Social market economy.

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Germany's social market economy would qualify as 'socialism' to many Teapublicans as they have line-workers on their Board's of Directors by government mandate. Germany doesn't voluntarily export jobs like the U.S. does either even though their labor costs are high too.
Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Social market economy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Germany has a social market economy with a highly qualified labour force, a large capital stock, a low level of corruption,[84] and a high level of innovation.[85] It has the largest national economy in Europe, the fourth largest by nominal GDP in the world,[86] and the fifth largest by PPP[86] in 2009. The service sector contributes approximately 71% of the total GDP, industry 28%, and agriculture 0.9%.[47] The average national unemployment rate in 2010 was about 7.5%.[47] First estimates indicate a 3.6% increase in the price-adjusted GDP for 2010, following a 4.7% drop in 2009.[87]
Germany is a founding member of the EU, the G8 and the G20, and was the world's largest exporter from 2003 to 2008. In 2009 it remains the second largest exporter and third largest importer of goods. Most of the country's exports are in engineering, especially machinery, automobiles, chemical goods and metals
They don't have any "right-to-work" (sweat-shop) states either LOL

Deutsche Bank

[ame=]‪Trickle Down Tales‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]​
I buy from two German companies and I can say with 100% assurance they are capitalist and are interested in making money as much as anyone is.
What is different - is Germany doesn't have a guilt complex and act in direct opposition to their best interest - this is true in a local sense and global.
German people look out for German interest.
Americans are interested in themselves, they couldn't care less where a product comes from if it is cheaper all the while asking where are the jobs?
We do not act in our own best interest - in fact Americans individually and collectivity act in direct contrast to their best interest - DAILY.
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Correlation is not causation.

Also, let us compare German real GDP growth rates with the US.

Since 1980, the US on average has outperformed the Germany economy. In 2009, the German economy had nearly -6% growth, more than two times worse than the United States.

In 2010, the Germany economy barely performed better than the United States. And you make it seem like therefore a more socialist economy is desirable? In Germany there is a tea party movement as well, called Wutburger. It is even bigger than the one in the United States.
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Two reasons they could be considered anemic is because they're tied to the $, as are the Chinese, and they are beholden to the EU. Their luxury market is going gang-busters however thanks, in no small part to the Republicans doing what they do best, sheltering the rich ;) :clap2:
I buy from two German companies and I can say with 100% assurance they are capitalist and are interested in making money as much as anyone is.
What is different - is Germany doesn't have a guilt complex and act in direct opposition to their best interest - this is true in a local sense and global.
German people look out for German interest.
Americans are interested in themselves, they couldn't care less where a product comes from if it is cheaper all the while asking where are the jobs?
We do not act in our own best interest - in fact Americans individually and collectivity act in direct contrast to their best interest - DAILY.
This is true. Globalism has contributed to every business having to compete w/ countries that have workers who may make $2/day so the outsourcing rages.
Correlation is not causation.

Also, let us compare German real GDP growth rates with the US.

Since 1980, the US on average has outperformed the Germany economy. In 2009, the German economy had nearly -6% growth, more than two times worse than the United States.
Germany GDP - real growth rate - Economy
United States GDP - real growth rate - Economy

In 2010, the Germany economy barely performed better than the United States. And you make it seem like therefore a more socialist economy is desirable? In Germany there is a tea party movement as well, called Wutburger. It is even bigger than the one in the United States.
The Daily Bell - Germany Has Its Own Tea Party!

That is partly because they are a member of the EU currency and had to take part in the economic rescuing of Itally, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, etc...
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Germany has a very low per capita income compared to the USA, and lets not forget our $ 1trillion in yearly poverty programs is designed to breed a voting constituency for Democrats rather than get people back to work and off the dole.

Also, lets not forget Germans are relatively productive for old world Europeans as a matter of culture. Thats why the EU in general can't copy them depite being neighbors with identical social philosophies.

In any case the USA is far superior because it is more Republican capitalist.

CIA Fact book:
10 United States $47,400 2010 est.
11 Hong Kong $45,600 2010 est.
12 Andorra $44,900 2008
13 Guernsey $44,600 2005
14 Cayman Islands $43,800 2004 est.
15 Switzerland $42,900 2010 est.
16 San Marino $41,900 2007
17 Australia $41,300 2010 est.
18 Netherlands $40,500 2010 est.
19 Bahrain $40,400 2010 est.
20 Austria $40,300 2010 est.
21 United Arab Emirates $40,200 2010 est.
22 Canada $39,600 2010 est.
23 Sweden $39,000 2010 est.
24 British Virgin Islands $38,500 2004 est.
25 Iceland $38,400 2010 est.
25 Gibraltar $38,400 2006 est.
26 Equatorial Guinea $37,900 2010 est.
26 Belgium $37,900 2010 est.
27 Ireland $37,600 2010 est.
28 Denmark $37,000 2010 est.
29 Germany $35,900 2010 est.
38 European Union $32,900 2010 est.
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r those GDP's? The operative word being "product"? What does the U.S. make besides agricultural products (w/subsidies ;-) and weaponry? > 1/2 of what the U.S. now does is "service" related, meaning- shuffle papers on Wall St and run hotels.
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