Solar employs more U.S. workers than Apple, Google, and Facebook combined


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Solar employs more U.S. workers than Apple, Google, and Facebook combined
The global solar market has soared 30-fold in just nine years.

A rooftop is covered with solar panels at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, February 2017. CREDIT: AP/Mark Lennihan
The rapid rise of solar power is one of the most astonishing transformations in the history of global energy use.

A decade ago, solar photovoltaics (PV) was just a tiny sapling, easily dismissed by fossil fuel advocates. Today, after a remarkable 30-fold increase in PV sales in just nine years, it has become a giant redwood forest.

And the giant is still growing, as GTM Research reported in its latest Global Solar Demand Monitor for the first quarter of 2017.

Yes, lets attack and attempt to destroy one of the largest sectors of our economy...Lets see how stupid the republican party is?
Solar employs more U.S. workers than Apple, Google, and Facebook combined
The global solar market has soared 30-fold in just nine years.

A rooftop is covered with solar panels at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, February 2017. CREDIT: AP/Mark Lennihan
The rapid rise of solar power is one of the most astonishing transformations in the history of global energy use.

A decade ago, solar photovoltaics (PV) was just a tiny sapling, easily dismissed by fossil fuel advocates. Today, after a remarkable 30-fold increase in PV sales in just nine years, it has become a giant redwood forest.

And the giant is still growing, as GTM Research reported in its latest Global Solar Demand Monitor for the first quarter of 2017.

Yes, lets attack and attempt to destroy one of the largest sectors of our economy...Lets see how stupid the republican party is?

Solar employs more U.S. workers than Apple, Google, and Facebook combined

Awesome! What are the 5 best solar companies and how many does each employ?
Hey, one of the smartest things that the VA did here in Amarillo was to put up solar panels over the top of their parking lot. Not only does it provide shade for parking, but it also provides electricity for the hospital.

And yeah, with the tech that is now involved with solar, as well as the advances made by Musk in battery tech, solar is going to become one of the main power sources for this country in the next 10 years.
Solar employs more U.S. workers than Apple, Google, and Facebook combined

Yes, lets attack and attempt to destroy one of the largest sectors of our economy...Lets see how stupid the republican party is?

What are you talking about? No one is attempting to destroy anything, you must mean more along the lines of cutting subsidies? And considering that renewable power generation has managed to increase with less subsidies last year, sounds like it can stand on its own feet anyway. And Apple, Google and Facebook don't employ that many people, and renewables don't generate anywhere near the amount of power used in America. Fossil fuels still lead the way.
No, fossil fuels do not lead the way. They still provide the primary power, a fact that is bound to change in a generation.

Solar-energy jobs are growing 12 times as fast as the US economy

The growth in wind power is just one example of the rising employment numbers associated with the clean energy and sustainability sector. According to the report, published by the Environmental Defense Fund's Climate Corps program, the industry now has at least 4 million jobs, up from 3.4 million in 2011.

The report estimates that solar and wind jobs are growing at a rate 12 times as fast as the rest of the US economy and suggests that 46% of large firms have hired additional workers to address issues of sustainability over the past two years.

Those gains stand in contrast to President Donald Trump's stance on energy. The president has consistently championed eliminating environmental regulations and increasing fossil-fuel production as a promising way to bring jobs to America.
U.S. Solar Jobs Jumped Almost 25% In the Past Year

U.S. Solar Jobs Jumped Almost 25% In the Past Year

Kirsten Korosec
Feb 06, 2017

The U.S. solar industry employed 260,077 workers last year, a nearly 25% increase in the number of jobs from 2015. That jump was largely driven by a massive increase in solar panel installations, according to a report released Tuesday by the non-profit solar advocacy group The Solar Foundation.

The rise in installations was caused by a rapid decrease in the cost of solar panels and unprecedented consumer demand, according to Andrea Luecke, president and executive director of The Solar Foundation.

The National Solar Jobs Census 2016, the seventh annual report on solar employment issued by the foundation, says installed solar capacity is projected to grow a record 14 gigawatts in 2016, almost double the 7.5 GW growth experienced in 2015. With such a gain, solar will likely exceed all other sources of new electric generating capacity for the year, according to the report.

Looks like solar is on a roll.
Total coal-related jobs
There are approximately 174,000 blue-collar, full-time, permanent jobs related to coal in the U.S.: mining (83,000), transportation (31,000), and power plant employment (60,000). (See below for details on each sector.) The U.S. civilian labor force totaled 141,730,000 workers in 2005; thus, permanent blue-collar coal industry employees represent 0.12% of the U.S. workforce.[1] (Compare this percentage with the 1.89% of U.S. workers who worked in coal mining alone in 1920.)

