Some Basic Law Stuff for normal people watching this Legal Chaos

so you think banks are stupid!!! look at you!!! what a dummass.
Smokin' OP , sure you think banks are stupid. You posted the broken down trailer and didn't think a bank official wouldn't investigate what money is going out for. It's called collateral; dummass, dummass, dummass.
so you think banks are stupid!!! look at you!!! what a dummass.
Banks did the same with Trump.............DUMBASS.

Judge rules Trump engaged in repeated fraud ... - ABC News​

ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos › Politics › story

Sep 26, 2023 — Donald Trump submitted "fraudulent valuations" for real estate that were then used by himself and his business to obtain better loan and ...

In his ruling Tuesday, Engoron said Trump inflated the value of his own Trump Tower residence between $114 million and $207 million -- including claiming the property was triple its actual size in square feet.

"A discrepancy of this order of magnitude, by a real estate developer sizing up his own living space of decades, can only be considered fraud," Engoron said in his order.

"The defenses Donald Trump attempts to articulate in his sworn deposition are wholly without basis in law or fact," Engoron wrote, saying that the documents presented to the court "clearly contain fraudulent valuations that defendants used in business."
But....the most obvious, largest crook of all continues to run his grift operation out of the White House

ignorant Blackbacked OX, Trump had $10B before even thinking of trying to help save the country. Obiden has never had any real job you disgusting Marxist fool.
Smokin' OP , sure you think banks are stupid. You posted the broken down trailer and didn't think a bank official wouldn't investigate what money is going out for. It's called collateral; dummass, dummass, dummass.

Banker: Trump obtained loans using statements since ...​

AP News › article

Oct 11, 2023 — Donald Trump obtained millions in loans using financial statements that a court has since deemed fraudulent, a retired bank official ...

A judge last month ruled that the former president and his company, the Trump Organization, committed years of fraud by exaggerating the value of Trump’s assets and net worth on the financial statements he gave to banks, insurers and others to make deals and secure loans.

Trump’s longtime finance chief, Allen Weisselberg, acknowledged in testimony Tuesday that information in the financial statements wasn’t always accurate.

Trump denies any wrongdoing, emphasizing disclaimers on the documents that he says alerted lenders to do their own homework. The disclaimers say, among other things, that the financial statements aren’t audited and that others “might reach different conclusions” about Trump’s financial position if they had more information.
Business people don't tell the bank what they think their property is worth. Business people come to the bank with Financial Statements, and balance sheets, all prepared and certified by accountants as to their accuracy and veracity, and those balance sheets are SUPPOSED to accurately reflect the company' books and records.

There is nothing casual, or "what he thinks" about these things at all. It's all based on FACTS and figures, and if it's not, it's FRAUD.
Those poor bankers, totally unable to do a property assessment of their own, using assessors THEY pick. Oh, if only there was a way for them to do that, and not have to completely rely on the applicant's handpicked assessors. Oh, if only, but sadly, they cannot. They must accept at face value the applicant's valuation, the poor dears.

And yes, I am mocking you in this case because the lender and the applicant made a deal and signed a contract that was satisfied completely and on time. A true victimless crime. And also, the law should be rewritten to reflect the reality of how things are done. The bank should bear responsibility if they do not do an independent assessment of their own or come back with a fraudulently low valuation.
The writer of the piece in the OP is one of the most aggressive flame-throwers on the Right.

So we can rest assured that the piece is entirely one-sided and has value only to the alternate universe.
Can you counter what it says or are you just dismissing it unread because you're sure it will be inconvenient for you?
For those of you who don’t live in the legal world every day like I do, being a simple Los Angeles trial lawyer, a lot of the legal stuff you see going on surrounding Trump and Trump-affiliated people might seem like chaos. Well, it is chaos. It’s complete chaos. There is almost no resemblance between what is happening with Trump and the law as normally practiced among normal people in normal times. Remember, there’s a Trump Exception to all the rules and all the norms that rejects any kind of precedent and procedure, as well as simple fairness, in its pursuit of the Bad Orange Man and his allies. When you understand that, you will understand why I shake my head when people ask me my legal opinion about what’s going on. My legal opinion about what’s going on is it has nothing to do with the law at all.

