a racist network. Once again I read the same bullshit from the same whites. I see racism exactly where it is.

The mainstreaming of racism on Fox News


By Jennifer Rubin

Opinion writer covering politics and policy, foreign and domestic

Rubin is a conservative journalist.

We’ve made the distinction before, but it bears repeating: There are professional, fair and conscientious news people on Fox News. No one could watch the final debate and deny that Chris Wallace is among the best in the business. Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly have earned their place among top debate moderators and interviewers. What we are about to discuss does not apply to them, but it threatens to diminish the news legitimacy of their employer and depress their own ratings as the Fox News label becomes tarnished.

The degree to which Fox fake-news programming (e.g. Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, “Fox and Friends”) has mainstreamed and defended blatant racism is shocking. Overshadowed by Newt Gingrich’s outburst on Megyn Kelly’s show last night was Sean Hannity’s birther dog-whistle. He directed his rant to President Obama:

"You want to go to Canada? I’ll pay for you to go to Canada. You want to go to Kenya? I’ll pay for you to go to Kenya. Jakarta, where you went to school back in the day, you can go back there. Anywhere you want to go. I’ll put the finest food — caviar, champagne, you name it. I have one stipulation: You can’t come back."

Now, do we think it’s coincidental that he picked Kenya, folks? Do we think Hannity is not ringing the birther bell, suggesting (affirming, actually) for the benefit of his alt-right audience that, in his mind, Obama is a foreigner, probably Muslim and definitely not “one of us”?
Ewe are the racist! Live with it dumbass!

Post evidence of my racism.
Fox is a racist network. Once again I read the same bullshit from the same whites. I see racism exactly where it is.

The mainstreaming of racism on Fox News


By Jennifer Rubin

Opinion writer covering politics and policy, foreign and domestic

Rubin is a conservative journalist.

We’ve made the distinction before, but it bears repeating: There are professional, fair and conscientious news people on Fox News. No one could watch the final debate and deny that Chris Wallace is among the best in the business. Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly have earned their place among top debate moderators and interviewers. What we are about to discuss does not apply to them, but it threatens to diminish the news legitimacy of their employer and depress their own ratings as the Fox News label becomes tarnished.

The degree to which Fox fake-news programming (e.g. Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, “Fox and Friends”) has mainstreamed and defended blatant racism is shocking. Overshadowed by Newt Gingrich’s outburst on Megyn Kelly’s show last night was Sean Hannity’s birther dog-whistle. He directed his rant to President Obama:

"You want to go to Canada? I’ll pay for you to go to Canada. You want to go to Kenya? I’ll pay for you to go to Kenya. Jakarta, where you went to school back in the day, you can go back there. Anywhere you want to go. I’ll put the finest food — caviar, champagne, you name it. I have one stipulation: You can’t come back."

Now, do we think it’s coincidental that he picked Kenya, folks? Do we think Hannity is not ringing the birther bell, suggesting (affirming, actually) for the benefit of his alt-right audience that, in his mind, Obama is a foreigner, probably Muslim and definitely not “one of us”?
Ewe are the racist! Live with it dumbass!

Post evidence of my racism.
Everyone but you sees it. You are racist against whites. You are racist and wish to brand everyone else. Won’t work.
Rubin is a conservative journalist.
She's also just ONE opinion.

Chris Wallace is among the best in the business. Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly have earned their place among top debate moderators and interviewers.
Funny you picked the three most RINO people on the network (Megyn actually long gone for years).

The degree to which Fox fake-news programming (e.g. Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, “Fox and Friends”) has mainstreamed and defended blatant racism is shocking.
Funny, O'Reilly is also long gone too! Got any links to current or relevant sources?

Overshadowed by Newt Gingrich’s outburst on Megyn Kelly’s show last night was Sean Hannity’s birther dog-whistle. He directed his rant to President Obama:
So, you can't mention Obumma without being a racist, eh?

Do we think Hannity is not ringing the birther bell, suggesting (affirming, actually) for the benefit of his alt-right audience that, in his mind, Obama is a foreigner, probably Muslim and definitely not “one of us”?
No, that was actually HILLARY CLINTON who questioned Obama's birth first, not to mention also stated by Michelle Obama herself before a college crowd in 2007 I think that Barry was a foreigner on foreign aid. So now you're calling Michelle and Hillary liars? Doesn't that make you a SEXIST???