This total does not include indirect employment - workers who are not directly employed in the coal industry, but whose jobs are supported by that industry. It is entirely possible that thousands - even tens of thousands - of workers are indirectly supported entirely by the coal industry. However, the National Coal Association's 1994 estimate that the coal industry directly and indirectly employs around 1.5 million people[2] seems exaggerated. The level of indirect employment is in the low hundreds of thousands - not in the millions.

A 2014 assessment of global jobs found coal provides about seven million worldwide, while renewables (excluding biomass) provide 5.4 million worldwide, despite having only a quarter of the energy share as coal.[3]

260,000 thousand solar jobs compared to 174,000 coal related jobs. And the coal jobs are in rapid decline, while there is a rapid increase in solar jobs. Winning for sure. LOL
No, fossil fuels do not lead the way. They still provide the primary power, a fact that is bound to change in a generation.

Solar-energy jobs are growing 12 times as fast as the US economy

But it ain't changed yet! And we could go on for hours about the shoulda/woulda/coulda's of the world. As it is right now...well....renewables are doing better than before! But the 800# gorilla still weighs 800#, and according to the best statistics and analytic gang employed by the US government (as opposed to random reports by folks with the EIAs first class expertise and horsepower) it will still weigh 800# for a LONG time!

Solar employs more U.S. workers than Apple, Google, and Facebook combined
The global solar market has soared 30-fold in just nine years.

A rooftop is covered with solar panels at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, February 2017. CREDIT: AP/Mark Lennihan
The rapid rise of solar power is one of the most astonishing transformations in the history of global energy use.

A decade ago, solar photovoltaics (PV) was just a tiny sapling, easily dismissed by fossil fuel advocates. Today, after a remarkable 30-fold increase in PV sales in just nine years, it has become a giant redwood forest.

And the giant is still growing, as GTM Research reported in its latest Global Solar Demand Monitor for the first quarter of 2017.

Yes, lets attack and attempt to destroy one of the largest sectors of our economy...Lets see how stupid the republican party is?

The writing is on the wall for the oil and coal industries. But those people can't read.

Good news for humanity, unlimited free energy.
Hey, one of the smartest things that the VA did here in Amarillo was to put up solar panels over the top of their parking lot. Not only does it provide shade for parking, but it also provides electricity for the hospital.

And yeah, with the tech that is now involved with solar, as well as the advances made by Musk in battery tech, solar is going to become one of the main power sources for this country in the next 10 years.

I was going to say informative but in ten years?

No fucking way...

Solar employs more U.S. workers than Apple, Google, and Facebook combined
The global solar market has soared 30-fold in just nine years.

A rooftop is covered with solar panels at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, February 2017. CREDIT: AP/Mark Lennihan
The rapid rise of solar power is one of the most astonishing transformations in the history of global energy use.

A decade ago, solar photovoltaics (PV) was just a tiny sapling, easily dismissed by fossil fuel advocates. Today, after a remarkable 30-fold increase in PV sales in just nine years, it has become a giant redwood forest.

And the giant is still growing, as GTM Research reported in its latest Global Solar Demand Monitor for the first quarter of 2017.

Yes, lets attack and attempt to destroy one of the largest sectors of our economy...Lets see how stupid the republican party is?

The writing is on the wall for the oil and coal industries. But those people can't read.

Good news for humanity, unlimited free energy.

Good news for humanity, unlimited free energy.

It's so free, the Germans pay 3 times what we do per kWh.
The snowflake crying from the conservatives is just priceless. How bizarre can people be that dislike a form of energy? It takes a special kind of brainwashing to get this type of reaction from humans. Way back when the whale oil industry had the same argument, "nothing is as good as whale oil".

Go find bunker to hide in snowflakes.
The writing is on the wall for the oil and coal industries. But those people can't read.

Good news for humanity, unlimited free energy.

Coal is on the way out, replaced by that FINE substitute, natural gas. And that oil? You stopped driving have you? Using plastics? Flying anywhere? Because unless you have, and all your relatives, and all their friends, and everyone else they know, and it shows up in US consumption, and global consumption, it sure doesn't look like oil is outta the box yet.

And this is coming from a guy who's wife drives and EV, and I think it is cool enough that I want one as well. But all those folks enjoying their SUVs and pickmeup trucks probably disagree, and there are more of them then me.
The writing is on the wall for the oil and coal industries. But those people can't read.

