Some New Crime At Fox Fantasy Wishing Well(?)! Swedish Crime Rate Is Down Since 2005--Reuters


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
One thing certain about any allegations of Immigrants blowing up Sweden, on the nightly news(?): Apparently it can be inferred that at least the US Fox people wish it were so! Most reports that are public follow along the Reuters report that the Swedish Crime Rate is down since the refugee influx, since 2005. Narrow audience, outlet news can actually wish an outcome were so, it is shown, and also shown: It can even be regarded USA presidential(?).

And, "Eeeek!" people do scream!

Trump baffles Sweden with crime comment, says it was based on TV report

The refugee population is decidedly not Swedish-educated on arrival--which would be expected. Afghanistan is often thought Medieval, and Somalia is beset with pirate ships(?), even in the 21st century. Mostly they are smart enough to pick the world's most advanced civilization--of socialist heritage--as a place to take refuge.

Anyone should also notice that Radical Islamist Fundamentalist, Saudi Arabia--where Mecca is located--does not itself seem to be much of a destination among Moslem refugees(?). Mecca is a Saudi, regional capital: In actual fact.

Nobody goes there(?), except when they do(?)! Refugees mostly run away to more advanced places, even to the USA, even from Mexico, Central, and South America(?). Some of those latter are now even smart enough to be on the run: To Canada.

A lot of my generation did that, too!

Mostly, what seems to be getting raped in the world is any concept of US National Security Administration, diplomatic veracity, and credible reporting on the pie-eating-contest channels(?)!

Some Japanese do Sumo! Some Japanese do hot dogs, even in Manhattan. Win, they do! That is about as credible as any of that can be expected. The various outlets appeal to a particular US faction. The Broadcast nets have been more broadly watched, since they started. My own father is likely the first car dealer to advertise product on TV, before all that. The Hollywood Chrysler Big Three included: Even Haldeman's dad! Big-Time commercial TV was about to get started.

Even that didn't dawn on Nixon(?). . .who failed to understand remotely, even the concept. "Crook!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Offspring of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," called, "Bingo:" Came to take away the sins of the world, even according to Catholics(?). . .and the Jews. . . .and probably Her Majesty's, Anglican kind!)
LOL, yea sure they are down.

Why don't you put on a Yamaka and walk into a refugee neighborhood.
I live in Los Angeles, where Yarmulke and hijab maybe even intermarry(?). Blacks and Whites intermarry. Mexicans and Costa Ricans intermarry. ln fact, guys of all kinds intermarry(?)! Some are even of the same sex(?), if English is being spoken, here(?)! Canada again surfaces when, "Making America Great Again," as in a shooting war, happens,.

Anyone gets the impression that Trump is referring to WWII, or Kennedy-Johnson, or the giant Reagan deficits, or the Clinton Recovery of benefit to African Americans. the shooting wars, terrorist-inspired, in Iraq and Afghanistan, (Bush-Cheney), are specifically not included. The Grant Administration appears not be included(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Famous Moses Atrocity, Exposed in Matthew 25:14-30, casting "foreign" into Outer Darkness--never gets discussed much like that. Great Spirit of Lands of Many Nations, "Seven Come Eleven," gets discussed all the time, just noting the comparison! Fantasies and Spirits often have real basis--most especially, spirits(?)!)
One thing certain about any allegations of Immigrants blowing up Sweden, on the nightly news(?): Apparently it can be inferred that at least the US Fox people wish it were so! Most reports that are public follow along the Reuters report that the Swedish Crime Rate is down since the refugee influx, since 2005. Narrow audience, outlet news can actually wish an outcome were so, it is shown, and also shown: It can even be regarded USA presidential(?).

And, "Eeeek!" people do scream!

Trump baffles Sweden with crime comment, says it was based on TV report

The refugee population is decidedly not Swedish-educated on arrival--which would be expected. Afghanistan is often thought Medieval, and Somalia is beset with pirate ships(?), even in the 21st century. Mostly they are smart enough to pick the world's most advanced civilization--of socialist heritage--as a place to take refuge.

Anyone should also notice that Radical Islamist Fundamentalist, Saudi Arabia--where Mecca is located--does not itself seem to be much of a destination among Moslem refugees(?). Mecca is a Saudi, regional capital: In actual fact.

Nobody goes there(?), except when they do(?)! Refugees mostly run away to more advanced places, even to the USA, even from Mexico, Central, and South America(?). Some of those latter are now even smart enough to be on the run: To Canada.

A lot of my generation did that, too!

Mostly, what seems to be getting raped in the world is any concept of US National Security Administration, diplomatic veracity, and credible reporting on the pie-eating-contest channels(?)!

