Social Conservatives and Corporatists.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
The two main branches of the current Republican Party seem to be made up of 2 camps. The Social Conservatives and the Corporatists.

The Agenda of the Social Conservatives seems to be:
-Have the state force a woman to bring each and every fetus to term regardless of how it was conceived, the risk to the mother's life, or whether there exists financial support to raise the child.
-Include the Christian Church in governance.
-Eliminate or reduce the influence of cultures outside the Anglo-Saxon realm in this country.
-Immediately deport any non-citizen.
-Close off immigration, entirely.
-Impose a singular definition of marriage..and that being a man and women..preferably of the same race.
-Remove any laws regarding the ownership of firearms.
-Hold a foreign policy that essentially recognizes that every other nation should be subservient to the United States. The US should be feared..not respected.
-That the rich are wealthy because divinity made it so. They should rule the nation as well.
-The government in general should only be responsible for keeping and maintaining the well as upholding Christian Anglo Saxon culture.
-That the United States is a Conferacy of States. States hold supremacy over the Federal government.
-Eliminate or curtail the right to vote.
-Eliminate all public education.
-Eliminate Science.
-Eliminate all art that does not glorify Christianity.
-Make each and every crime subject to life imprisonment or execution.
-Promote legislation that squelches any speech that does not fit the agenda of Social Conservativism.
-Taxes are evil and ungodly.

The Agenda of Corporatists seem to be:
-The government exists to protect the interests of corporate entities.
-Revenue should be derived in large part through government contracts, loans, tax breaks and give backs.
-Regulation of any sort is unprofitable and should never be imposed.
-Risk is to be managed by the tax payer. Profit is private.
-Voting is counter productive to the Plutocracy..and should be curtailed.
-Unions should be completely eliminated. No laws regarding employment, employee safety, and wages should be implemented.
-The Federal Bank serves no useful purpose. It should be the Financial and banking industry that controls the value of currency and interest rates.
-Profit should be the sole domain of executives, with some going to shareholders..who can be screwed at any time.
-It should be the realm of corporations to determine whether or not their products are safe. Buyer beware.
-The government exists essentially as an extention of the Corporatists.
-The military-industrial complex is a wonderful source of revenue and wars should be encouraged.

And when you combine the to..or mix and's easy to understand the Conservatives and today's Republican party.
Meanwhile, back on planet Earth

The 2 main branches of the Democrat Party are the Marxists.
The two main branches of the current Republican Party seem to be made up of 2 camps. The Social Conservatives and the Corporatists.

The Agenda of the Social Conservatives seems to be:
-Have the state force a woman to bring each and every fetus to term regardless of how it was conceived, the risk to the mother's life, or whether there exists financial support to raise the child.
-Include the Christian Church in governance.
-Eliminate or reduce the influence of cultures outside the Anglo-Saxon realm in this country.
-Immediately deport any non-citizen.
-Close off immigration, entirely.
-Impose a singular definition of marriage..and that being a man and women..preferably of the same race.
-Remove any laws regarding the ownership of firearms.
-Hold a foreign policy that essentially recognizes that every other nation should be subservient to the United States. The US should be feared..not respected.
-That the rich are wealthy because divinity made it so. They should rule the nation as well.
-The government in general should only be responsible for keeping and maintaining the well as upholding Christian Anglo Saxon culture.
-That the United States is a Conferacy of States. States hold supremacy over the Federal government.
-Eliminate or curtail the right to vote.
-Eliminate all public education.
-Eliminate Science.
-Eliminate all art that does not glorify Christianity.
-Make each and every crime subject to life imprisonment or execution.
-Promote legislation that squelches any speech that does not fit the agenda of Social Conservativism.
-Taxes are evil and ungodly.

The Agenda of Corporatists seem to be:
-The government exists to protect the interests of corporate entities.
-Revenue should be derived in large part through government contracts, loans, tax breaks and give backs.
-Regulation of any sort is unprofitable and should never be imposed.
-Risk is to be managed by the tax payer. Profit is private.
-Voting is counter productive to the Plutocracy..and should be curtailed.
-Unions should be completely eliminated. No laws regarding employment, employee safety, and wages should be implemented.
-The Federal Bank serves no useful purpose. It should be the Financial and banking industry that controls the value of currency and interest rates.
-Profit should be the sole domain of executives, with some going to shareholders..who can be screwed at any time.
-It should be the realm of corporations to determine whether or not their products are safe. Buyer beware.
-The government exists essentially as an extention of the Corporatists.
-The military-industrial complex is a wonderful source of revenue and wars should be encouraged.