Good news for humanity, unlimited free energy.

Coal is on the way out, replaced by that FINE substitute, natural gas. And that oil? You stopped driving have you? Using plastics? Flying anywhere? Because unless you have, and all your relatives, and all their friends, and everyone else they know, and it shows up in US consumption, and global consumption, it sure doesn't look like oil is outta the box yet.

And this is coming from a guy who's wife drives and EV, and I think it is cool enough that I want one as well. But all those folks enjoying their SUVs and pickmeup trucks probably disagree, and there are more of them then me.

So in your estimation nobody can speak about anything that they aren't doing directly? Your dear leader drumpf isn't going to fight anyone yet he talks about it all the time. Conservatives whine about smart people talking down to them all the time, yet they don't go and get an education. So by your 'rules' none of the ignorant cons here and everywhere should say a word about anything they aren't doing themselves right now. Con talk radio is simply ignorant people talking to each other every day how miserable life is and how it's all someone else's fault.

Conservatives would have nothing to talk about ever. On second thought maybe this is a good idea.

People in general don't like change and conservatives are the champions of holding the human race in place and opposing progress. Jesus they lost their shit over incandescent light bulbs for ten years when they were first replaced.
The writing is on the wall for the oil and coal industries. But those people can't read.

Good news for humanity, unlimited free energy.

Coal is on the way out, replaced by that FINE substitute, natural gas. And that oil? You stopped driving have you? Using plastics? Flying anywhere? Because unless you have, and all your relatives, and all their friends, and everyone else they know, and it shows up in US consumption, and global consumption, it sure doesn't look like oil is outta the box yet.

And this is coming from a guy who's wife drives and EV, and I think it is cool enough that I want one as well. But all those folks enjoying their SUVs and pickmeup trucks probably disagree, and there are more of them then me.
RGR, nobody in their right mind is arguing against oil or coal as an industrial stock. That use is not putting GHG's into our atmosphere. Now, if Goodenough's new battery can be put into manufacture, there is no reason that you cannot have an EV that runs on electricity.

And no one has suggested that the use of oil for fuel would cease overnight. However, as the number of coal companies in bankruptcy shows, it will probably happen quickly enough to catch many companies short.
And this is coming from a guy who's wife drives and EV, and I think it is cool enough that I want one as well. But all those folks enjoying their SUVs and pickmeup trucks probably disagree, and there are more of them then me.

So in your estimation nobody can speak about anything that they aren't doing directly?

Of course not. What fun would the internet be if that were the case, people actually being required to KNOW something before they were allowed to participate, hell that would be like WORK.

IsaacNewton said:
Your dear leader drumpf isn't going to fight anyone yet he talks about it all the time.

He isn't my dear leader. You don't like who the President is, go talk to the flyover and forgotten people who voted for him. And that doesn't have anything to do with HOPES for an all renewable future, versus the reality of one probably continuing to be powered mostly by fossil fuels.

IsaacNewton said:
Conservatives whine about smart people talking down to them all the time, yet they don't go and get an education.

Then go bitch at them, and leave me out of your personal need to find strawmen to shoot at.
RGR, nobody in their right mind is arguing against oil or coal as an industrial stock.

Oh, are you sure? These folks seem awful serious about it. Wouldn't be surprised if there are more than a few loitering around even a place like this, ready to jump in at a moments notice to pitch out their misanthropy.

Deep Green Resistance Radical Environmental Group (DGR)

Old Rocks said:
That use is not putting GHG's into our atmosphere. Now, if Goodenough's new battery can be put into manufacture, there is no reason that you cannot have an EV that runs on electricity.

The wife already has one of those. Getting EVs is easy-peasy nowadays, even without GoodEnoughs battery.

Old Rocks said:
And no one has suggested that the use of oil for fuel would cease overnight. However, as the number of coal companies in bankruptcy shows, it will probably happen quickly enough to catch many companies short.

Coal companies are going bankrupt because electrical generation was preparing for EPA 111(d) rules under the CPP, and with decreased coal demand comes decreases in coal prices. But what you CAN'T stop is the decommissioning of a coal fired power plant once it has begun, even a little. Saw this up close and personal here:

One of the more amusing aspects of Trumps claims for American energy independence is him wanting to bolster both coal and natural gas electrical generation, when they are competitors. So it becomes a race to the bottom for both, lower prices for both, and bankruptcies all along the way until it all plays out.

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