Some Japanese do Sumo! Some Japanese do hot dogs, even in Manhattan. Win, they do! That is about as credible as any of that can be expected. The various outlets appeal to a particular US faction. The Broadcast nets have been more broadly watched, since they started. My own father is likely the first car dealer to advertise product on TV, before all that. The Hollywood Chrysler Big Three included: Even Haldeman's dad! Big-Time commercial TV was about to get started.

Even that didn't dawn on Nixon(?). . .who failed to understand remotely, even the concept. "Crook!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Offspring of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," called, "Bingo:" Came to take away the sins of the world, even according to Catholics(?). . .and the Jews. . . .and probably Her Majesty's, Anglican kind!)

Good to see that there are still some intelligent Americans about, those who are bothered enough to fact-check, before jumping to conclusions like gazelles on steroids.
One thing certain about any allegations of Immigrants blowing up Sweden, on the nightly news(?): Apparently it can be inferred that at least the US Fox people wish it were so! Most reports that are public follow along the Reuters report that the Swedish Crime Rate is down since the refugee influx, since 2005. Narrow audience, outlet news can actually wish an outcome were so, it is shown, and also shown: It can even be regarded USA presidential(?).

And, "Eeeek!" people do scream!

Trump baffles Sweden with crime comment, says it was based on TV report

The refugee population is decidedly not Swedish-educated on arrival--which would be expected. Afghanistan is often thought Medieval, and Somalia is beset with pirate ships(?), even in the 21st century. Mostly they are smart enough to pick the world's most advanced civilization--of socialist heritage--as a place to take refuge.

Anyone should also notice that Radical Islamist Fundamentalist, Saudi Arabia--where Mecca is located--does not itself seem to be much of a destination among Moslem refugees(?). Mecca is a Saudi, regional capital: In actual fact.

Nobody goes there(?), except when they do(?)! Refugees mostly run away to more advanced places, even to the USA, even from Mexico, Central, and South America(?). Some of those latter are now even smart enough to be on the run: To Canada.

A lot of my generation did that, too!

Mostly, what seems to be getting raped in the world is any concept of US National Security Administration, diplomatic veracity, and credible reporting on the pie-eating-contest channels(?)!
The Swedish government goes to great length to squelch any suggestion that the refugees are causing havoc there.
The Saudis don't want the Islamists there, it is important to them that the Islamists go to infidel nations in performance of a hijrah, to change the infidel nations from within. As to their education, the average Muslim is thoroughly educated in ....."the Koran and its laws." Islam prefers that its people be uneducated mindless sheep who obey Ayatollahs, Imams, Mullahs and Clerics words, rather than think. As for you, you are just doing your "taqiyya" bit.
Some Japanese do Sumo! Some Japanese do hot dogs, even in Manhattan. Win, they do! That is about as credible as any of that can be expected. The various outlets appeal to a particular US faction. The Broadcast nets have been more broadly watched, since they started. My own father is likely the first car dealer to advertise product on TV, before all that. The Hollywood Chrysler Big Three included: Even Haldeman's dad! Big-Time commercial TV was about to get started.

Even that didn't dawn on Nixon(?). . .who failed to understand remotely, even the concept. "Crook!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Offspring of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," called, "Bingo:" Came to take away the sins of the world, even according to Catholics(?). . .and the Jews. . . .and probably Her Majesty's, Anglican kind!)
News reports on the Pie-Eating Contest channels are easily likely slanted. Fox is most recently into Carrot-top Meringue types of pastry, itself--generally without substance, much clear thinking, any verification of authenticity, or any corroboration with other events or reports. It's all more likely some new manufactured type of sugar brand.

Polls show that the media are more trusted than is the President, and likely the Administration. In it all, there may start to arise an inner-circle of competent staff, however: The three generals who seem to know one another, and no one else, are being highly regarded on several newscasts.

So back to Lyndon Johnson, when there were basically three networks? He watched all three.

Donald Trump made the comment about "Last Night in Sweden. . . ." Apparently even Fox didn't recognize what he was talking about.

There is no connect in the Trump Administration with much of anything that anyone knows very much about. the Impeachable Exception may be all the emoluments from all the foreign government funded personnel and organizations: At the properties. Now if the Japanese Prime Minister shows up at new or existing Trump property: How exactly is that to be regarded? If a foreign government had sent President George Washington, or Thomas Jefferson, a bunch of slaves--when that was legal and possibly expected--then mostly everyone could have recognized a bribe.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Yellow Hair with Too Much Money--maybe spoiled from childhood: Normal all the rest of his life! There is the famous case in Texas of the lad who was so-spoiled that he too, couldn't much tell the different between right and wrong, legal and illegal, or much else. Many slants happen. . .however that is said(?)!)

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