So what is going to happen on January 6th?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Hey flacaltenn, what's your take?

Donald J. Trump



Tom Fitton



Excellent. And if the House is required to vote as the Constitution indicates (by state delegation) then President
will retain office.
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Jake Tapper

· 12h
2 House Republicans tell me they expect as of now that at least 140 Republican Members of the House will on Jan 6 object to and vote against the Electoral College results showing President-elect Biden won

General Flynn


Replying to
we stand with you & our country on this night as a reminder of the sacrifice many have valiantly given throughout our history. #NeverForget #NeverGiveUp #DigitalSoldiers and all Patriots stand with you. Happy New Year, Let’s make it so! See you on the 6th.

8:58 PM · Dec 31, 2020
Most republicans think


I'm pissed off.

Now I understand what blacks feel like, as their still suppressing their votes, the American Indians, and the Women before 1920.
Hey flacaltenn, what's your take?

Donald J. Trump


Tom Fitton


Excellent. And if the House is required to vote as the Constitution indicates (by state delegation) then President
will retain office.
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Jake Tapper

· 12h
2 House Republicans tell me they expect as of now that at least 140 Republican Members of the House will on Jan 6 object to and vote against the Electoral College results showing President-elect Biden won

General Flynn

Replying to
we stand with you & our country on this night as a reminder of the sacrifice many have valiantly given throughout our history. #NeverForget #NeverGiveUp #DigitalSoldiers and all Patriots stand with you. Happy New Year, Let’s make it so! See you on the 6th.

8:58 PM · Dec 31, 2020
A good number of Republicans are going to embarrass themselves and reaffirm the fact that far too many on the right have nothing but contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.
Hey flacaltenn, what's your take?

Donald J. Trump


Tom Fitton


Excellent. And if the House is required to vote as the Constitution indicates (by state delegation) then President
will retain office.
Quote Tweet


Jake Tapper

· 12h
2 House Republicans tell me they expect as of now that at least 140 Republican Members of the House will on Jan 6 object to and vote against the Electoral College results showing President-elect Biden won

General Flynn

Replying to
we stand with you & our country on this night as a reminder of the sacrifice many have valiantly given throughout our history. #NeverForget #NeverGiveUp #DigitalSoldiers and all Patriots stand with you. Happy New Year, Let’s make it so! See you on the 6th.

8:58 PM · Dec 31, 2020
No matter what happens, I have the right to separate from those who do evil, and no one can change that. I will do everything I can to separate myself from evil, and help my family to separate from anything that knowingly lifts up evil or engages in it. We are born again Christian's that believe in what the Bible says, and we will do well to stay away from sin because of our faith in Christ who has saved us from sin, but no we aren't perfect, and no one is, but at least we try...

As for the Democrats that have joined together in evilness, well they are not good people after what they've done, and how they've acted since 2016. Maybe not all of them, but for the ones that have, and that's probably a good many of them sadly enough, then they are seen as a confused lot trying to understand what is right, and what is wrong anymore.

So enjoy your confiscated spoils guilty Democrat's, but you won't be liked in it. Enjoy your isolation while sitting in the corner entertaining yourself with what you've done, because the most of this country will hate what you stand for going foward, and hate what you advocate, and hate what you do. They won't hate you as fellow human beings, but will disagree big-time with what you stand for, what you believe in, and what you do if it is sinful.

And republicrats, well you will probably be going straight to hell for what you've done, and if you are begging for ice water, they will probably give you a dry cup to drink because that's all traitor's deserve.

It's a shame that everything Democrat was somehow legit, and everything conservative was somehow suspect and illegitimate in this election. Unbelievable, especially after all the evidence that was presented, and the witnesses were counted.

If Trump does leave, then let it be a lesson to the guilty Democrat's on how not to act in America or you will have another Trump brought to life against your bullcrap again in the future.
Funny how the liberal media is attempting to sensationalize the crowd as if they are un-American, anarchist, and anti-American, but during the leftist riots, burning, looting, and anarchism not a damned negative word.

