Some 80 percent of Somalis live on Swiss welfare


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The entirely democracy does not work, it is rubbish and shall be abolished by governance of God, Strong Men ( King, Dictator etc. ), clear Rules and Free People.No tricky criminal 'lawyers' and presstitute medias are necessary. Only conservative parties shall be allowed, leftism prohibited. Otherwise countries will perish.
Look, how dumb must be to allow a such dirt entry the country!

According to newly released data, over 80 percent of Somalis living in the country rely on state handouts, followed by various other African migrant groups in Switzerland that also boast very high welfare dependency rates, all well above 50 percent.
Eritreans are at 54,7 percent while Angolans are at 54 percent. The dependent Eritreans and Angolans are followed by Ethiopians, Congolese and Iraqis.
The data was obtained by both the Federal Statistical Office and the State Secretariat for Migration and shows that the 4 000 or so Somalis in Switzerland are by far the most dependent with 83,7 percent relying benefits, Swiss news outlet 20 Minutes reported.
The number of Swiss nationals on welfare stand at a mere 2,3 percent of the population, while the number for Japanese nationals are the lowest with only 0,6 percent receiving handouts. Also low are the Irish (0,9 percent) and Australians (1,0 percent).
Damian Müller of the Swiss Liberals (FDP) said that the figures signal the number of “unqualified” asylum seekers as well as the failure of integrating those with refugee status into the Swiss economy. “Integration is not a one-way street,” he insisted, adding, “refugees are in debt [to society].”
The Swiss Federal Government wants to promote integration through the Agenda for Integration, a programme of the Confederation and the cantons which aims to integrate refugees and those who have been temporarily admitted, thanks to closer supervision, in order to reduce social assistance costs.
The main objectives are complete proficiency in a national language after three years. It requires 80 percent of children to communicate at school entrance, 66 percent of 16- to 25-year-olds fluent in basic vocational education after five years.
Also, fifty percent of adults must be integrated into the labor market after seven years, while 100 percent are familiar with Swiss living habits after only a few years.
In order to swiftly implement the agenda, the Federal Government’s flat-rate integration package to the cantons will be tripled to more than 132 million francs a year.
The rankings have scared polititians. According to Gaby Szöllösy, secretary-general of the cantonal Conference of Social Directors: “We assume that most of the people in these populations did not enter Switzerland as specialists.”
She cites other reasons that made the integration of people from Somalia, Angola or Congo so difficult:

• No work experience: Vocational qualifications obtained at home are not recognised in Switzerland.
• Bad health: Many have health ailments, others are traumatized by experiences in their home country.
• Too many offspring: Often there are large families among these population groups.

Some 80 percent of Somalis live on Swiss welfare | Free West Media


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