So what if Trump concedes...and agrees to "fix" DACA? What will the "base" think?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Slippery slope for the Trump
I'm pretty sure the quality folks that elected him want nothing to do with nutless bipartisanship. I'm thinking he'll phuck himself hard if he pulls some Reagan shit right now.
Your thoughts?
Why would a "fix" for DACA be considered a concession for Trump? It only makes it obvious that President Trump is the ubiquitous deal maker while Hussein increasingly seems like an obtuse oaf who used alleged unconstitutional executive orders instead of meaningful legislation
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I probably deviate from the typical Trump supporter on this issue. I say If they are being productive, getting an education or working I see no purpose in deporting them. I like the idea of exchanging 2 years of military service for a fast path to citizenship.

First of all DACA was an illegal over-reach by Obama. It should never have become law. Second ending it will greatly slow the flow of those kids from Central America and Mexico. Now If a DACA kid has a criminal record they need to go. As always JMO.
Why would a "fix" for DACA be considered a concession for Trump? President Trump is the ubiquitous deal maker while Hussein was an obtuse oaf.

Well, I suppose "fix" is the trivial word...without definition.
What "fix" will appease the "base" and keep them from calling for his head?
Why would a "fix" for DACA be considered a concession for Trump? President Trump is the ubiquitous deal maker while Hussein was an obtuse oaf.

Well, I suppose "fix" is the trivial word...without definition.
What "fix" will appease the "base" and keep them from calling for his head?
You won't no matter what. So....

Don't be so sure...I cast my vote for someone that wouldn't "make deals" with filthy Democrats. I'd bet I'm not the only one.
Why would a "fix" for DACA be considered a concession for Trump? President Trump is the ubiquitous deal maker while Hussein was an obtuse oaf.

Well, I suppose "fix" is the trivial word...without definition.
What "fix" will appease the "base" and keep them from calling for his head?
You won't no matter what. So....

Don't be so sure...I cast my vote for someone that wouldn't "make deals" with filthy Democrats. I'd bet I'm not the only one.
Who? McMullin? Or Little Marco? Or the son of JFK's murderer? :rofl:
If Trump gets the Dreamer's Act passed, with funding for more security and a border wall, it will be a big win.
Why would a "fix" for DACA be considered a concession for Trump? It only makes it obvious that President Trump is the ubiquitous deal maker while Hussein increasingly seems like an obtuse oaf who used alleged unconstitutional executive orders instead of meaningful legislation
Conservatives today : "The deal is fake news, but Trump is awesome if true!"
The base is going to have a meltdown and Democrats will never give him credit for anything.
Slippery slope for the Trump
I'm pretty sure the quality folks that elected him want nothing to do with nutless bipartisanship. I'm thinking he'll phuck himself hard if he pulls some Reagan shit right now.
Your thoughts?

Trump concided the day after Sessions made the statement. Next stop is amnesty. As for Trumpkins, they invested to heavily emotionally. They don't have a choice but to support Trump.
He isn't going to concede without major concessions from the dems, and that isn't happening.

All the nonsense about him making a deal...complete and total lies from the left, per usual. Why does anybody listen to anything the left and their pet media say?

Dumbasses keep falling for it.

"President Donald Trump on Thursday denied an assertion by the Democratic leaders in Congress that they had an agreement to preserve protections for young immigrants living illegally in America and to bolster U.S.-Mexico border security, but without his coveted wall for now.

"No deal was made last night on DACA," Trump said in an early morning tweet about the program put in place under the Obama administration program.

"Massive border security would have to be agreed to in exchange for consent. Would be subject to vote," Trump said in a series of tweets about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals initiative."

News from The Associated Press
Gonna be crazy when Dems realize Trump can enact more of their platform in one year than Obama or Bill Clinton did in two terms.
If Trump gets the Dreamer's Act passed, with funding for more security and a border wall, it will be a big win.

The base will never go for a quick pathway to citizenship without including a secured border that controld the flow of immigrants entering this country from Mexico. If he does what President Reagan did, his chances of Republicans supporting his reelection are over.

Truth is any quick pathway to citizenship will only JUSTIFY sneaking across the border, and is a spit in the face to any immigrant who follows the rule of law from overseas to become a citizen.
If Trump gets the Dreamer's Act passed, with funding for more security and a border wall, it will be a big win.

The base will never go for a quick pathway to citizenship without including a secured border that controld the flow of immigrants entering this country from Mexico. If he does what President Reagan did, his chances of Republicans supporting his reelection are over.

Truth is any quick pathway to citizenship will only JUSTIFY sneaking across the border, and is a spit in the face to any immigrant who follows the rule of law from overseas to become a citizen.

He better tread lightly...he pulls some Reagan type shit and I'll be the first in line at the next Trump protest...again, I'm positive I'm not the only supporter that feels this way.
If he had 4,000 people at his last rally in Arizona...he pulls some sackless bullshit with illegals and he'll have 1,000 at the next....GUARANTEED!

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