Now you hear the liberal media dictating the circumstances or recommendations of how the protestor's should act, and as to what should take place when they don't have a leg to stand on after their silence in the previous riots. Now the leftist media is grandstanding in this situation, and trying to defame the American's and Trump after they refused to consider the evidence at the supreme court level, and refused to give the presented evidence a chance. Transparency always wins, and when it is denide you get this bullcrap.
Funny how the liberal media is attempting to sensationalize the crowd as if they are un-American, anarchist, and anti-American, but during the leftist riots, burning, looting, and anarchism not a damned negative word.

Now you hear the liberal media dictating the circumstances or recommendations of how the protestor's should act, and as to what should take place when they don't have a leg to stand on after their silence in the previous riots. Now the leftist media is grandstanding in this situation, and trying to defame the American's and Trump after they refused to consider the evidence at the supreme court level, and refused to give the presented evidence a chance. Transparency always wins, and when it is denide you get this bullcrap.
I don't listen to either I watch the live feed stream....
Violence isn't the answer, and hopefully the law doesn't see these American's as American's without a cause. Negotiations by legitimate officials should take place, and a redress of grievances should be heard.

If not then MARTIAL LAW NOW.
Biden wouldn't condemn the riots or speak against them, nor would any of the leftist, but now they are coming out and calling Trump out to condemn the American protest. Yes he should condemn the violence, but the way to do that is to declare MARTIAL LAW. After that we should all work honestly through the entire thing. It can be done.
The process of the official counting is going as planned and the Vice President told Gohmert to piss off..
At some point Repub leaders have to make a stand. The ones who whimpered are disappointing. This has been a long time in coming. I wonder if the Deplorable side will have strong arm type candidates start running. It seems we are heading in that direction anyway.
If Trump doesn't declare MARTIAL LAW, then we the people and the nation is not served correctly in this situation. Does he (Trump) not understand that going home for many of the Patriots after committing to supporting him like they are, leads them back to square one where as by what he claims is true with the election fraud, will not be resolved in their minds if they disperse ???? Then what, otherwise what will happen for their redress of grievances in the situation ??? How can they be satisfied if they think the justice system has failed them, and they are left voiceless and voteless ?

It's really sad what's taking place now, and if I was Trump I would declare martial law immediately in respect to everyone involved Democrat's and Republican's etc.
Let's see if one Democrat or leftist calls for the president to declare MARTIAL LAW to end this !! Doubt you will hear it, because they are going to remain loyal to their agenda no matter what. Just like when the left was rioting, burning, and looting, and beating up the innocent, we saw the left from a political standpoint not condemn the violence or mayhem. It was a shame.
The liberal media is making claims that Trump lied about the election being stolen, but without the hearings, adjudication, and the proper steps to resolve the issue, how can it stick to the line that it wasn't stolen ?

Trump says it was stolen, the left says it wasn't, but the American people haven't been satisfied correctly in the situation.

If politic's was the problem in which has led to this, then the citizen's in this country haven't been served correctly in this situation.
Funny how the liberal media is attempting to sensationalize the crowd as if they are un-American, anarchist, and anti-American, but during the leftist riots, burning, looting, and anarchism not a damned negative word.

Now you hear the liberal media dictating the circumstances or recommendations of how the protestor's should act, and as to what should take place when they don't have a leg to stand on after their silence in the previous riots. Now the leftist media is grandstanding in this situation, and trying to defame the American's and Trump after they refused to consider the evidence at the supreme court level, and refused to give the presented evidence a chance. Transparency always wins, and when it is denide you get this bullcrap.

Funny, how Mike Pence and several GOP congressmen have called them un american in the past two hours.
The liberal media is making claims that Trump lied about the election being stolen, but without the hearings, adjudication, and the proper steps to resolve the issue, how can it stick to the line that it wasn't stolen ?

Trump says it was stolen, the left says it wasn't, but the American people haven't been satisfied correctly in the situation.

If politic's was the problem in which has led to this, then the citizen's in this country haven't been served correctly in this situation.

But still no proof.

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