Socialist's dont hate the rich !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
Bernie is a millionaire ! Soros is a billionaire ! Warren is a millionaire and on and on ! the truth is in Russia ,China ,Venezuela and Cuba and other socialist and communist countries there are some very very rich people ! so if wealth is being redistributed why are there so many rich people in socialist countries ? its simple its not the rich that pays in socialist countries its the middle class !in socialst and communist countries you have two classes ..the rich and the poor ! the socialist Sanders supporters in the US know this all to well ! so why do they want it then ? its very very simple folks ! for the left its personal ! and its personal for 2 main reasons ! the first for the young college age whites is self hatred and guilt combined with a false sense of entitlement by those of color in the same age group ! in other words ignorance ! 2nd is the adult 35 yr olds and up why do they buy in to the bulcrap ? its very simple for them its personal ! for them it is envy and jealousy ! and just who are they envious and Jealous of ?? is it the rich billionaires and millionaires that they have never and will never interact with ?? nope they hate their neighbor ! they hate the people they know personally!! the ones they grew up with or went to school with and for many even their own relatives that may have worked harder and made better choices in life and may live in a nicer home and drive a nicer car or maybe they saved more money !for the far leftist socialist is very simply a hater ! and haters gonna hate !
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Socialists use rich people as a target to gain support of the working class and non workers. They are nearly always rich themselves, grown fat from suckling at the teat of government all their lives.
Bernie is a millionaire ! Soros is a billionaire ! Warren is a millionaire and on and on ! the truth is in Russia ,China ,Venezuela and Cuba and other socialist and communist countries there are some very very rich people ! so if wealth is being redistributed why are there so many rich people in socialist countries ? its simple its not the rich that pays in socialist countries its the middle class !in socialst and communist countries you have two classes ..the rich and the poor ! the socialist Sanders supporters in the US know this all to well ! so why do they want it then ? its very very simple folks ! for the left its personal ! and its personal for 2 main reasons ! the first for the young college age whites is self hatred and guilt combined with a false sense of entitlement by those of color in the same age group ! in other words ignorance ! 2nd is the adult 35 yr olds and up why do they buy in to the bulcrap ? its very simple for them its personal ! for them it is envy and jealousy ! and just who are they envious and Jealous of ?? is it the rich billionaires and millionaires that they have never and will never interact with ?? nope they hate their neighbor ! they hate the people they know personally!! the ones they grew up with or went to school with and for many even their own relatives that may have worked harder and made better choices in life and may live in a nicer home and drive a nicer car or maybe they saved more money !for the far leftist socialist is very simply a hater ! and haters gonna hate !

Communists replace the rich citizen with the rich politician...

Stalin ate Caviar when Russians ate stale bread...

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