Understand that what we’re seeing now are attempts to frame Donald Trump and people affiliated with him to abuse and misuse the legal system to gain a political advantage. This is nothing new. It is something scumbags have been doing for thousands of years. Remember, Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his legion because if he had left his troops behind, they were going to prosecute him into oblivion. Lawfare is nothing new – its modern practitioners just better hope they don’t end up provoking warfare, too.

BJ- Good read from Kurt Schlichter.

Cultists of course will not get it.
So what you are saying is that you are legally right but the top financial lawyers in NEW York are wrong. Got it....

Now we know you will shill for Trump all day but it seems Trump is guilty of paying a porn star to keep silent about him fucking her and claiming it as a business expense...

What we need to know, did Stormy ask for more money to keep silent about spanking on the ass with a picture of his family on the cover... Does that cost more Hush money or does it come in one package...

From what we can see that the charges have been brought up with accordance with the law and Trump has a nice big high priced legal team to defend him... If there is any loop hole, I am sure Trump's massively expensive legal team will find it...

The main thing people should get from this case is how much preferential treatment Trump is getting in this case over a normal US Citizen.
Law is not equal in US and Trump shows if you got money and power you play by different rules.
You insult a Judge's Daughter in a normal case and you will goto jail... You break gag orders, again, you will goto jail, no fines, jail.

If you are up on 4 crinminal charegs and in court, one of them is putting you in jail...
Can you counter what it says or are you just dismissing it unread because you're sure it will be inconvenient for you?
I'm dismissing it because one-sided, hyperpartisan rhetoric from either end of the political spectrum is counterproductive and bores me.

I can't help but wonder what I'm not being told. I know that such curiosity doesn't even cross the mind of someone like you.

If you don't like that, tough shit.
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Banker: Trump obtained loans using statements since ...

View attachment 933931
AP News › article

Oct 11, 2023 — Donald Trump obtained millions in loans using financial statements that a court has since deemed fraudulent, a retired bank official ...

A judge last month ruled that the former president and his company, the Trump Organization, committed years of fraud by exaggerating the value of Trump’s assets and net worth on the financial statements he gave to banks, insurers and others to make deals and secure loans.

Trump’s longtime finance chief, Allen Weisselberg, acknowledged in testimony Tuesday that information in the financial statements wasn’t always accurate.

Trump denies any wrongdoing, emphasizing disclaimers on the documents that he says alerted lenders to do their own homework. The disclaimers say, among other things, that the financial statements aren’t audited and that others “might reach different conclusions” about Trump’s financial position if they had more information.
IOW, he did what every loan applicant does, and the banks were expected to do what every lending institution does, which is to get an independent estimate of the collateral's value.

Did the banks do their homework before lending him money? If not, why not? It would seem to be the height of financial malpractice for a loan officer to simply accept a loan applicant's estimate on the value of their collateral. "I want to borrow $500, and I'll give you this Rolex for collateral that's worth $5,000.". "Okay, do you want that in hundreds or twenties?".

Why should we expect loan officers lending millions to do less due diligence than a pawn shop clerk lending hundreds?
Those poor bankers, totally unable to do a property assessment of their own, using assessors THEY pick. Oh, if only there was a way for them to do that, and not have to completely rely on the applicant's handpicked assessors. Oh, if only, but sadly, they cannot. They must accept at face value the applicant's valuation, the poor dears.

And yes, I am mocking you in this case because the lender and the applicant made a deal and signed a contract that was satisfied completely and on time. A true victimless crime. And also, the law should be rewritten to reflect the reality of how things are done. The bank should bear responsibility if they do not do an independent assessment of their own or come back with a fraudulently low valuation.
Keep doubling down on a looser...

Trump lie in the application forms... End of story...

Doesn't matter... He defrauded the Bank Shareholders, SOX compliance could have these bank's executives in serious trouble in short order... He also defrauded the Insurance company who was insuring this whole thing...

