Society's Child

I am a stay at home mom. My day begins at 6am I get up, I get the children up. I get them ready for school, breakfast, dressed, teeth brushed, lunches packed, backpacks packed, load them up in the car to take to school, I then come home and start cleaning, do laundry, make any neccasary phone calls, pay bills, run errands then back to school to pick up the kid's, come home do homework, start dinner, clean up the kitchen for the 2nd time today, now it's off to football practice, come home, baths, brush teeth, read to the children or have them read to me. bedtime for kid's, now i go and clean up anything that need's cleaned up before i settle down for the evening, oh hold on one more wifely duty to fulfill, ok now my day is done but wait it's like 9:30 pm.

Hold on I don't get a paycheck for any of this, nor do i get any benefits, no vacation time , no sick days , no personal time , no holidays!

So i guess that puts me at putting in about 15.50 hours a day

My only rewards for this job is my childrens thanks mom, I love you!!!
khafley said:
I am a stay at home mom. My day begins at 6am I get up, I get the children up. I get them ready for school, breakfast, dressed, teeth brushed, lunches packed, backpacks packed, load them up in the car to take to school, I then come home and start cleaning, do laundry, make any neccasary phone calls, pay bills, run errands then back to school to pick up the kid's, come home do homework, start dinner, clean up the kitchen for the 2nd time today, now it's off to football practice, come home, baths, brush teeth, read to the children or have them read to me. bedtime for kid's, now i go and clean up anything that need's cleaned up before i settle down for the evening, oh hold on one more wifely duty to fulfill, ok now my day is done but wait it's like 9:30 pm.

Hold on I don't get a paycheck for any of this, nor do i get any benefits, no vacation time , no sick days , no personal time , no holidays!

So i guess that puts me at putting in about 15.50 hours a day

My only rewards for this job is my childrens thanks mom, I love you!!!

You are a busy lady, I didnt hear you complaining, well maybe a little. The comments about no paycheck,benefits, vacation, sick days, personal time, holidays.....are a little whiny.... hopefully you were aware of the sacrifices you would be making when you decided (thats the CHOICE )to have kids ....and in fact you acknowledged the rewards for all your hard work . Actually you do sound a little stressed out and dont really get a chance or take the time to "smell the roses", thats important too, ya know. Good luck
sagegirl said:
You are a busy lady, I didnt hear you complaining, well maybe a little. The comments about no paycheck,benefits, vacation, sick days, personal time, holidays.....are a little whiny.... hopefully you were aware of the sacrifices you would be making when you decided (thats the CHOICE )to have kids ....and in fact you acknowledged the rewards for all your hard work . Actually you do sound a little stressed out and dont really get a chance or take the time to "smell the roses", thats important too, ya know. Good luck

Was it really a choice to not have children or were you unable to?
Said1 said:
After reading both your comments, I'm still not sure where you stand, is parenting a real job or not? Like THK, your comments offended a lot of people who are parents, including myself. I'm sure you are fully aware of that fact that people get stressed out, especially single mothers working full time, and going to school - like myself. Sometimes I feel like quiting, but I don't beacuse I know ALL the hard work I put in will payoff...eventually...I hope. Anyway, if I want to complain about how tired I am, I will, because I am. Just like you enjoy complaining about people complaining, I like to bitch about being tired once in awhile. There are whiners everywhere, and frankly, sometimes the things we dislike in others mirror traits in ourselves that we dislike - tis true, they teach you that in rehab. :funnyface

Where I come from is...... that being a good parent is alot of work. It also requires lot of maturity and patience. Not everyone who decides to become a parent (probably alot) has any idea what they are getting into, some havent given it a wit of thought. In that way it is very different than a "job" or a career, in which you can decide to quit or move along to another situation. Like you say sometimes you feel like quitting....but you dont. Some parents do, they get so overwhelmed with the task that they just "go thru the motions". Kids know when this is going on and react to it in a variety of ways, some take charge of their own lives and are able to do pretty well, but some are "left behind". They develop behavioral problems, become bullies, turn it in on themselves, some carry it over into a lifetime of blame and frustration. Im glad we have programs to help families, every child that fails takes something away from all of us. I hope not all parents found my comments offensive, I hope those out there that are successfully doing their "JOB" (emphasis for you) can tolerate my point of view. I think like you said that our opinions tend to reflect ourselves. To those who were offended I think that you maybe saw yourselves reflected in some of my comments.
dilloduck said:
Was it really a choice to not have children or were you unable to?

Rather a personal question but fair.....Yes I was able, did get pregnant while using a diaghram and had an abortion......for which Im sure most of you will be most glad.......first used the pill, then the diaghram, then an iud, but after the abortion and the bad press on iud's the hubby got a vascectomy. So now you know more than you wanted to Im sure.
sagegirl said:
To those who were offended I think that you maybe saw yourselves reflected in some of my comments.

Like I said, I was offened by the "real job" comment, as were many of the parents who read it. I can't say I saw myself in anything negative you had to say simply because I have a very postive attitude, and so do most the parents who participate in this message board. It might help if you do a little less generalizing when you are posting your opinions, it can cause some confusion.
sagegirl said:
You are a busy lady, I didnt hear you complaining, well maybe a little. The comments about no paycheck,benefits, vacation, sick days, personal time, holidays.....are a little whiny.... hopefully you were aware of the sacrifices you would be making when you decided (thats the CHOICE )to have kids ....and in fact you acknowledged the rewards for all your hard work . Actually you do sound a little stressed out and dont really get a chance or take the time to "smell the roses", thats important too, ya know. Good luck

No I wasn't complaining, I just get sick and tired of people who think stay at home mom's are not important because they don't bring in a pay check every week what they fail to realize is that most of us work harder then those who have real jobs. Yes, this was a choice I made and love, I would never trade it for the world. It takes one hell of a parent to nuture, love and respect their child, and raise them to be good outstanding citizens. unlike those who pop out the kid and scream at it from birth like it is a worthless piece of shit that's easy anybody can do that. It takes alot of patience, confidence, sacrifice, to raise good decent children.

My hats off to those parents who are single and have 2 jobs, the children and the pay check. takes one hell of a person to pull that off.
And for arguments sake, let's just say Khafley and I start discussing the trials and tibulations of stay at home motherhood, feel free to not read about it. That would fall under the category of "it's your right to chose not to read what we are saying to each other because it gets on your nerves".

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