So What Is Obama's Economic Theory?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Don't tell me what BHO is AGAINST, tell me what he is FOR and WHY: Is he for increasing private sector employment? If so, what policies has he implemented to accomplish this and why do you think they (will) work?

If you can't answer these questions, why do you support him? Just because he's not a big, bad Republican? Do you really think that is a smart thing to do?
Don't tell me what BHO is AGAINST, tell me what he is FOR and WHY: Is he for increasing private sector employment? If so, what policies has he implemented to accomplish this and why do you think they (will) work?

If you can't answer these questions, why do you support him? Just because he's not a big, bad Republican? Do you really think that is a smart thing to do?
Don't tell me what BHO is AGAINST, tell me what he is FOR and WHY: Is he for increasing private sector employment? If so, what policies has he implemented to accomplish this and why do you think they (will) work?

If you can't answer these questions, why do you support him?

Just because he's not a big, bad Republican? Do you really think that is a smart thing to do?

Just as smart, if not smarter than just because he is...
Don't tell me what BHO is AGAINST, tell me what he is FOR and WHY: Is he for increasing private sector employment? If so, what policies has he implemented to accomplish this and why do you think they (will) work?

If you can't answer these questions, why do you support him? Just because he's not a big, bad Republican? Do you really think that is a smart thing to do?

Obama supporters are not going to answer that question---:badgrin::badgrin: We know what Barack Obama represents--and it couldn't have been stated more clearly than by a DEMOCRAT CEO who stated this.

I am saying it bluntly, that this administration is the greatest wet blanket to business and job creation that I 've seen in my lifetime. People say--Oh God--don't be attacking Obama--but it's Obama who is responsible for this fear in America.

This guy (Obama) keeps making speech's about redistribution and what they should do to business's that hold on to too much money. We haven't heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists.

Business is being hammered in this country. They are frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the President of the United States, until he's gone everyone is going to be sitting on their thumbs.

Democrat CEO--Steve Wynn
Democrat Steve Wynn on Obama: 'Until he's gone, everybody's going to be sitting on their thumbs' -


"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood
The Obama Administration positioned itself to be in charge of the "Fiscal Cliff" and the Tea Party Republicans now know they were taken to the shed in August 2011.
It's not Obama's "economic theory" that we should be concerned about, but his "economic strategy".

Which is basically to destroy the United States economy, bankrupt the Fed, seize control of all private industry and reboot the economy under an all encompassing centralized marxist government and eventually disarm the civilian population to solidify government and ensure the power of its hierarchy.

Damn, did I write all that?!
Don't tell me what BHO is AGAINST, tell me what he is FOR and WHY: Is he for increasing private sector employment? If so, what policies has he implemented to accomplish this and why do you think they (will) work?

If you can't answer these questions, why do you support him? Just because he's not a big, bad Republican? Do you really think that is a smart thing to do?

Obama understands that it's NOT "trickle down" or "tax breaks for the rich" that creates jobs. It's always been and will always be "demand".

Successful presidents in the past have invested in America. This puts money in people's pockets. That creates "demand". For instance, Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower invested in the interstate highway system. This connected business, consumers and communities. One of the best investments in American history. He also created NASA. An organization that drove science in America for decades. NASA has also driven business. NASA research leads to new patents which are licensed or sold outright. This has brought in tens of billions outright. The money generated from those patents and licenses probably can't even be calculated.

We call this "infrastructure investment" and Obama's stimulus has worked very well. In fact, more than 100 Republican senators and congressmen have taken stimulus money and created thousands and thousands of jobs and then took credit for those very jobs they voted against. With a little investigation, you can actually go state by state and find out which Republicans took how much money and what they spent it on.

The one thing that doesn't work in the long run are tax cuts. Studies have proven this to be true and tax cuts are the only thing today's Republicans have.

Mitt Romney wants to bring immigrants with advanced degrees here to start businesses. And he wants to cut education for his base which Santorum says isn't "smart".

Obama wants to invest in the very people Romney doesn't to invest in. And that includes the Republican base.

I could go on all night with this.

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