Socialism, government for the stupid


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
20 years ago we were being bombarded with the horrors of Nazism. According to the media everyone was a Nazi. The republicans are Nazi's everyone is a Nazi. If you're conservative. you're a Nazi.

There was a form of government that massacred far more innocent people than Nazism , it was Communism. A system of government engineered by Karl Marx, backed by the richest people in the world, devoid of Christianity, and time and time again proves itself as a disgusting assault on liberty .

Why don't the people in our society talk about how horrible Communism is? it's because they agree with it. Their only excuse is, "well it didn't work out the way it was supposed to". No matter how many people die, their won't give up their atheist political structure.

Karl Marx describes Socialism as the transition from Capitalism to Communism.

Communism is designed on human psychology. For example, the architects looked into history and saw the public always resents the merchants, so Communism/Socialism always preaches "controlling" the rich. Even though most Communist leaders are at least upper middle class, and communist is funded by the rich, they never stop chanting their mantra. Even though socialist programs all have caps for the rich, they still tell everyone they are controlling the rich.

The only truth to their tale is they believe (Communist) government should have complete power, and when they take over they feel they have the right to tax the rich out of their profits.

In America, Socialisms claim to fame is ending child labor and the minimum wage, two things that would have happened anyways. Their other claim to fame is Social Security. States had pension plans for various reasons, but by implementing Federal Social Security, a plan that is designed to be flawed, the socialists could control the seniors by always threatening to "take it away". Seniors are willing to sell the future of the nation to get their little check. In the original bill it clearly states the age can be raised to 75, so nothing that happens with SS is an accident.

We used to have separate states that held the power. Marx supported the Federalism of America in 1865, and eventually the rules were changed so the Supreme Court holds most of the power. Currently the Socialists only use separate powers when it suits them. Eventually when the country turns Communist there will be a dictator or a tribunal who decides how long people labor in the camps for free and how big their ration will be.

Socialist atheists think it's ridiculous morals come from Jesus Christ, they believe morals are set by the ruling government.

What Socialism does is offer the public tiny rewards, in exchange for absolute power for the Socialist cabal.

How stupid are Socialists?

People preach Socialism and risk their life for the Socialist cause. They're the first ones to be executed when the country turns Communist because they weren't in the right faction. In Russia, neighborhood commanders were required to jail a number of "traitors" every month, so innocent people were routinely jailed. (and people fight for this) The Socialists of Russia were so stupid, they were risking their lives to send messages out of the labor camps, to Stalin, so Stalin would be made aware of their conditions. Stalin was the one who created the camps and placed them there.

Good luck America, voting for a Socialist president.
Sure are a lot of butthurt Sandersphobic posts lately. Strawmen, false association, cum hoc fallacies, more strawmen, appeal to fear, they're all here.

"President Sanders". Get used to it. :rofl:
Sure are a lot of butthurt Sandersphobic posts lately. Strawmen, false association, cum hoc fallacies, more strawmen, appeal to fear, they're all here.

"President Sanders". Get used to it. :rofl:
Evidently there is no shortage of alcohol....
Please don't tell him that Marx was a Jew, So I doubt his pals were Christians, oh the horror....(deadpan)...
Communism is designed on human psychology. For example, the architects looked into history and saw the public always resents the merchants, so Communism/Socialism always preaches "controlling" the rich. Even though most Communist leaders are at least upper middle class, and communist is funded by the rich, they never stop chanting their mantra. Even though socialist programs all have caps for the rich, they still tell everyone they are controlling the rich.
It is not the merchants that was hated, it was the aristocrats, the monarchy, and the religions played right along with the worst of the despots...Tainting the sanctity of Christ...
The peasant had nothing, not even the ability to negotiate a labor wage.It was expected that those at the bottom was part of the property of the aristocracy...Tied by law to the land or in a trade and was not able to leave the position..But you folks never try to think why people revolted and tried a new system....Do you think capitalism was tried out of necessity, or was it just a hobby that caught on?
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Sure are a lot of butthurt Sandersphobic posts lately. Strawmen, false association, cum hoc fallacies, more strawmen, appeal to fear, they're all here.

"President Sanders". Get used to it. :rofl:
Evidently there is no shortage of alcohol....
OTH, we have the other-side comparing Trump and his minions to the Brownshirts.

So it is turning out to be just the most interesting of elections.

It's also getting scary. I suggest everyone read a little bit of history so we keep our heads about us and all remain friends. . . . .

Spanish Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In America, Socialisms claim to fame is ending child labor and the minimum wage, two things that would have happened anyways.