ITMT, IM2 perennially ignores and overlooks the constant racist remarks against Trump for the color of his hair and skin putting him down because he is of Scottish / German decent.
Rubin is a conservative journalist.
She's also just ONE opinion.

Chris Wallace is among the best in the business. Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly have earned their place among top debate moderators and interviewers.
Funny you picked the three most RINO people on the network (Megyn actually long gone for years).

The degree to which Fox fake-news programming (e.g. Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, “Fox and Friends”) has mainstreamed and defended blatant racism is shocking.
Funny, O'Reilly is also long gone too! Got any links to current or relevant sources?

Overshadowed by Newt Gingrich’s outburst on Megyn Kelly’s show last night was Sean Hannity’s birther dog-whistle. He directed his rant to President Obama:
So, you can't mention Obumma without being a racist, eh?

Do we think Hannity is not ringing the birther bell, suggesting (affirming, actually) for the benefit of his alt-right audience that, in his mind, Obama is a foreigner, probably Muslim and definitely not “one of us”?
No, that was actually HILLARY CLINTON who questioned Obama's birth first, not to mention also stated by Michelle Obama herself before a college crowd in 2007 I think that Barry was a foreigner on foreign aid. So now you're calling Michelle and Hillary liars? Doesn't that make you a SEXIST???

ITMT, IM2 perennially ignores and overlooks the constant racist remarks against Trump for the color of his hair and skin putting him down because he is of Scottish / German decent.

Hillary did not question Obamas birth. Her record includes working in the south during the late 60's-early 70's to root out racial discrimination in schools. Trump is a racist and your whining about remarks made mostly by whites do not equalize the damage his racist policies have caused.
Fox is a racist network. Once again I read the same bullshit from the same whites. I see racism exactly where it is.

The mainstreaming of racism on Fox News


By Jennifer Rubin

Opinion writer covering politics and policy, foreign and domestic

Rubin is a conservative journalist.

We’ve made the distinction before, but it bears repeating: There are professional, fair and conscientious news people on Fox News. No one could watch the final debate and deny that Chris Wallace is among the best in the business. Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly have earned their place among top debate moderators and interviewers. What we are about to discuss does not apply to them, but it threatens to diminish the news legitimacy of their employer and depress their own ratings as the Fox News label becomes tarnished.

The degree to which Fox fake-news programming (e.g. Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, “Fox and Friends”) has mainstreamed and defended blatant racism is shocking. Overshadowed by Newt Gingrich’s outburst on Megyn Kelly’s show last night was Sean Hannity’s birther dog-whistle. He directed his rant to President Obama:

"You want to go to Canada? I’ll pay for you to go to Canada. You want to go to Kenya? I’ll pay for you to go to Kenya. Jakarta, where you went to school back in the day, you can go back there. Anywhere you want to go. I’ll put the finest food — caviar, champagne, you name it. I have one stipulation: You can’t come back."

Now, do we think it’s coincidental that he picked Kenya, folks? Do we think Hannity is not ringing the birther bell, suggesting (affirming, actually) for the benefit of his alt-right audience that, in his mind, Obama is a foreigner, probably Muslim and definitely not “one of us”?
Ewe are the racist! Live with it dumbass!

Post evidence of my racism.
Everyone but you sees it. You are racist against whites. You are racist and wish to brand everyone else. Won’t work.

Everyone can't see what's not there. Now post evidence of my racism. Your opinion is not evidence. And since we are in the race and racism section your crying about me posting about race is stupid.
Fox is a racist network. Once again I read the same bullshit from the same whites. I see racism exactly where it is.

The mainstreaming of racism on Fox News


By Jennifer Rubin

Opinion writer covering politics and policy, foreign and domestic

Rubin is a conservative journalist.

We’ve made the distinction before, but it bears repeating: There are professional, fair and conscientious news people on Fox News. No one could watch the final debate and deny that Chris Wallace is among the best in the business. Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly have earned their place among top debate moderators and interviewers. What we are about to discuss does not apply to them, but it threatens to diminish the news legitimacy of their employer and depress their own ratings as the Fox News label becomes tarnished.