And when you combine the to..or mix and's easy to understand the Conservatives and today's Republican party.

as sad as it is, thats pretty accurate.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, the liberoidal douchebag democratics fall all over themselves to lick the boots of their corporate and bankster benefactors.

A clue: Get one today, Shallow.

My bet is you vote Republican most of the time.:lol:

Even though you posture like an anarchist.
It should be duly noted that by "Corporatist" the OP means people who believe that we should have the freedom to work, labor, and trade freely to our mutual benefit and reap the benefits of our good or bad use of industry and thrift.
It should be duly noted that by "Corporatist" the OP means people who believe that we should have the freedom to work, labor, and trade freely to our mutual benefit and reap the benefits of our good or bad use of industry and thrift.

Please don't assign meaning to my OP. The goal of the Corporatist in the long run is the elimination of Capitalism and the formation of Monopolies.

That's hardly free trade.
It should be duly noted that by "Corporatist" the OP means people who believe that we should have the freedom to work, labor, and trade freely to our mutual benefit and reap the benefits of our good or bad use of industry and thrift.

Please don't assign meaning to my OP. The goal of the Corporatist in the long run is the elimination of Capitalism and the formation of Monopolies.

That's hardly free trade.

I've summed up for you the economic policies of the Republican party. If you want to think otherwise, than youre free to do so, but it's not a correct representation of reality.

But then I am not afraid of corporations or any other form of business. So I don't really have some paranoia that they control my life.
It should be duly noted that by "Corporatist" the OP means people who believe that we should have the freedom to work, labor, and trade freely to our mutual benefit and reap the benefits of our good or bad use of industry and thrift.

Please don't assign meaning to my OP. The goal of the Corporatist in the long run is the elimination of Capitalism and the formation of Monopolies.

That's hardly free trade.

I've summed up for you the economic policies of the Republican party. If you want to think otherwise, than youre free to do so, but it's not a correct representation of reality.

But then I am not afraid of corporations or any other form of business. So I don't really have some paranoia that they control my life.

Pretty sure the people on the BP oil rig might have felt that way. Until some bean counter made decisions that killed 11 of them.

And the guy operating an unsafe crane on the upper east side last summer might have felt that way too..until it collapsed and killed him.

Maybe the people of Bhopal India felt that way as well..until a Union Carbide plant exploded, releasing gasses that eventually killed over 10,000 of them.

Or maybe the pre-new deal kids working in factories felt that way..until machinery tore their limbs from their bodies.

Or the women killed in the triangle fire.

Or the coal miners that die in cave ins and black lung disease.

Or the troops that died in the name of protecting "interests" well as the native populations.


No control over anyone's life.

Santa's making a list..and checking it twice before he puts the Easter Bunny to bed in Shangra La.
Corporatism doesn't necessarily have anything to do with capitalism, or incorporated businesses. It's a mode of government where the state's principle function is to divvy up power amongst competing, organized power blocs. in our our nation, those are often corporations (in the sense of publicly held businesses), but they can also be unions, voter organizations (AARP) or professional cartels (the AMA, or various industry related organizations).

I see both Democrats and Republicans eagerly embracing corporatism as a means for enhancing their own power at our expense. If anything, Democrats are slightly more aggressive with corporatist policies, but only slightly.
The two main branches of the current Republican Party seem to be made up of 2 camps. The Social Conservatives and the Corporatists.

The Agenda of the Social Conservatives seems to be:
-Have the state force a woman to bring each and every fetus to term regardless of how it was conceived, the risk to the mother's life, or whether there exists financial support to raise the child.
-Include the Christian Church in governance.
-Eliminate or reduce the influence of cultures outside the Anglo-Saxon realm in this country.
-Immediately deport any non-citizen.
-Close off immigration, entirely.
-Impose a singular definition of marriage..and that being a man and women..preferably of the same race.
-Remove any laws regarding the ownership of firearms.
-Hold a foreign policy that essentially recognizes that every other nation should be subservient to the United States. The US should be feared..not respected.
-That the rich are wealthy because divinity made it so. They should rule the nation as well.
-The government in general should only be responsible for keeping and maintaining the well as upholding Christian Anglo Saxon culture.
-That the United States is a Conferacy of States. States hold supremacy over the Federal government.
-Eliminate or curtail the right to vote.
-Eliminate all public education.
-Eliminate Science.
-Eliminate all art that does not glorify Christianity.
-Make each and every crime subject to life imprisonment or execution.
-Promote legislation that squelches any speech that does not fit the agenda of Social Conservativism.
-Taxes are evil and ungodly.