Uhm, no, they ended child labor and made a min. wage law..and it was not going to happen naturally, or it would have happened without govt. intervention...and that was not even socialism.....
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And this is why every successful nation on earth uses at least some socialism and regulations. Please go fuck yourself op. The world would be better for it! ;)
There is no other nation on earth that is equal to our size, to our ability, or our success, further none of them would be here today if we had not fought against Socialism/Marxism.
Prophetic Warnings From America’s Founding Fathers

James Madison on welfare and overreach by the government
“If Congress can employ money indefinitely, for the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every state, county, and parish, and pay them out of the public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, the establishing in like manner schools throughout the union; they may assume the provision of the poor…. Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America.”

John Adams on the danger of the two party system
“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution. Nothing which I dread so much.”

And this is why every successful nation on earth uses at least some socialism and regulations. Please go fuck yourself op. The world would be better for it! ;)

So the United States wasn't "successful" before 1929?.

The fact is that the less socialism a country has, the more successful it is. What does that tell you about which direction we want to go?
In America, Socialisms claim to fame is ending child labor and the minimum wage, two things that would have happened anyways.

Uhm, no, they ended child labor and made a min. wage law..and it was not going to happen naturally, or it would have happened without govt. intervention...and that was not even socialism.....

Hmmm, you're wrong about that. Child labor ended when our economy became productive enough so that children didn't have to work for a family to avoid starvation. It had largely disappeared before they pass laws against it.

Bottom line: it did end without government intervention.
Communism is designed on human psychology. For example, the architects looked into history and saw the public always resents the merchants, so Communism/Socialism always preaches "controlling" the rich. Even though most Communist leaders are at least upper middle class, and communist is funded by the rich, they never stop chanting their mantra. Even though socialist programs all have caps for the rich, they still tell everyone they are controlling the rich.
It is not the merchants that was hated, it was the aristocrats, the monarchy, and the religions played right along with the worst of the despots...Tainting the sanctity of Christ...
The peasant had nothing, not even the ability to negotiate a labor wage.It was expected that those at the bottom was part of the property of the aristocracy...Tied by law to the land or in a trade and was not able to leave the position..But you folks never try to think why people revolted and tried a new system....Do you think capitalism was tried out of necessity, or was it just a hobby that caught on?
You're talking about Feudalism, the end of which is the only thing that made capitalism and the Industrial Revolution possible.
And this is why every successful nation on earth uses at least some socialism and regulations. Please go fuck yourself op. The world would be better for it! ;)

Every dog has fleas. That doesn't mean the fleas are good for the dog.

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

In the next decade..........our debt is expected to go to 30 Trillion..............

The interest payments on that debt will end up being the largest portion of the Federal Budget.........

It is insanity to continue down this path...........Yet the Gov't refuses to slow it down............

Are they just that damned Stupid or is it planned economic destruction?
Conservatives are stuck in this mode of thinking that they can just insult socialism away.

And they're still stuck in the mode of conflating pure socialism with democratic socialism. Cuba with Germany.

They don't see that they're actually helping to usher it in.
Communism is designed on human psychology. For example, the architects looked into history and saw the public always resents the merchants, so Communism/Socialism always preaches "controlling" the rich. Even though most Communist leaders are at least upper middle class, and communist is funded by the rich, they never stop chanting their mantra. Even though socialist programs all have caps for the rich, they still tell everyone they are controlling the rich.
It is not the merchants that was hated, it was the aristocrats, the monarchy, and the religions played right along with the worst of the despots...Tainting the sanctity of Christ...
The peasant had nothing, not even the ability to negotiate a labor wage.It was expected that those at the bottom was part of the property of the aristocracy...Tied by law to the land or in a trade and was not able to leave the position..But you folks never try to think why people revolted and tried a new system....Do you think capitalism was tried out of necessity, or was it just a hobby that caught on?
You're talking about Feudalism, the end of which is the only thing that made capitalism and the Industrial Revolution possible.
Hardly since feudalism existed during the beginning of the industrial revolution..Russia pasted serf reform but the Aristocrats refused to recognize it..
Conservatives are stuck in this mode of thinking that they can just insult socialism away.

And they're still stuck in the mode of conflating pure socialism with democratic socialism. Cuba with Germany.

They don't see that they're actually helping to usher it in.
Democrats are stuck in this mode of thinking that the debt and consequences of Big Government will just insult the debt away.

Their has been 6 Reserve World currencies in History. All have fallen and all have stated at the end that it wasn't a problem.

Our Dollar stays afloat by putting a gun to the head of anyone who dares challenge the dollar.

Manipulation of currency and massive debt is a world problem now......the path to another meltdown is set.........and has always led to World do more of the same is Stupidity on Steroids.

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