So you think you're in shape?

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
I thought i was until I went old school.

I've been a big fan of real world exercises and my routine consists mostly of very rigorous body weight exercises. For progressive resistance I still use some weights but I found that sand bag work outs were vastly superior for building usable strength.


I just got a macebell and this thing is brutal.


I am so sore but it hurts so good.
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Skull, you looked exactly as I pictured. Um, except for the head of spiky white hair that's, uh, missing. :redface:

I've never heard of or seen a maceball. Very interesting.
That video is not of me. it's merely an example of a mace bell workout. Sheesh the guy's name is right in the video and it ain't Skull Pilot. While I might be thinning on top a little I'm not bald and I have worn a beard for at least 15 years.

I do not post on you tube or face book or the like.
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The best way to get in shape is get a female runner naked and put her on the track, and chase after her. You probably won't catch her, but you will get a hell of a work out.
That video is not of me. it's merely an example of a mace bell workout. Sheesh the guy's name is right in the video and it ain't Skull Pilot. While I might be thinning on top a little I'm not bald and I have worn a beard for at least 15 years.

I do not post on you tube or face book or the like.

Didn't it say 'of me'? I saw your post and the 'of me' and assumed. :lol: I only watched the second vid. Still . . .that's how I picture you.
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Btw, I'm not buying this macebell/sandbag crap.

I've been a gym rat most of my adult life and I've seen all these little gimmicky fads come and go, but regular old weight training has always been there and always will be.

Resistance training of any kind is never a bad thing, but free weights and proper form when lifting is what works best. All of this coupled with a good diet that is structured around your particular physiology and metabolism.
Btw, I'm not buying this macebell/sandbag crap.

I've been a gym rat most of my adult life and I've seen all these little gimmicky fads come and go, but regular old weight training has always been there and always will be.

Resistance training of any kind is never a bad thing, but free weights and proper form when lifting is what works best. All of this coupled with a good diet that is structured around your particular physiology and metabolism.


Shit the mace has been around since medieval times. The strongmen of yore used them.

And sand bags are older than barbells.

And just what is a sand bag or a weighted mace or an asymmetrical rock but a free weight?

Life isn't perfectly balanced so lifting perfectly balanced weights is not realistic.

You want to try something that a lot of people think is a fad or a gimmick as you say. Try an ab wheel


I've seen more than one gym rat fall on his face trying this.
Btw, I'm not buying this macebell/sandbag crap.

I've been a gym rat most of my adult life and I've seen all these little gimmicky fads come and go, but regular old weight training has always been there and always will be.

Resistance training of any kind is never a bad thing, but free weights and proper form when lifting is what works best. All of this coupled with a good diet that is structured around your particular physiology and metabolism.


Shit the mace has been around since medieval times. The strongmen of yore used them.

And sand bags are older than barbells.

And just what is a sand bag or a weighted mace or an asymmetrical rock but a free weight?

Life isn't perfectly balanced so lifting perfectly balanced weights is not realistic.

You want to try something that a lot of people think is a fad or a gimmick as you say. Try an ab wheel


I've seen more than one gym rat fall on his face trying this.

I see your point man, believe me. But the mace was a weapon back then. It was only more recently utlized for physical fitness.

I see more benefit for working the core than I do other individual muscle groups. A perfectly balanced weight is not a negative by any means. Any weight you lift is only as good as HOW you utilize it, as well as your diet that you maintain during your workout regiment.

Just because a barbell or dumbbell is perfectly balanced doesn't mean it is in any way ineffective. It's the way you utilize them that matters most.
Btw, I'm not buying this macebell/sandbag crap.

I've been a gym rat most of my adult life and I've seen all these little gimmicky fads come and go, but regular old weight training has always been there and always will be.

Resistance training of any kind is never a bad thing, but free weights and proper form when lifting is what works best. All of this coupled with a good diet that is structured around your particular physiology and metabolism.


Shit the mace has been around since medieval times. The strongmen of yore used them.

And sand bags are older than barbells.

And just what is a sand bag or a weighted mace or an asymmetrical rock but a free weight?

Life isn't perfectly balanced so lifting perfectly balanced weights is not realistic.

You want to try something that a lot of people think is a fad or a gimmick as you say. Try an ab wheel


I've seen more than one gym rat fall on his face trying this.

I see your point man, believe me. But the mace was a weapon back then. It was only more recently utlized for physical fitness.

I see more benefit for working the core than I do other individual muscle groups. A perfectly balanced weight is not a negative by any means. Any weight you lift is only as good as HOW you utilize it, as well as your diet that you maintain during your workout regiment.

Just because a barbell or dumbbell is perfectly balanced doesn't mean it is in any way ineffective. It's the way you utilize them that matters most.

True. The rotational strength that a mace or even a sledge hammer work out develops is a great core exercise. I'll tell you swinging that mace has me sore in places i never knew I had and I've been a fitness nut since high school.

I just hate gyms. I haven't worked out in a gym for over ten years.
Somebody tell EZ we got a shirtless Skull Pilot on this thread! This is vital information for her!

It's not me it's just some random you tube video

and i changed it so there's no more confusion. I put up a video of wrestling great Karl Gotch
Btw, I'm not buying this macebell/sandbag crap.

I've been a gym rat most of my adult life and I've seen all these little gimmicky fads come and go, but regular old weight training has always been there and always will be.

Resistance training of any kind is never a bad thing, but free weights and proper form when lifting is what works best. All of this coupled with a good diet that is structured around your particular physiology and metabolism.


Shit the mace has been around since medieval times. The strongmen of yore used them.

And sand bags are older than barbells.

And just what is a sand bag or a weighted mace or an asymmetrical rock but a free weight?

Life isn't perfectly balanced so lifting perfectly balanced weights is not realistic.

You want to try something that a lot of people think is a fad or a gimmick as you say. Try an ab wheel


I've seen more than one gym rat fall on his face trying this.

I see your point man, believe me. But the mace was a weapon back then. It was only more recently utlized for physical fitness.

I see more benefit for working the core than I do other individual muscle groups. A perfectly balanced weight is not a negative by any means. Any weight you lift is only as good as HOW you utilize it, as well as your diet that you maintain during your workout regiment.

Just because a barbell or dumbbell is perfectly balanced doesn't mean it is in any way ineffective. It's the way you utilize them that matters most.

This. It's all about technique and form.

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