The Agenda of Corporatists seem to be:
-The government exists to protect the interests of corporate entities.
-Revenue should be derived in large part through government contracts, loans, tax breaks and give backs.
-Regulation of any sort is unprofitable and should never be imposed.
-Risk is to be managed by the tax payer. Profit is private.
-Voting is counter productive to the Plutocracy..and should be curtailed.
-Unions should be completely eliminated. No laws regarding employment, employee safety, and wages should be implemented.
-The Federal Bank serves no useful purpose. It should be the Financial and banking industry that controls the value of currency and interest rates.
-Profit should be the sole domain of executives, with some going to shareholders..who can be screwed at any time.
-It should be the realm of corporations to determine whether or not their products are safe. Buyer beware.
-The government exists essentially as an extention of the Corporatists.
-The military-industrial complex is a wonderful source of revenue and wars should be encouraged.

And when you combine the to..or mix and's easy to understand the Conservatives and today's Republican party.

I remember when you were rational Sallow...what happened?

This is crap and you know it.

Put this silliness behind you and let's have rational discussions of issues again.
The two main branches of the current Republican Party seem to be made up of 2 camps. The Social Conservatives and the Corporatists.

The Agenda of the Social Conservatives seems to be:
-Have the state force a woman to bring each and every fetus to term regardless of how it was conceived, the risk to the mother's life, or whether there exists financial support to raise the child.
-Include the Christian Church in governance.
-Eliminate or reduce the influence of cultures outside the Anglo-Saxon realm in this country.
-Immediately deport any non-citizen.
-Close off immigration, entirely.
-Impose a singular definition of marriage..and that being a man and women..preferably of the same race.
-Remove any laws regarding the ownership of firearms.
-Hold a foreign policy that essentially recognizes that every other nation should be subservient to the United States. The US should be feared..not respected.
-That the rich are wealthy because divinity made it so. They should rule the nation as well.
-The government in general should only be responsible for keeping and maintaining the well as upholding Christian Anglo Saxon culture.
-That the United States is a Conferacy of States. States hold supremacy over the Federal government.
-Eliminate or curtail the right to vote.
-Eliminate all public education.
-Eliminate Science.
-Eliminate all art that does not glorify Christianity.
-Make each and every crime subject to life imprisonment or execution.
-Promote legislation that squelches any speech that does not fit the agenda of Social Conservativism.
-Taxes are evil and ungodly.

The Agenda of Corporatists seem to be:
-The government exists to protect the interests of corporate entities.
-Revenue should be derived in large part through government contracts, loans, tax breaks and give backs.
-Regulation of any sort is unprofitable and should never be imposed.
-Risk is to be managed by the tax payer. Profit is private.
-Voting is counter productive to the Plutocracy..and should be curtailed.
-Unions should be completely eliminated. No laws regarding employment, employee safety, and wages should be implemented.
-The Federal Bank serves no useful purpose. It should be the Financial and banking industry that controls the value of currency and interest rates.
-Profit should be the sole domain of executives, with some going to shareholders..who can be screwed at any time.
-It should be the realm of corporations to determine whether or not their products are safe. Buyer beware.
-The government exists essentially as an extention of the Corporatists.
-The military-industrial complex is a wonderful source of revenue and wars should be encouraged.

And when you combine the to..or mix and's easy to understand the Conservatives and today's Republican party.

I remember when you were rational Sallow...what happened?

This is crap and you know it.

Put this silliness behind you and let's have rational discussions of issues again.

I'm not pissing in the wind here..I can prove most of my points with news stories, legislation or policy.

I've seen corporatism from the inside out.

And we get a daily barrage of social conservatism from congress and right wing media.
The two main branches of the current Republican Party seem to be made up of 2 camps. The Social Conservatives and the Corporatists.

The Agenda of the Social Conservatives seems to be:
-Have the state force a woman to bring each and every fetus to term regardless of how it was conceived, the risk to the mother's life, or whether there exists financial support to raise the child.
-Include the Christian Church in governance.
-Eliminate or reduce the influence of cultures outside the Anglo-Saxon realm in this country.
-Immediately deport any non-citizen.
-Close off immigration, entirely.
-Impose a singular definition of marriage..and that being a man and women..preferably of the same race.
-Remove any laws regarding the ownership of firearms.
-Hold a foreign policy that essentially recognizes that every other nation should be subservient to the United States. The US should be feared..not respected.
-That the rich are wealthy because divinity made it so. They should rule the nation as well.
-The government in general should only be responsible for keeping and maintaining the well as upholding Christian Anglo Saxon culture.
-That the United States is a Conferacy of States. States hold supremacy over the Federal government.
-Eliminate or curtail the right to vote.
-Eliminate all public education.
-Eliminate Science.
-Eliminate all art that does not glorify Christianity.
-Make each and every crime subject to life imprisonment or execution.
-Promote legislation that squelches any speech that does not fit the agenda of Social Conservativism.
-Taxes are evil and ungodly.

