Solyndra Scandal Officially Blows Up

Obama don't like it...
White House Lashes Out at Congress for Solyndra Investigation
November 10, 2011 – A day after newly released e-mails surfaced about a donor’s role in asking for a second Solyndra loan, the White House agreed to provided subpoenaed material to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
At the same time, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney called the House probe into the $535 million federal loan to the solar panel firm that is now bankrupt and under FBI investigation, partisan. “We have been enormously cooperative with legitimate oversight. In this investigation alone we’ve turned over 85,000 pages of documents,” Carney told reporters Thursday. “We will continue to cooperate with this committee in their investigation. With regards to the subpoena, I don’t have anything to announce. But, I can say, as the White House counsel made clear in her letter, the subpoena was over broad, unnecessary and in my words, if something seems partisan, it probably is.”

Thursday afternoon, while the White House press briefing was going on, the House Energy and Commerce Committee released a statement from full committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and Chairman of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) “This morning, the White House Counsel’s Office informed the committee that it plans to begin providing responsive materials to the committee's subpoena,” the statement from Upton and Stearns said. “As we have said before, we stand ready to work with the White House on its document production and believe it is entirely possible for the White House to produce information for an investigation that the White House Counsel herself has acknowledged is both legitimate and necessary,” the statement said. We remain hopeful that the White House will demonstrate some good faith efforts of compliance and provide the internal Solyndra-related communications we have been seeking,” it added.

Put in context, the $535 million loan is more than 35 states get each year in highway money, said Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) during a Senate floor speech on Thursday. “Solyndra went bankrupt recently, and $500 million is still a considerable amount of money. I’ll put that in perspective,” Paul said. “In Kentucky, we get about $420 million to pave our roads annually out of the gas tax that you pay. Thirty-five states get about the same amount, somewhere under $500 million. “Yet the president saw fit, because he’s been consumed with this environmental extremism, he saw fit to give $500 million – more than 35 states get for their highway funds – he saw fit to take that money and give it to one political contributor because he has decided that he wants more expensive electricity,” Paul continued. “He wants electricity that comes and is produced by people who are his campaign contributors.”

He won't have to worry, for the boys in the LeftMedia will cover for his every slip. You've all seen that classic demonstration of chivalry in action where the gentleman takes off his coat and lays it over the puddle of water so the dainty maiden won't have to step in the water and get her feet wet when crossing it, the lads in the LeftMedia do that for Obama every day, day in day out.
Let's see, the article says the LOAN WAS NOT APPROVED. So even if there was a "discussion" it didn't do Solyndra any good. Can't be corruption unless a favor was actually handed out.
yup... boned.


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Let's see, the article says the LOAN WAS NOT APPROVED. So even if there was a "discussion" it didn't do Solyndra any good. Can't be corruption unless a favor was actually handed out.

It also said...

The second loan was not approved. Instead, an investment venture controlled by Kaiser made a private loan that resulted in the firm and other investors moving ahead of taxpayers in line for repayment in case of a default by Solyndra.
Let's see, the article says the LOAN WAS NOT APPROVED. So even if there was a "discussion" it didn't do Solyndra any good. Can't be corruption unless a favor was actually handed out.

The article also said:

The emails released by a House committee appear to contradict repeated assurances by the Obama administration that the donor, George Kaiser, never talked about Solyndra Inc. with the White House.
I really hope for justice here, but there wont be any, there hasnt been since nixon went down. It will go on for months, like both the clinton scandles, and result with zilch. Or it could go like scooter libby, and lead to a meaningless conviction of an obvious fall guy followed by presidential pardon. I guess I shouldnt bitch to much, atleast its getting looked at. That fucking asshole bush shouldnt have just been impeached, he should have been put in prison.

Like it or not we are all bitches in the mans game. The law exists for the common people not for the Oligarchy. We will have 30 pigs pulling over every car without a seatbelt on, but do nothing about the obvious corruption and theft of the nations future.
This is only the tip of the iceberg. There are actually worse cases of awful cronyism coming from this Administration. These were all his buddies and big campaign donors who got these sweet deals. I think it's criminal. See this is the kind of stuff more Americans should be protesting about.

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