The vicitims was the US people... He was conducting risky behaviour with other peoples money and not telling them.

Anyway, you drive home drunk and hit no one... Did you break the law?
I'm dismissing it because one-sided, hyperpartisan rhetoric from either end of the political spectrum is counterproductive and bores me.

I can't help but wonder what I'm not being told. I know that thought doesn't cross the mind of someone like you.

If you don't like that, tough shit.
I find trashing an article because of its source to be counter-productive because that leads only to an echo chamber where all the sources I consume agree with each other. That's basically the liberal fever swamp and may be acceptable to someone like you, but not me. It's quite easy to eliminate the inflammatory rhetoric and discern between opinion and fact if you bother to do so.
IOW, he did what every loan applicant does, and the banks were expected to do what every lending institution does, which is to get an independent estimate of the collateral's value.

Did the banks do their homework before lending him money? If not, why not? It would seem to be the height of financial malpractice for a loan officer to simply accept a loan applicant's estimate on the value of their collateral. "I want to borrow $500, and I'll give you this Rolex for collateral that's worth $5,000.". "Okay, do you want that in hundreds or twenties?".

Why should we expect loan officers lending millions to do less due diligence than a pawn shop clerk lending hundreds?
I couldn't tell you why the banks did what they did.
It does remind me of the mortgage loan scam of the 2000's through.
For those of you who don’t live in the legal world every day like I do, being a simple Los Angeles trial lawyer, a lot of the legal stuff you see going on surrounding Trump and Trump-affiliated people might seem like chaos. Well, it is chaos. It’s complete chaos. There is almost no resemblance between what is happening with Trump and the law as normally practiced among normal people in normal times. Remember, there’s a Trump Exception to all the rules and all the norms that rejects any kind of precedent and procedure, as well as simple fairness, in its pursuit of the Bad Orange Man and his allies. When you understand that, you will understand why I shake my head when people ask me my legal opinion about what’s going on. My legal opinion about what’s going on is it has nothing to do with the law at all.

Understand that what we’re seeing now are attempts to frame Donald Trump and people affiliated with him to abuse and misuse the legal system to gain a political advantage. This is nothing new. It is something scumbags have been doing for thousands of years. Remember, Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his legion because if he had left his troops behind, they were going to prosecute him into oblivion. Lawfare is nothing new – its modern practitioners just better hope they don’t end up provoking warfare, too.

BJ- Good read from Kurt Schlichter.

Cultists of course will not get it.

If you're in the legal profession, you need to be disbarred.

Trump is being tried on real crimes he committed, and is being afforded legal conveniences that "normal" people would not get.

In fact it can be stated that some of the judges, and the legal system itself is complicit in his crimes.

Anybody else would be sitting in jail right now for the crimes he has committed, and would be held without bond until trial.

You're right about one thing. There is a double standard. One for Trump, and one for all of the rest of us.
If you're in the legal profession, you need to be disbarred.

Trump is being tried on real crimes he committed, and is being afforded legal conveniences that "normal" people would not get.

In fact it can be stated that some of the judges, and the legal system itself is complicit in his crimes.

Anybody else would be sitting in jail right now for the crimes he has committed, and would be held without bond until trial.

You're right about one thing. There is a double standard. One for Trump, and one for all of the rest of us.
They don't appear to believe he did anything wrong. Even close. He says so, so that's it.

All the evidence and sworn testimony on the way? All lies.

This is a cult.
If you're in the legal profession, you need to be disbarred.

Trump is being tried on real crimes he committed, and is being afforded legal conveniences that "normal" people would not get.

In fact it can be stated that some of the judges, and the legal system itself is complicit in his crimes.

Anybody else would be sitting in jail right now for the crimes he has committed, and would be held without bond until trial.

You're right about one thing. There is a double standard. One for Trump, and one for all of the rest of us.
Trump has committed no crimes skrewey.
No Dimtard is sitting in jail for any of their crimes Looneybin.
Where will you move skrewey??

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