The Agenda of Corporatists seem to be:
-The government exists to protect the interests of corporate entities.
-Revenue should be derived in large part through government contracts, loans, tax breaks and give backs.
-Regulation of any sort is unprofitable and should never be imposed.
-Risk is to be managed by the tax payer. Profit is private.
-Voting is counter productive to the Plutocracy..and should be curtailed.
-Unions should be completely eliminated. No laws regarding employment, employee safety, and wages should be implemented.
-The Federal Bank serves no useful purpose. It should be the Financial and banking industry that controls the value of currency and interest rates.
-Profit should be the sole domain of executives, with some going to shareholders..who can be screwed at any time.
-It should be the realm of corporations to determine whether or not their products are safe. Buyer beware.
-The government exists essentially as an extention of the Corporatists.
-The military-industrial complex is a wonderful source of revenue and wars should be encouraged.

And when you combine the to..or mix and's easy to understand the Conservatives and today's Republican party.

as sad as it is, thats pretty accurate.

Only in the mind of those who view ALL others who do not COMPLETELY agree with them in the worst possible, stereotypically partisan light. Way to go.
The two main branches of the current Republican Party seem to be made up of 2 camps. The Social Conservatives and the Corporatists.

The Agenda of the Social Conservatives seems to be:
-Have the state force a woman to bring each and every fetus to term regardless of how it was conceived, the risk to the mother's life, or whether there exists financial support to raise the child.
-Include the Christian Church in governance.
-Eliminate or reduce the influence of cultures outside the Anglo-Saxon realm in this country.
-Immediately deport any non-citizen.
-Close off immigration, entirely.
-Impose a singular definition of marriage..and that being a man and women..preferably of the same race.
-Remove any laws regarding the ownership of firearms.
-Hold a foreign policy that essentially recognizes that every other nation should be subservient to the United States. The US should be feared..not respected.
-That the rich are wealthy because divinity made it so. They should rule the nation as well.
-The government in general should only be responsible for keeping and maintaining the well as upholding Christian Anglo Saxon culture.
-That the United States is a Conferacy of States. States hold supremacy over the Federal government.
-Eliminate or curtail the right to vote.
-Eliminate all public education.
-Eliminate Science.
-Eliminate all art that does not glorify Christianity.
-Make each and every crime subject to life imprisonment or execution.
-Promote legislation that squelches any speech that does not fit the agenda of Social Conservativism.
-Taxes are evil and ungodly.

The Agenda of Corporatists seem to be:
-The government exists to protect the interests of corporate entities.
-Revenue should be derived in large part through government contracts, loans, tax breaks and give backs.
-Regulation of any sort is unprofitable and should never be imposed.
-Risk is to be managed by the tax payer. Profit is private.
-Voting is counter productive to the Plutocracy..and should be curtailed.
-Unions should be completely eliminated. No laws regarding employment, employee safety, and wages should be implemented.
-The Federal Bank serves no useful purpose. It should be the Financial and banking industry that controls the value of currency and interest rates.
-Profit should be the sole domain of executives, with some going to shareholders..who can be screwed at any time.
-It should be the realm of corporations to determine whether or not their products are safe. Buyer beware.
-The government exists essentially as an extention of the Corporatists.
-The military-industrial complex is a wonderful source of revenue and wars should be encouraged.

And when you combine the to..or mix and's easy to understand the Conservatives and today's Republican party.

I remember when you were rational Sallow...what happened?

This is crap and you know it.

Put this silliness behind you and let's have rational discussions of issues again.

I'm not pissing in the wind here..I can prove most of my points with news stories, legislation or policy.

I've seen corporatism from the inside out.

And we get a daily barrage of social conservatism from congress and right wing media.

Yeah but way to generalize and stereotypically demonize. Says a lot about you.
I remember when you were rational Sallow...what happened?

This is crap and you know it.

Put this silliness behind you and let's have rational discussions of issues again.

I'm not pissing in the wind here..I can prove most of my points with news stories, legislation or policy.

I've seen corporatism from the inside out.

And we get a daily barrage of social conservatism from congress and right wing media.

Yeah but way to generalize and stereotypically demonize. Says a lot about you.

Demonize? I think I summed both schools up very nicely in a nutshell.

I see lots of complaining..I don't see one post that pointing to specifics and saying "We don't do that.."

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