Some clues on how Biden is going to react.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

All the necessary commentary is within the story.

more coming..

The US responded to Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel by immediately dispatching two aircraft carriers to the region and preparing 2,000 additional troops for deployment to the Middle East, but White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters on October 10 that “there is no intention to put US boots on the ground” in Israel or Gaza.

Ask a troop, any troop. will already know anything that's worth knowing.
/----/ As a friendly reminder: No new wars on Trump's watch.
If you know how Trump could handle the jam that America is in on account of it's support for Zionist caused genocide, then you know something nobody else knows.

You don't and you don't even pretend very well.
I'm so old, I remember when 4 US soldiers were ambushed and killed in Niger in 2017 and Trump didn't do shit about it and no Republican said shit about it
America is about to be drawn in and will become a part of the casualty list.
Nobody is even trying to suggest how Trump or any other president could handle the situation.

Probably because it's been taken out of the president's shaky hands.
Biden on another war front .. First Ukraine, his proxy war with a known corrupt country and no accountability with how U.S. aid is being spent, and now the Middle East, where troops in Iraq are under continuous bombardment, most likely with the released Iranian sanctions from Biden and / or the billions of dollars of military equipment/ammunition/ munitions that was left in the egregious evacuation from Afghanistan.
America is about to be drawn in and will become a part of the casualty list.
Nobody is even trying to suggest how Trump or any other president could handle the situation.

Probably because it's been taken out of the president's shaky hands.
"The buck stops with me" president will find someway to blame it on Trump or someone else .. Sure hope American troops aren't slaughtered in the Middle East conflict .. although I do love that it's in a year leading up to Biden's reelection attempt.
Biden on another war front .. First Ukraine, his proxy war with a known corrupt country and no accountability with how U.S. aid is being spent, and now the Middle East, where troops in Iraq are under continuous bombardment, most likely with the released Iranian sanctions from Biden and / or the billions of dollars of military equipment/ammunition/ munitions that was left in the egregious evacuation from Afghanistan.
And then finally they all came to realize that it's not the president pulling the strings at all. It's America's foreign policy pertaining to support of the Zionist regime. The chickens had to come home eventually.

Netanyahu was supposedly warned but he couldn't wait any longer to expand his country's living space.

Now he needs the loyal support of the American people.
No boots on the ground was considered safe for America's wars.

We've entered an era of modern weaponry in which no boots in the air is the only safe policy.
My solution is blow all of the Ayatollahs to Hell while they're sitting on the shitter.

They'll be scared shitless.
The rest of the world isn't allowing America to do that anymore.

And Trump's Republicans aren't even allowing America to do that to the Ukraine. (or Russia) it's optional)
If you know how Trump could handle the jam that America is in on account of it's support for Zionist caused genocide, then you know something nobody else knows.

You don't and you don't even pretend very well.
Abraham Accords
I'm so old, I remember when 4 US soldiers were ambushed and killed in Niger in 2017 and Trump didn't do shit about it and no Republican said shit about it
But you don't recall the multiple times it was done by Biden??? 43 victims this time under the protection of Biden and all you think needs done is defend Biden!!!
Israel and Gaza in Europe? The most important goal is not to allow the current Israeli-Arab war to turn into a regional war.

But then again, Iran. The main question arises what to do when (if) it becomes a threshold country.
Israel and Gaza in Europe? The most important goal is not to allow the current Israeli-Arab war to turn into a regional war.

But then again, Iran. The main question arises what to do when (if) it becomes a threshold country.
Futile attempt given the war is both Israel's and Gazas to work out.
I'm so old, I remember when 4 US soldiers were ambushed and killed in Niger in 2017 and Trump didn't do shit about it and no Republican said shit about it
That is not accurate.

The Tongo Tongo ambush or the Niger ambush occurred on 4 October 2017, when armed militants from the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) attacked Nigerien and US soldiers outside the village of Tongo Tongo, Niger, while they were returning to base after a stop in the village.[20] During the ambush, four Nigeriens, four US soldiers, and at least 21 ISGS militants were killed, and eight Nigeriens and two US soldiers including the team commander were wounded. In the day preceding the ambush, the Nigerien and US soldiers conducted a mission attempting to locate and capture or kill Doundou Chefou, a commander in the ISGS.[21]

The ambush sparked political debate over the presence of US forces in Africa and brought attention to previously under-reported US military activities in the region.[22] The ambush also prompted congressional inquiries, and an investigation by the US Department of Defense (DoD).[23] The DoD inquiry, completed in 2018, found that the 11-member US special forces team was not prepared for the mission, and identified other flaws in planning.[20]
If you know how Trump could handle the jam that America is in on account of its support for Zionist caused genocide, then you know something nobody else knows.

You don't and you don't even pretend very well.
The Holy Land Was Hollow Until the Jews Returned

There were no "good people" in Gaza, only no-good people.
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