Socialism, I get it, you want Socialism because you are too stupid to be a good business person.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Socialism. where everyone is treated equal. Equally poor and equally miserable. How do I know this, because there are those on this board that just doesnt want to make their lives better. They sit in their basements and whine how screwed they are, so they want the all mighty government to come in and take most of the intelligent peoples money away, just to make it fair. Lets use some examples of Socialism and how it works.

Joe (the Groper) Biden - Dumber than a box of rocks, makes gaffs all the time, and what is worse there are dumber people who will actually vote for him.
Bernie (the Socialist) Sanders - wants to give free shit to everyone, but he couldn't give his book away for free, so made a million dollars.
Free college, free healthcare, guaranteed income, why do you need college or a job, if you have income and healthcare and not lift a finger?

Yes, people who believe in Socialism have an IQ of 30, most business leaders have a masters degree or higher, know the ways of taxes, so uses every, "LEGAL" government tax loophole provided. This is what makes smart people rich, while the poor people are stupid, vote for the very people who keep them poor, and whine that they cant make it.
I never understood why the left and the Dems want Socialism. Other than plunging this country into a "totalitarian state". As well, as FREE stuff - like free college tuition, free medicare, and other stuff.

Throughout history, it has never worked. Throughout history, Socialism is just another way to "control the masses" under One government.

Some people really don't care if history repeats itself.

Actually, it's easy to see the appeal.

Spend your life being jealous of what other people have.

Become convinced that 'the system' is weighted against you.

Believe them when politicians tell you that they can take from others and give you more.

How could you not fall for Socialism?
I never understood why the left and the Dems want Socialism. Other than plunging this country into a "totalitarian state". As well, as FREE stuff - like free college tuition, free medicare, and other stuff.

Throughout history, it has never worked. Throughout history, Socialism is just another way to "control the masses" under One government.

Some people really don't care if history repeats itself.


Socialism is the ideology of selfishness, greed, jealousy, and covetousness. It is basically wanting something that someone else has, without deserving it or having to work for it.
Socialism. where everyone is treated equal. Equally poor and equally miserable. How do I know this, because there are those on this board that just doesnt want to make their lives better. They sit in their basements and whine how screwed they are, so they want the all mighty government to come in and take most of the intelligent peoples money away, just to make it fair. Lets use some examples of Socialism and how it works.

Joe (the Groper) Biden - Dumber than a box of rocks, makes gaffs all the time, and what is worse there are dumber people who will actually vote for him.
Bernie (the Socialist) Sanders - wants to give free shit to everyone, but he couldn't give his book away for free, so made a million dollars.
Free college, free healthcare, guaranteed income, why do you need college or a job, if you have income and healthcare and not lift a finger?

Yes, people who believe in Socialism have an IQ of 30, most business leaders have a masters degree or higher, know the ways of taxes, so uses every, "LEGAL" government tax loophole provided. This is what makes smart people rich, while the poor people are stupid, vote for the very people who keep them poor, and whine that they cant make it.

The "basement dwellers" LMAO! But you are right "I want free college" "But we're going to pay you even if you don't go to college" "I want free healthcare too" "No problem you got it". After the election...... "I want my free stuff now! " "Free stuff ?There isn't any free stuff for you Basement dweller"
Socialism. where everyone is treated equal. Equally poor and equally miserable. How do I know this, because there are those on this board that just doesnt want to make their lives better. They sit in their basements and whine how screwed they are, so they want the all mighty government to come in and take most of the intelligent peoples money away, just to make it fair. Lets use some examples of Socialism and how it works.

Joe (the Groper) Biden - Dumber than a box of rocks, makes gaffs all the time, and what is worse there are dumber people who will actually vote for him.
Bernie (the Socialist) Sanders - wants to give free shit to everyone, but he couldn't give his book away for free, so made a million dollars.
Free college, free healthcare, guaranteed income, why do you need college or a job, if you have income and healthcare and not lift a finger?

Yes, people who believe in Socialism have an IQ of 30, most business leaders have a masters degree or higher, know the ways of taxes, so uses every, "LEGAL" government tax loophole provided. This is what makes smart people rich, while the poor people are stupid, vote for the very people who keep them poor, and whine that they cant make it.

They've been sold a Bill of Goods. It's easy to be told "you get this or that for FREE!". The citizen doesn't see the long term impact, especially in regards to their liberty, transparent/accountable government being a thing of the past etc.

They don't realize that not only them, but their children, from cradle to the grave is a Subject of the State. From Canada to Europe and China, citizens are miserable and oppressed. Speech and criticism suppressed.

I've been warning any America who will listen to reject this evil system. Do NOT let covert police, their friends and family, the Good Little Germans in society (believe me, they will also take the cheese of handouts at your expense, as long as they get a hand up as they press you down") to be given free rides on your back.

It's not selling fear or hyperbole, human nature assures this occurs. It's happening now in Canada, I've tasted it first hand. It's pure evil. Worse, nobody is there to fight for you and the truth when the chips are down.
Actually, modern capitalism uses principles from socialism.
Here is the message that the Democrats are using to sell Socialism:

"You've been wronged by Whitey, Trump, Rich People, Corporations, etc. etc. It's not your fault! Let us correct the wrong for you because we're from the government and we're here to help you!"

This is a lie. It has been used successfully for hundreds of years to bring wealth and power to the Statists and it screws the people. Every time.
Actually, modern capitalism uses principles from socialism.
Modern Capitalism..How a liberal uses the words. Like Democratic Socialism isnt going to take other people's money from those that work, and give it to lazy ass liberals who dont work<SARCASM>. Free market capitalism, is the best system out there, even thought it isnt perfect(it is by far 1000 times better than Socialism). Why else does Morgan Freeman think it is a good idea? Is he a racist?

Here is the message that the Democrats are using to sell Socialism:

"You've been wronged by Whitey, Trump, Rich People, Corporations, etc. etc. It's not your fault! Let us correct the wrong for you because we're from the government and we're here to help you!"

This is a lie. It has been used successfully for hundreds of years to bring wealth and power to the Statists and it screws the people. Every time.

I believe it boils down to exactly what Democrats are saying and people aren't hearing. You are to stupid to make your own decisions on how to live your life. The govt. knows best. Trust us! Give us the Power to control you and we will be benevolent, Promise!

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