The degree to which Fox fake-news programming (e.g. Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, “Fox and Friends”) has mainstreamed and defended blatant racism is shocking. Overshadowed by Newt Gingrich’s outburst on Megyn Kelly’s show last night was Sean Hannity’s birther dog-whistle. He directed his rant to President Obama:

"You want to go to Canada? I’ll pay for you to go to Canada. You want to go to Kenya? I’ll pay for you to go to Kenya. Jakarta, where you went to school back in the day, you can go back there. Anywhere you want to go. I’ll put the finest food — caviar, champagne, you name it. I have one stipulation: You can’t come back."

Now, do we think it’s coincidental that he picked Kenya, folks? Do we think Hannity is not ringing the birther bell, suggesting (affirming, actually) for the benefit of his alt-right audience that, in his mind, Obama is a foreigner, probably Muslim and definitely not “one of us”?
Ewe are the racist! Live with it dumbass!

Post evidence of my racism.
Everyone but you sees it. You are racist against whites. You are racist and wish to brand everyone else. Won’t work.

Everyone can't see what's not there. Now post evidence of my racism. Your opinion is not evidence. And since we are in the race and racism section your crying about me posting about race is stupid.
Nope! Racist is what you are!
Former Fox News Host: 'Racist' Network Was Founded To Demonize ‘The Other’


Ex-Fox News host Eboni K. Williams took aim at her former employer on Thursday, saying the network has a reputation for bigotry and racism “for very good reason.”

On the New York radio show “The Breakfast Club,” Williams said the key to understanding the widely watched conservative network was in making sense of its founder Roger Ailes. Ailes died at the age of 77 in 2017, a year after leaving the network amid a sexual misconduct scandal.

Williams told the radio show’s co-host Charlamagne tha God that Ailes had only one mission in mind for the network ― and that was “the demonizing of the other.” It was “literally the purpose of why the network was founded,” she said.

“I don’t know what his beliefs are, but what he knew was it would be very profitable,” Williams added. “OK, when you find a fear-based thing like that and you can capitalize on it, in a unique way, no one had ever done this before.”

Former Fox News Host: 'Racist' Network Was Founded To Demonize ‘The Other’ - The Usa Today Post

Race baiting, Race pimping and Race hustling.
Yes, this is common knowledge.

Of course, conservatives lack the courage and honesty to admit it.
When ever anyone quotes IM2 with proof he is a damn racist he claims it is a lie. Just ignore his threads, they are all the same anyway, he says I hate whites and all whites are racists over and over. Nothing new ever comes out of his keyboard.
Fox is a racist network. Once again I read the same bullshit from the same whites. I see racism exactly where it is.

The mainstreaming of racism on Fox News


By Jennifer Rubin

Opinion writer covering politics and policy, foreign and domestic

Rubin is a conservative journalist.

We’ve made the distinction before, but it bears repeating: There are professional, fair and conscientious news people on Fox News. No one could watch the final debate and deny that Chris Wallace is among the best in the business. Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly have earned their place among top debate moderators and interviewers. What we are about to discuss does not apply to them, but it threatens to diminish the news legitimacy of their employer and depress their own ratings as the Fox News label becomes tarnished.

The degree to which Fox fake-news programming (e.g. Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, “Fox and Friends”) has mainstreamed and defended blatant racism is shocking. Overshadowed by Newt Gingrich’s outburst on Megyn Kelly’s show last night was Sean Hannity’s birther dog-whistle. He directed his rant to President Obama:

"You want to go to Canada? I’ll pay for you to go to Canada. You want to go to Kenya? I’ll pay for you to go to Kenya. Jakarta, where you went to school back in the day, you can go back there. Anywhere you want to go. I’ll put the finest food — caviar, champagne, you name it. I have one stipulation: You can’t come back."

Now, do we think it’s coincidental that he picked Kenya, folks? Do we think Hannity is not ringing the birther bell, suggesting (affirming, actually) for the benefit of his alt-right audience that, in his mind, Obama is a foreigner, probably Muslim and definitely not “one of us”?
He said "Kenya" because, Obama has always fondly spoken about the place. Are you fucking retarded or something?

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